pears from the differtation prefixed to it, where it is faid that the defign is more extenfive, and that we may expect other epifodes to complete it: And from the declaration in the argument to the third book, that the accomplishment of the prophecies therein would be the theme hereafter of a greater Dunciad. But whether or no he be the author of this, we declare ourfelves ignorant. If he be, we are no more to be blamed for the publication of it, than Tucca and Varius for that of the laft fix books of the Eneid, though perhaps inferior to the former. If any perfon be poffeffed of a more perfect copy of this work, or of any other fragments of it, and will communi cate them to the publisher, we fhall make the next edition more complete: In which we alfo promife to infert any Criticisms that fhall be published (if at all to the purpose) with the Names of the Authors; or any letters fent us (tho' not to the purpose) fhall yet be printed under the title of Epiftolæ Obfcurorum Virorum; which, together with fome others of the fame kind formerly laid by for that end, may make no unpleasant addition to the future impreffions of this poem. 1 V. ADVERTISEMENT I To the complete EDITION of 1743. HAVE long had a defign of giving fome fort of Notes on the works of this poet. Before I had the happiness of his acquaintance, I had written a Commentary on his Efay on Man, and have fince finished another on the Effay on Criticifm. There was one already on the Dunciad, which had met with general approbation: but I ftill thought fome additions were wanting (of a more ferious kind) to the humorous notes of Scriblerus, and even to those written by Mr. Cleland, Dr. Arbuthnot, and others. I had lately the pleasure to pafs fome months with the author in the country, where I prevailed upon him to do what I had long defired, and favour me with his explanation of feveral paffages in his works. It happened, that just at that juncture was published a ridiculous book against him, full of Perfonal Reflections, which furnished him with a lucky opportunity of improving This Poem, by giving it the only thing it wanted, a more confiderable Hero. He was always fenfible of its defect in that particular, and owned he had let it pafs with the Hero it had, purely for want of a better; not entertaining the least expectation that fuch an one was referved for this Poft, as has fince obtained the Laurel: But fince that had happened, he could no longer deny this juftice either to him or the Dunciad. And yet I will venture to fay, there was another motive which had ftill more weight with our Author: This perfon was one. who from every Folly (not to fay Vice) of which another would be ashamed, has conftantly derived a Vanity; and therefore was the man in the world who would leaft be hurr by it. W. W. VI. ADVERTISEMENT Printed in the JOURNALS, 1730. WH HEREAS, upon occafion of certain Pieces relating to the Gentlemen of the Dunciad, fome have been willing to fuggeft, as if they looked upon them as an abuse: we can do no less than own, it is our opinion, that to call thefe Gentlemen bad authors is no fort of abufe, but a great truth. We cannot alter this opinion without fome reafon; but we promife to do it in refpect to every perfon who thinks it an injury to be reprefented as no Wit, or Poet, provided he procures a Certificate of his being really fuch, from any three of his companions in the Dunciad, or from Mr. Dennis fingly, who is efteemed equal to any three of the number. VII. A PARALLEL OF THE CHARACTERS O F Mr. DRYDEN and Mr. POPE. As drawn by certain of their Contemporaries. Mr. DRYDEN, His POLITICS, RELIGION, MORALS. M R. Dryden is a mere renegado from monarchy, poetry, and good fenfe. A true republican fon of monarchical Church. A republican Atheist . Dryden was from the beginning an αλλοπρόσαλλΘ, and I doubt not will continue fo to the last d. In the poem called Abfalom and Achitophel are notoriously traduced, The KING, the QUEEN, the LORDS and GENTLEMEN, not only their honourable perfons exposed, but the whole NATION and its REPRESENTATIVES notorioufly libelled. It is fcandalum magnatum, yea of MAJESTY itself. a Milbourn on Dryden's Virgil, 8vo. 1698. p. 6. Page 192. b Page 38. Whip and Key, 4to. printed for d page 8. R. Janeway, 1682. Freface. Mr. POPE and Mr. DRYDEN. As drawn by certain of their Contemporaries. Mr. POPE, His POLITICS, RELIGION, MORALS. MR. Pope is an open and mortal enemy to his country, and the commonwealth of learning. Some call him a popish whig, which is directly inconfiftent ". Pope, as a papist, must be a tory and high flyer. He is both a whig and tory d. He hath made it his cuftom to cackle to more than one party in their own fentiments . In his Mifcellanies, the Perfons abufed are, The KING, the QUEEN, His late MAJESTY, both Houfes of PARLIA MENT, the Privy-Council, the Bench of BISHOPS, the Established CHURCH, the prefent MINISTRY, &c. To make Sense of some paffages, they must be construed into ROYAL SCANDAL f. b Dun a Dennis's Rem. on the Rape of the Lock, pref. p. xii. ciad diffected. Pref. to Gulliveriana. d Dennis, Character of Mr. P. e Theobald, Letter in Mift's Journal, June 22, 1728. f Lift, at the end of a Collection of Verfes, Letters, Advertisements, 8yo. Printed for A. More, 1728, and the Preface to it, p. 6. He looks upon God's gospel as a foolish fable, like the Pope, to whom he is a pitiful purveyér . His very Chriftianity may be queftioned. He ought to expect more feverity than other men, as he is most unmerciful in his reflec tions on others. With as good a right as his Holiness, he fets up for poetical infallibility Mr. DRYDEN only a Verfifier. His whole Libel is all bad matter, beautify'd (which is all that can be faid of it) with good metre *. Mr. Dryden's genius did not appear in any thing more than his Verfification, and whether he is to te ennobled for that only, is a queftion'. Mr. DRYDEN'S VIRGIL. Tonfon calls it Dryden's Virgil, to fhew that this is not that Virgil fo admired in the Auguftean age; but à Virgil of another ftamp, a filly, impertinent, nonfenfical writer. None but a Bavius, a Mævius, or a Bathyllus carped at Virgil; and none but fuch unthinking Vermin admire his Tranflator". It is true, foft and eafy lines might become Ovid's Epistles or Art of Love-But Virgil. who is all great and majestic, &c. requires ftrength of lines, weight of words, and clofenefs of expreffion; not an ambling Mufe running on Carpet-ground, and fhod as lightly as a Newmarket-racer. -He has numberlefs faults in his Author's meaning, and in propriety of expreffion °. Mr. DRYDEN understood no Greek nor Latin. Mr. Dryden was once, I have heard, at Westminsterfchool: Dr. Bufby would have whipt him for fo childish a Paraphrafe P. The meaneft Pedant in England would whip a Lubber of twelve for conftruing fo abfurdly 9. The Tranflator is mad, every line betrays his Stupidity. The faults are innumerable, and convince me that Mr. Dryden did not, er would not understand his Author. This fhews how fit |