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tion, arising from the unequal dispersion of the intermediate rays (the green, &c.). These outstanding colors, as they were termed by Professor Robison, form the residual, or secondary spectrumn.

Dr. Blair, by very ingenious devices, succeeded in producing an object-glass, corrected by a fluid lens, in which this aberration of color was completely corrected, and which performed wonderfully well.

The dispersion produced by a prism may be corrected by another prism of the same substance and of a different angle. In this case also there is an irrationality in the colored spaces, which prevents the correction of color from being complete; and hence, a new residuary spectrum, which has been called the tertiary spectrum, by Sir David Brewster, who first noticed it.

I have omitted, in the notice of discoveries respecting the spectrum, many remarkable trains of experimental research, and especially the investigations respecting the power of various media to absorb the light of different parts of the spectrum, prosecuted by Sir David Brewster with extraordinary skill and sagacity. The observations are referred to in chapter iii. Sir John Herschel, Prof. Miller, Mr. Daniel, Dr. Faraday, and Mr. Talbot, have also contributed to this part of our knowledge.]




HE laws of refraction which we have hitherto described, were simple and uniform, and had a symmetrical reference to the surface of the refracting medium. It appeared strange to men, when their attention was drawn to a class of phenomena in which this symmetry was wanting, and in which a refraction took place which was not even in the plane of incidence. The subject was not unworthy the notice and admiration it attracted; for the prosecution of it ended in the discovery of the general laws of light. The phenomena of which I now speak, are those exhibited by various kinds of crystalline bodies; but observed for a long time in one kind only, namely, the rhombohedral calc-spar; or, as it was usually termed, from the country which supplied the largest and clearest crystals, Iceland spar. These rhombo

hedral crystals are usually very smooth and transparent, and often of considerable size; and it was observed, on looking through them, that all objects appeared double. The phenomena, even as early as 1669, had been considered so curious, that Erasmus Bartholin published a work upon them at Copenhagen,' (Experimenta Crystalli Islandici, Hafnir, 1669.) He analysed the phenomena into their laws, so far as to discover that one of the two images was produced by refraction after the usual rule, and the other by an unusual refraction. This latter refraction Bartholin found to vary in different positions; to be regulated by a line parallel to the sides of the rhombohedron; and to be greatest in the direction of a line bisecting two of the angles of the rhombic face of the crystal.

These rules were exact as far as they went; and when we consider how geometrically complex the law is, which really regulates the unusual or extraordinary refraction;—that Newton altogether mistook it, and that it was not verified till the experiments of Haüy and Wollaston in our own time;—we might expect that it would not be soon or easily detected. But Huyghens possessed a key to the secret, in the theory, which he had devised, of the propagation of light by undulations, and which he conceived with perfect distinctness and correctness, so far as its application to these phenomena is concerned. Hence he was enabled to lay down the law of the phenomena (the only part of his discovery which we have here to consider), with a precision and success which excited deserved admiration, when the subject, at a much later period, regained its due share of attention. His Treatise was written' in 1678, but not published till 1690.

The laws of the ordinary and the extraordinary refraction in Iceland spar are related to each other; they are, in fact, similar construetions, made, in the one case, by means of an imaginary sphere, in the other, by means of a spheroid; the spheroid being of such oblateness as to suit the rhombohedral form of the crystal, and the axis of the spheroid being the axis of symmetry of the crystal. Huyghens followed this general conception into particular positions and conditions; and thus obtained rules, which he compared with observation, for eutting the crystal and transmitting the rays in various manners. "I have examined in detail," says he," "the properties of the extraordi

1 Priestley's Optics, p. 550,

See his Traité de la Lumière. Preface. * See Maseres's Tracts on Optics, p. 250; or Huyghens, Tr. sur la Lum, ch. v.

Art. 45.

nary refraction of this crystal, to see if cach phenomenon which is deduced from theory, would agree with what is really observed. And this being so, it is no slight proof of the truth of our suppositions and principles; but what I am going to add here confirms them still more wonderfully; that is, the different modes of cutting this crystal, in which the surfaces produced give rise to refractions exactly such as they ought to be, and as I had foreseen them, according to the preceding theory."

