Verfes, Letters, Effays, or Advertisements, in the public Prints. British Journal, Nov. 25, 1727. A Letter on Swift and Pope's Mifcellanies. [Writ by M. Concanen.] Daily Journal, March 18, 1728. A Letter by Philomauri. James-Moore Smith. Id. March 29. A Letter about Therfites; accufing the author of diffaffection to the Government. By James-Moore Smith. Mift's Weekly Journal, March 30. An Effay on the Arts of a Poet's finking in reputation; or, a Supplement to the Art of Sinking in Poetry. [Suppofed by Mr. Theobald.] Daily Journal, April 3. A Letter under the name of Philo-ditto. By James-Moore Smith. Flying Poft, April 4. A Letter against Gulliver and Mr. P. [By Mr. Oldmixon.] Daily Journal, April 5. An Auction of Goods at Twickenham. By James-Moore Smith. The Flying Polt, April 6. A Fragment of a Treatise upon Swift and Pope. By Mr. Oldmixon. The Senator, April 9. On the fame. By Edward Roome. Daily Journal, April 8. Advertisement by James-Moore Smith. Flying Poft, April 13. against Mr. P-'s Homer. Daily Journal, April 23. Verses against Dr. Swift, and By J. Oldmixon. Letter about the translation of the character of Therfites in Homer. By Thomas Cooke, &c. Mift's Weekly Journal, April 27. A Letter of Lewis Theobald. Daily Journal, May 11. A Letter against Mr. P. at large. Anon. [John Dennis.] All these were afterwards reprinted in a pamphlet, entituled. a Collection of all the Verfes, Effays, Letters, and Advertisements occafioned by Mr. Pope and Swift's Mifcellanies, prefaced by Concanen, Anonymous, octavo, and printed for A. Moore, 1728, price I s. Others of an elder date, having lain as waste Paper many years, were, upon the pub. lication of the Dunciad, brought out, and their Authors betrayed by the mercenary Bookfellers (in hopes of fome poffibility of vending a few) by advertising them in this manner The Confederates, a farce. By Capt. Breval (for "which he was put into the Dunciad.) An Epilogue to "Powel's Puppet-fhow. By Col. Ducket (for which he "was put into the Dunciad.) Effays, &c. By Sir Richard "Blackmore. (N. B. It was for a paffage of this book "that Sir Richard was put into the Dunciad.)" And fo of others. After the Dunciad, 1728. An Effay on the Dunciad, octavo, printed for J. Roberts. [In this book, p 9. it was formally declared, "That the "complaint of the aforefaid Libels and Advertisements was forged and untrue; that all mouths had been filent, except in Mr. Pope's praise; and nothing against him publifhed, but by Mr. Theobald."] 66 Sawney, in blank verfe, occafioned by the Dunciad; with a Critique on that poem. By J. Ralph [a perfon never mentioned in it at firft, but inferted after] printed for J. Roberts, octavo. A complete Key to the Dunciad. By E. Curl, 12mo. price 6 d. A fecond and third edition of the fame, with additions, 12mo. The Popiad. By E. Curl, extracted from J. Dennis, Sir Richard Blackmore, &c. 12mo. price 6 d. The Curliad. By the fame E Curl. The Female Dunciad. Collected by the fame Mr. Curl, 12mo. price 6d. With the Metamorphofis of P. into a ftinging Nettle. By Mr. Foxton, 12mo. The Metamorphofis of Scriblerus into Snarlerus. By J. Smedley, printed for A. Moore, folio, price 6 d. The Dunciad diffected. By Curl and Mrs. Thomas, 12mo An Effay on the Tafte and Writings of the prefent times. Said to be writ by a gentleman of C. C. C. Öxon, printed for J. Roberts, octavo. The Arts of Logic and Rhetoric, partly taken from Bouhours, with new Reflections, &c. By John Oldmixon, octav. Remarks on the Dunciad. By Mr. Dennis, dedicated to Theobald, octavo. A Supplement to the Profund. Anon. By Matthew Concanen, octavo. Mift's Weekly Journal, June 8. A long Letter, fign'd W. A. Writ by fome or other of the Club of Theobald, Dennis, Moore, Concanen, Cooke, who for fome time held conftant weekly meetings for these kind of performances. Daily Journal, June 11. A Letter figned Philofcriblerus, on the name of Pope-Letter to Mr. Theobald, in verse, figned B. M. [Bezaleel Morris] against Mr. P. Many other little epigrams about this time in the fame papers, by James More, and others. A Letter by Lewis Theobald. Letter on Pope and Swift. Mift's Journal, June 22. Flying Poft, Auguft 8. Daily Journal, Auguft 8. of the Dunciad with Treason. Letter charging the Author Durgen: a plain fatire on a pompous fatirift. By Edward Ward, with a little of James Moore. Apollo's Maggot in his Cups. By E Ward. Gulliveriana fecunda. Being a Collection of many of the Libels in the News papers, like the former Volume, under