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How many are you then, said 1,
If they two are in heaven;

The little maiden did reply,
Omaster! we are seven.

But they are dead, those two are dead!
Their spirits are in beav'n!
'Twas throwing words away, for still
The little maid would have her will,
And said-Nay, we are seven.


RELIGION is the chief concern,
Of mortals here below;
May I its great importance learn,
Its sovereign virtue know.

Religion should our thoughts engage,
Amidst our youthful bloom;
'Twill fit us for declining age,
And for the awful tomb.

O may my heart, by grace renew'd,
Be my Redeemer's throne;
And be my stubborn will subdued,
His government to own.

Let deep repentance, faith and love,
Be joined with godly fear,

And all my conversation prove,
My heart to be sincere.

Preserve me from the snares of sin,
Through my remaining days;
And in me let each virtue shine,
To my Redeemer's praise.

Let lively hope my soul inspire,
Let warm affection rise;
And may I wait with strong desire,
To mount above the skies.


How pleasing is the scene, how sweet,
Where Christian souls in friendship join,
Whose cares and joys united meet,
In bonds of charity divine !

Less fragrant was the ointment pour'd
On Aaron's consecrated head,
When balmy odours richly show'r'd,
Wide o'er his sacred vesture spread.

Not flow'ry Hermon e'er displayed,
Impearl'd with dew, a fairer sight,
Nor Sion's beauteous hills arrayed
In golden beams of morning light.

On these the Lord indulgent sheds,
His kindest gifts, a heavenly store;
With life immortal crowns their heads,
When time's frail comforts charm no more


FAIREST flow'r, all flow'rs excelling,
Which in Eden's garden grew-
Flow'rs of Eye's embower'd dwelling,
Are, my fair one, types of you.
Mark, my Polly, how the roses
Emulate thy damask cheek;
How the bud its sweets discloses,
Buds thy opening bloom bespeak.

Lilies are, by plain direction,
Emblems of a double kind;
Emblems of thy fair complexion,
Emblems of thy fairer mind.

But, dear girl, both flow'rs and beauty,
Blossom, fade, and die away;
Then pursue good sense and duty,
Evergreens that ne'er decay.


ERE God had built the mountains

Or rais'd the fruitful hills;

Before he fill'd the fountains
That fed the running rills;
In me from everlasting,
The wonderful I AM,
Found pleasure never wasting,
And wisdom is my name.

When, like a tent to dwell in,

He spread the skies abroad, And swath'd about the swelling Of ocean's mighty flood; He wrought by weight and measure, And I was with him then, Myself the Father's pleasure, And mine the sons of men.

Thus wisdom's words discover
Thy glory and thy grace,
Thou everlasting lover
Of our unworthy race!
Thy gracious eye survey'd us
Ere stars were seen above;
In wisdom thou hast made us,
And died for us in love.

And couldst thou be delighted
With creatures such as we,
Who, when we saw thee-slighted,
And nail'd thee to a tree

Unfathomable wonder,

And mystery divine!
The voice that speaks in thunder
Says, "Sinner, I am thine."


THUS wisdom speaks aloud, and yet
Pride hardly will resign;

Though to forgive and to forget,
Is sgodlike- is divine.

When injur'd I can scarce tell how
To pass the injury by;

My angry spirit will not bow,
Nor let resentment die.

The heaving billows swell within,
Till all is tempest grown;
And thus I share another's sin,

And make his guilt my own.

But come, my proud, my selfish heart,

One serious thought bestow;

Do I thus act the Christian part?
Has Jesus acted so ?

Just the reverse : his generous breast
Did kind compassion move;
When sinners cursed-the Saviour blest,
And inj'ries paid with love.

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