Statements of this kind, coming from a philosopher like Huyghens, were entitled to great confidence; Newton, however, appears not to have noticed, or to have disregarded them. In his Opticks, he gives a rule for the extraordinary refraction of Iceland spar which is altogether erroneous, without assigning any reason for rejecting the law published by Huyghens; and, so far as appears, without having made any experiments of his own. The Huyghenian doctrine of double refraction fell, along with his theory of undulations, into temporary neglect, of which we shall have hereafter to speak. But in 1788, Hauy showed that Huyghens's rule agreed much better than Newton's with the phenomena: and in 1802, Wollaston, applying a method of his own for measuring refraction, came to the same result. “He made," says Young, "a number of accurate experiments with an apparatus singularly well calculated to examine the phenomena, but could find no general principle to connect them, until the work of Huyghens was pointed out to him." In 1808, the subject of double refraction was proposed as a prize-question by the French Institute; and Malus, whose Memoir obtained the prize, says, "I began by observing and measuring a long series of phenomena on natural and artificial faces of Iceland spar. Then, testing by means of these observations the different laws proposed up to the present time by physical writers, I was struck with the admirable agreement of the law of Huyghens with the phenomena, and I was soon convinced that it is really the law of nature." Pursuing the consequences of the law, he found that it satisfied phenomena which Huyghens himself had not observed. From this time, then, the truth of the Huyghenian law was universally allowed, and soon afterwards, the theory by which it had been suggested was generally received.

The property of double refraction had been first studied only in Iceland spar, in which it is very obvious. The same property belongs,

Quart. Rev. 1809, Nov. p. 338.

though less conspicuously, to many other kinds of crystals. Huyghens had noticed the same fact in rock-crystal; and Malus found it to belong to a large list of bodies besides; for instance, arragonite, sulphate of lime, of baryta, of strontia, of iron; carbonate of lead; zircon, corundum, cymophane, emerald, euclase, felspar, mesotype, peridote, sulphur, and mellite. Attempts were made, with imperfect success, to reduce all these to the law which had been established for Iceland spar. In the first instance, Malus took for granted that the extraordinary refraction depended always upon an oblate spheroid; but M. Biot pointed out a distinction between two classes of crystals in which this spheroid was oblong and oblate respectively, and these he called attractive and repulsive crystals. With this correction, the law could be extended to a considerable number of cases; but it was afterwards proved by Sir D. Brewster's discoveries, that even in this form, it belonged only to substances of which the crystallization has relation to a single axis of symmetry, as the rhombohedron, or the square pyramid. In other cases, as the rhombic prism, in which the form, considered with reference to its crystalline symmetry, is biaral, the law is much more complicated. In that case, the sphere and the spheroid, which are used in the construction for uniaxal crystals, transform themselves into the two successful convolutions of a single continuous curve surface; neither of the two rays follows the law of ordinary refraction; and the formula which determines their position is very complex. It is, however, capable of being tested by measures of the refractions of crystals cut in a peculiar manner for the purpose, and this was done by MM. Fresnel and Arago. But this complex law of double refraction was only discovered through the aid of the theory of a luminiferous ether, and therefore we must now return to the other facts which led to such a theory.




the Extraordinary Refraction of Iceland spar had appeared strange, another phenomenon was soon noticed in the same

Traité de la Lumière, ch. v. Art. 20.


Biot, Traité de Phys. iii. 330.

substance, which appeared stranger still, and which in the sequel was found to be no less important. I speak of the facts which were afterwards described under the term Polarization. Huyghens was the discoverer of this class of facts. At the end of the treatise which we have already quoted, he says,' "Before I quit the subject of this crystal, I will add one other marvellous phenomenon, which I have discovered since writing the above; for though hitherto I have not been able to find out its cause, I will not, on that account, omit pointing it out, that I may give occasion to others to examine it." He then states the phenomena; which are, that when two rhombohedrons of Iceland spar are in parallel positions, a ray doubly refracted by the first, is not further divided when it falls on the second: the ordinarily refracted ray is ordinarily refracted only, and the extraordinary ray is only extraordinarily refracted by the second crystal, neither ray being doubly refracted. The same is still the case, if the two crystals have their principal planes parallel, though they themselves are not parallel. But if the principal plane of the second crystal be perpendicular to that of the first, the reverse of what has been described takes place; the ordinarily refracted ray of the first crystal suffers, at the second, extraordinary refraction only, and the extraordinary ray of the first suffers ordinary refraction only at the second. Thus, in each of these positions, the double refraction of each ray at the second crystal is reduced to single refraction, though in a different manner in the two cases. But in any other position of the crystals, each ray, produced by the first, is doubly refracted by the second, so as to produce four rays.

A step in the right conception of these phenomena was made by Newton, in the second edition of his Opticks (1717). He represented them as resulting from this;-that the rays of light have "sides," and that they undergo the ordinary or extraordinary refraction, according as these sides are parallel to the principal plane of the crystal, or at right angles to it (Query 26). In this way, it is clear, that those rays which, in the first crystal, had been selected for extraordinary refraction, because their sides were perpendicular to the principal plane, would all suffer extraordinary refraction at the second crystal for the same reason, if its principal plane were parallel to that of the first; and would all suffer ordinary refraction, if the principal plane of the second crystal were perpendicular to that of the first, and con

1 Tr. Opt. p. 252.

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