But shall a printer, weary of his life, 25 125 This calls the church to deprecate our sin, 130 Let modest Foster, if he will, excel 135 25 A fact that happened in London a few years past. The unhappy man left behind him a paper justifying his actions by the reasonings of some of these authors. [This case is reported in the Gentleman's Magazine, for April, 1732. The man, Richard Smith, and his wife, were in the King's Bench. They were found hanging in their room, and their infant child shot through the head in its cradle. In one of the letters which Smith left to be delivered after his death, there is a curious touch of feeling, "If you can find," he says, "any chap (buyer) for my dog and ancient cat, it would be kind."] 26 A spirituous liquor, the exorbitant use of which had almost destroyed the lowest rank of the people, till it was restrained by an Act of Parliament, in 1736. 27 [Dr. James Foster, a minister of the sect called Independents, and afterwards a Baptist. He was long a popular preacher in London, and author of sermons and theological treatises which fill four volumes. He died in 1753. According to Bolingbroke, Dr. Foster was author of the pointed remark that where mystery begins religion ends, a saying exactly suited to that peer, and not unwelcome to the poet.] 28 [The Quaker's wife was a Mrs. Drummond, one of the notabilities of her day. Spence describes his going to the meeting with her: "No whining when she spoke, and scarce any action; very good language, particularly full of metaphors, but pretty and well-managed ones."] 29 A poor bishopric in Wales, as poorly supplied. [It was then supplied by Dr. John Harris, whose son, Dr. George Harris, became a distinguished lawyer, and writer on civil law.] 30 [In the first edition it was, "low-born Allen" and "humble Foster." Pope wrote to Mr. Allen, that he had found him possessed of humility, and, in justice to his own conscience, he would change the epithet in the poem from low-born to humble. As Mr. Allen was a man of fortune, and Mayor of Bath, he was probably not much flattered by either epithet.] Dwell in a monk, or light upon a king, 140 Let greatness own her, and she's mean no more, 145 150 155 160 See, all our nobles begging to be slaves! Yet may this verse (if such a verse remain) Show there was one who held it in disdain. 165 170 31 [Warton thought this passage the noblest in all Pope's works, without any exception whatever-"A group of allegorical personages, worthy the pencil of Rubens, and described in expressions worthy of Virgil." The personification of England's Genius is certainly grand, and picturesque. Cowper has remembered it in two or three passages of the Task, and Burns echoes it in his description of Edinburgh Castle : "Like some old veteran, grey in arms, IV. "Old England's genius, rough with many a scar." EPILOGUE TO THE SATIRES, Dial. i. line 152. [Page 210. FR. TIS all DIALOGUE II. 'TIS a libel-Paxton (Sir) will say.1 And for that very cause I print to-day. How should I fret to mangle every line, Feign what I will, and paint it e'er so strong, F. Yet none but you by name the guilty lash; P. How, Sir! not damn the sharper, but the dice? 5 10 15 Ye tradesmen vile, in army, court, or hall! Who starved a sister, who forswore a debt, 20 I never named; the town's inquiring yet. P. See, now I keep the secret, and not you! The bribing statesman-F. Hold, too high you go. P. The bribed elector-F. There you stoop too low. 25 Tell me, which knave is lawful game, which not? 1 [Michael Paxton, Solicitor to the Treasury, who died in 1744. Two years before this, Paxton was examined by the Secret Committee appointed to inquire into the conduct of Walpole, then Lord Orford. In eleven years, according to the Committee's Report, Mr. Paxton received £94,000 ипасcounted for. He refused to answer inquiries respecting a sum of £500 given at Lord Limerick's election, and was committed to Newgate, where he remained from April to July.] 2 The ordinary of Newgate, who publishes the Memoirs of the Malefactors, and is often prevailed upon to be so tender of their reputation, as to set dow no more than the initials of their name. |