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Give first to God the flower of thy youth
Take for thy guide the holy word of Truth;
Adorn thy soul with grace; prize wisdom more
Than all the pearls upon the Indian shore.

Think not to live still free from grief and sorrow,
The man that laughs to-day, may weep to-morrow;
Nor dream of joys unmixed here below,
No roses here but what on thorns do grow.

Scorn this deluding world that most bewitches,
And place thy hopes in everlasting riches;
Make room for Christ let not so base a guest
As earth, have any lodging in thy breast.

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Bad company, as deadly poison shun,
Thousands by it are ruin'd and undone :
The giddy multitude still goes astray;
Turn from the broad, - and chuse the narrow way.

Keep death and judgment always in thine eye;
He's only fit to live, that's fit to die:
Make use of present time, because thou must
Shortly take up thy lodging in the dust.

'Tis dreadful to behold the setting sun
And night approach before our work is done.
Let not thy winged days be spent in vain;
When gone, no gold can call them back again.

Strive to subdue thy sin when first beginning,
Custom, when once confirm'd, is strangely dinning;
Be much in pray'r, it is the begging trade,
By whichtrue Christians are the richer made.

Of meditation get the blessed art,
And often search thine own deceitful heart:
Fret not with envy at thy neighbour's wealth,
Preferment, learning, beauty, strength, or health.

Abhor the lying tongue, vile fraud detest;
Plain-hearted men by Providence are blest;
Take heed of idleness, that cursed nurse
And mother of all vice ;-there's nothing worse.

And fly from pride-high hills are barren found,
But lowly valleys with choice fruits are crown'd.
Short, sinful, pleasures and delights eschew;
Eternal torment is their wages due.

The rules of temperance observe and keep
That thou offend not in meat, drink, or sleep :
No costly garments wear; let men admire
Thy conduct, rather than thy rich attire.

Get a good treasure laid up in thy heart,
Which, by discourse, thou wisely may'st impart
To profit others:-holy thoughts within
Will guide thy tongue, and guard thy lips from sin

Learn to distinguish between faithful friends
And fawning flatterers, who, for basest ends,
Will speak thee fair, with words as soft as oil,
And make a show of friendship to beguile.

The secrets of thy friend do not disclose,
Lest, by so doing, thou resemble those
Whose ears are leaky vessels, which contain
Nought that's pour'd in, but what runs out again
Straight at their mouths, proclaiming them unfit
For any trust, and to be void of wit.

If thou resolve to change a single life,
And hast a purpose to become a wife;
Then chuse thy husband not for worldly gain,
Nor for his comely shape, nor beauty vain.

But, if the fear of God, most excellent!
Be chiefly minded, look for true content;
Cast off all needless and distrustful care,
A little is enough

too much, a snare.

Our journey from our cradle to our grave,
Can be but short;-no large provision crave;
For such conveniences as must be had,
Trustin thy God, who hath so richly clad
The fragrant meadows with fresh silver showers,
Sent down to nourish tender plants and flowers;
He, for each chirping bird, provides a nest;
And gives all creatures that which feeds them best.

To Him give thanks for mercies which before Thou hast received this makes way for more; For faults, before his face, reprove thy friend; But, all good deeds behind his back commend.

Labour for peace, chuse to contend with none,
Let reason with sweet calmness keep the throne;
Treading fierce wrath, and lawless passion down :
Thegrace of meekness is a woman's crown.

Be loving, patient, courteous and kind,
So doing thou shalt grace and honour find
Here upon earth; and when all-conqu'ring death
Thy body shall dissolve, and stop thy breath,

Upon the golden wings of faith and love,
Thy soul shall fly to Paradise above
Where sin and sorrow shall for ever cease,
And there be crown'd with endless joy and peace.


SOME people complain they have nothing to do,
And time passes slowly away;
They saunter about, with no object in view,
And long for the end of the day.

In vain are their riches, or honours, or birth,
They nothing can truly enjoy;

They're the most wretched creatures that are upon earth
For want of some pleasing employ.

When people have no need to work for their bread,
And indolent always have been;

It never so much as comes into their head,
That wasting their time is a sin,

But man was created for useful employ,
From the earliest ages till now;

And 'tis good for his health, and his comfort, and joy,
To live by the sweat of his brow.

And those who of riches are fully possest,
Are not for that reason exempt;

If they give themselves up to an indolent rest,
They are objects of real contempt.

The pleasure that constant employments create,
By them cannot be understood;

For though they may rank with the rich and the great,
They never can rank with the good.


Tis religion that can give

Sweetest pleasures whilst we live;

'Tis religion must supply

Solid comforts when we die.

After death its joys shall be

Lasting as eternity;

Let me, then, make God my friend,

And on all his ways attend.

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