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The one to feast the Lord was led,
The other waited to be fed.

But Mary chose the better part.
Her Saviour's word refresh'd her heart;
While busy Martha angry grew,
And lost her time, and temper too.

With warmth she to her sister spoke,
But brought upon herself rebuke :
"One thing is needful, and but one,
Why do thy thoughts on many run?""

How oft are we like Martha vex'd,
Encumber'd, hurried, and perplex'd?
While trifles so engross our thought,
The one thing needful is forgot.

Teach us, O God, this thing to choose, Which they who gain can never lose; Sufficient in itself alone,

And needful were the world our own.

Let grov'ling hearts the world admire,
Thy love is all that I require!
Gladly I may the rest resign,
If the one needful thing be mine.


THOUGH all these things substantial seem,
The world itself is but a dream,

And soon must pass away:
The things that variously employ,-
That yield us either grief or joy,
Must see their final day.

How sweet to have our portion there,
Where sorrow never comes, nor care,
And nothing will remove;
We then may hear without a sigh,
The world's destruction to be nigh;
Our treasure is above.

How sweet to know the Saviour's name, The Saviour who in mercy came,

And vanquish'd all our foes:

On him, as on a solid rock,

Our hope is built, and stands the shock Of ev'ry storm that blows.

Then, let a world of shadows go,-
It matters not, his people know

Their treasure still is sure;
'Tis laid up there where nothing fades,
No rust consumes, no thief invades,
And thus it is secure.


WHILE in the world we still remain,
We only meet to part again ;
But when we reach the heav'nly shore,
We then shall meet to part no more.

The hope that we should see that day,
Should chase our present griefs away;
A few short years of conflict past,
We meet around the throne at last.

Then let us here improve our hours,
Improve them to a Saviour's praise;
To him with zeal devote our pow'rs,
And run with joy in wisdom's ways.

Let all our meetings now be made
Subservient to each other's good;
For worldly joys must quickly fade,
Nor can they yield substantial food.
Whene'er requir'd to part from those,
With whom the truth unites us here,
We'll call to mind the joyful close,
When Christ the Saviour will appear.

Then shall his saints all meet again,
For so his word of promise says;
With him for ever to remain,
And sing his everlasting praise,


Ye worlds of light that roll so near
The Saviour's throne of shining bliss;
Oh! tell how mean your glories are,
How faint and few, compar'd with his.

We sing the bright and morning star,
Jesus the spring of light and love:
See how its rays, diffus'd from far,
Conduct us to the realms above!

Its cheering beams spread wide abroad,
Point out the doubtful christian's way;
Still as he goes, he finds the road
Enlighten'd with a constant day.

Thus, when the eastern magi brought
Their spicy gifts, a star appear'd,
To guide them to the good they sought,---
To keep them from the ill they fear'd.

O joy! to reach that heavenly place,
From darkness, as from sorrow far,
Where through the boundless fields of space
For ever shines the morning star,


O God, my sun, thy blissful rays

Can warm, rejoice, and guide my heart:
How dark, how mournful are my days,
If thine enliv'ning beams depart!

Scarce through the shades a glimpse of day
Appears to these desiring eyes;
But shall my drooping spirits say,
The cheerful morn will never rise ?

O let me not despairing mourn,

Though gloomy darkness spreads the sky; My glorious sun will yet return, And night with all its horrors fly.

O for the bright, the joyful day,
When hope shall in fruition die!
As tapers lose their feeble ray,
Beneath the sun's refulgent eye.


WAIT, O my soul, thy Maker's will;
Tumultuous passions, all be still!
Nor let a murm'ring thought arise;
His ways are just, his counsels wise.

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