Tage God our Father and our Frien God sees and knows every thing Looking upwards in a Storm "Let me go, for the day breaketh" Praise to God in Prosperity and Adversity "Prepare to meet thy God" Preserving Mercies acknowledged Prayers for Tenderness of Conscience Praise to God Praise to God Prayer Parental Chastisement Peace after a Storm Remember thy Creator Solemn Thoughts on the Creatorand Death 43 Stanzas subjoined to a Bill of Mortality, A.D 1787 51 THE BEE, &c. CHILDREN COMING TO CHRIST. As infants once to Christ were brought, For when their feeble hands were spread, Though now he is not here below, B Well pleas'd that little flock to see, AN INFANT'S PRAYER. LORD! teach a little child to pray, For Christ can all my sins forgive, And wash away their stain; And fit my soul with him to live, And in his kingdom reign. To him let little children come, For all who early seek his face |