the fame title, by Smedley. Advertised in the Craftsman, Nov. 9, 1728, with this remarkable promife, that " any "thing which any body should fend as Mr. Pope's or Dr. "Swift's, fhould be inferted and published as theirs." Pope Alexander's fupremacy and infallibility examined, &c. By George Ducket and John Dennis, quarto. Dean Jonathan's Paraphrafe on the ivth chapter of Genefis. Writ by E. Roome, folio, 1729. Labeo. A paper of verfes by Leonard Welfted, which after came into One Epifle, and was published by James Moore, quarto, 1730. Another part of it came out in Welfted's own name, under the just title of Dulnefs and Scandal, folio, 1731. There have been fince published, Verfes on the Imitator of Horace. By a Lady [or be tween a Lady, a Lord, and a Court Squire.] Printed for J. Roberts, folio. An Epiftle from a Nobleman to a Doctor of Divinity, from Hampton-court (Lord H-y.] Printed for J. Roberts alfo, folio. A Letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. Fope. Printed for W. Lewis in Covent Garden, octavo. III. ADVERTISEMENT To the FIRST EDITION with Notes, in Quarto, 1729. T will be fufficient to fay of this edition, that the reader has here a much more correct and complete copy of the DUNCIAD, than has hitherto appeared. I cannot answer but some mistakes may have flipt into it, but a vaft number of others will be prevented by the names being now not only fet at length, but juftified by the authorities and reafons given. I make no doubt, the author's own motive to use real rather than feigned names, was his care to preserve the innocent from any falfe application; whereas in the former editions, which had no more than the initial letters, he was made, by keys printed here, to hurt the inoffenfive; and (what was worfe) to abuse his friends, by an impreffion at Dublin. The commentary which attends this poem was fent me from feveral hands, and confequently must be unequally written; yet will have one advantage over most commentaries, that it is not made upon conjectures, or at a remote distance of time: And the reader cannot but derive one pleasure from the very Obfcurity of the perfons it treats of, that it partakes of the nature of a Secret, which most people love to be let into, though the men or the things be ever fo inconfiderable or trivial. Of the Perfons it was judged proper to give fome account: For fince it is only in this monument that they must expect to furvive (and here furvive they will, as long as the English tongue shall remain fuch as it was in he reigns of Queen ANNE and King GEORGE,) it seemed but humanity to bestow a word or two upon each, just to tell what he was, what he writ, when he lived, and when he died. If a word or two more are added upon the chief offenders, 'tis only as a paper pinned upon the breaft, to mark the enormities for which they fuffered; left the correction only should be remembered, and the crime forgotten. In fome articles it was thought fufficient, barely to tranfcribe from Jacob, Curl, and other writers of their own rank, who were much better acquainted with them than any of the authors of this comment can pretend to be. Most of them had drawn each other's characters on certain occafions; but the few here inferted are all that could be faved from the general destruction of fuch works. Of the part of Scriblerus I need fay nothing; his manner is well enough known, and approved by all but those who are too much concerned to be judges. The Imitations of the Ancients are added, to gratify those who either never read, or may have forgotten them; together with fome of the parodies and allufions to the most excellent of the Moderns. If, from the frequency of the former, any man think the poem too much a Cento, our poet will but appear to have done the fame thing in jeft which Boileau did in earneft; and upon which Vida, Fracaftorius, and many of the most eminent Latin poets, profeffedly valued themfelves. IV. ADVERTISEMENT To the FIRST EDITION of The FOURTH Book of the DUNCIAD, when printed separately in the Year 1742. WE E apprehend it can be deemed no injury to the author of the three first books of the Dunciad, that we publish this Fourth. It was found merely by accident, in taking a furvey of the Library of a late eminent nobleman; but in fo blotted a condition, and in fo many detached pieces, as plainly fhewed it to be not only incorrect, but unfinished. That the author of the three first books had a defign to extend and complete his poem in this manner, ap VOL. V. Z |