Page images

Göthe not only adopted and strenuously maintained the opinion that the Newtonian theory was false, but he framed a system of his own to explain the phenomena of color. As a matter of curiosity, it may be worth our while to state the nature of this system; although undoubtedly it forms no part of the progress of physical science. Göthe's views are, in fact, little different from those of Aristotle and Antonio de Dominis, though more completely and systematically developed. According to him, colors arise when we see through a dim medium ("ein trübes mittel"). Light in itself is colorless; but if it be secu through a somewhat dim medium, it appears yellow; if the dimness of the medium increases, or if its depth be augmented, we see the light gradually assume a yellow-red color, which finally is heightened to a ruby-red. On the other hand, if darkness is seen through a dim medium which is illuminated by a light falling on it, a blue color is seen, which becomes clearer and paler, the more the dimness of the medium increases, and darker and fuller, as the medium becomes more transparent; and when we come to "the smallest degree of the purest dimness," we see the most perfect violet." In addition to this "doctrine of the dim medium," we have a second principle asserted concerning refraction. In a vast variety of cases, images are accompanied by "accessory images," as when we see bright objects in a lookingglass. Now, when an image is displaced by refraction, the displacement is not complete, clear and sharp, but incomplete, so that there is an accessory image along with the principal one." From these prin ciples, the colors produced by refraction in the image of a bright object on a dark ground, are at once derivable. The accessory image is semitransparent;20 and hence that border of it which is pushed forwards, is drawn from the dark over the bright, and there the yellow appears; on the other hand, where the clear border laps over the dark ground, the blue is seen;"1 and hence we easily see that the image must appear red and yellow at one end, and blue and violet at the other.



We need not explain this system further, or attempt to show how vague and loose, as well as baseless, are the notions and modes of conception which it introduces. Perhaps it is not difficult to point out the peculiarities in Göthe's intellectual character which led to his singularly unphilosophical views on this subject. One important cir

17 Farbenlehre, § 150, p. 151.
Ib. § 227.

18 Ib. § 223.

91 Ib. § 239.


20 Ib. § 238.

cumstance is, that he appears, like many persons in whom the poetical imagination is very active, to have been destitute of the talent and the habit of geometrical thought. In all probability, he never apprehended clearly and steadily those relations of position on which the Newtonian doctrine depends. Another cause of his inability to accept the doctrine probably was, that he had conceived the "composition" of colors in some way altogether different from that which Newton understands by composition. What Göthe expected to see, we cannot clearly collect; but we know, from his own statement, that his intention of experimenting with a prism arose from his speculations on the rules of coloring in pictures; and we can easily see that any notion of the composition of colors which such researches would suggest, would require to be laid aside, before he could understand Newton's theory of the composition of light.

Other objections to Newton's theory, of a kind very different, have been recently made by that eminent master of optical science, Sir David Brewster. He contests Newton's opinion, that the colored rays into which light is separated by refraction are altogether simple and homogeneous, and incapable of being further analysed and modified. For he finds that by passing such rays through colored media (as blue glass for instance), they are not only absorbed and transmitted in very various degrees, but that some of them have their color altered; which effect he conceives as a further analysis of the rays, one component color being absorbed and the other transmitted." And on this subject we can only say, as we have before said, that Newton has incontestably and completely established his doctrine, so far as analysis and decomposition by refraction are concerned; but that with regard to any other analysis, which absorbing media or other agents may produce, we have no right from his experiments to assert, that the colors of the spectrum are incapable of such decomposition. The whole subject of the colors of objects, both opake and transparent, is still in obscurity. Newton's conjectures concerning the causes of the colors of natural bodies, appear to help us little; and his opinions on that subject are to be separated altogether from the important step which he made in optical science, by the establishment of the true doctrine of refractive dispersion.

[2nd Ed.] [After a careful re-consideration of Sir D. Brewster's asserted analysis of the solar light into three colors by means of

This latter fact has, however, been denied by other experimenters.
VOL. IL-5.

aisuring ana I came rosier that he has estabüished his point 26 at 612900 K Nevid's detrit. In the first place, the analysis of agit man the clues appears a be gune arterary, grating all his decortal fr Ii. no set vix, using other mela, he might not just as vil have Reached, „cher elementaries. In the next place, dis cant be mind at ena psa in the same sense as Newton's analysis chaps the reable between the two is & Is it meant that Nextid's experiments jose 1 ding! Or is Newtie's conclusion alowed to be true fiés vid has not been as ysed by absorption ! And where are we to fui sud båt in the anglere absorbs! But I must all in the third place, that with a very sincere admiration of Sir D. Browser's skilas at cperimenter, I think his experiment requires, but only made bar sozfmatic by other experimenters. Mr. Airy repeated the experiments with about thingy different absorbing substances, and eccli mot sandy lief that in any case they changed the occur of a ray of given refractive power. These experiments were described by him at a meeting of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.]

We now proceed to the corrections which the next generation introduced into the details of this doctrine.




THE discovery that the laws of refractive dispersion of different substances were such as to allow of combinations which neutralized the dispersion without neutralizing the refraction, is one which has hitherto been of more value to art than to science. The property has no definite bearing, which has yet been satisfactorily explained, upon the theory of light; but it is of the greatest importance in its application to the construction of telescopes; and it excited the more notice, in consequence of the prejudices and difficulties which for a time retarded the discovery.

Newton conceived that he had proved by experiment,' that light

[blocks in formation]

is white after refraction, when the emergent rays are parallel to the incident, and in no other case. If this were so, the production of colorless images by refracting media would be impossible; and such, in deference to Newton's great authority, was for some time the general persuasion. Euler' observed, that a combination of lenses which does not color the image must be possible, since we have an example of such a combination in the human eye; and he investigated mathematically the conditions requisite for such a result. Klingenstierna, a Swedish mathematician, also showed that Newton's rule could not be universally true. Finally, John Dollond, in 1757, repeated Newton's experiment, and obtained an opposite result. He found that when an object was seen through two prisms, one of glass and one of water, of such angles that it did not appear displaced by refraction, it was colored. Hence it followed that, without being colored, the rays might be made to undergo refraction; and that thus, substituting lenses for prisms, a combination might be formed, which should produce an image without coloring it, and make the construction of an achromatic telescope possible.

Euler at first hesitated to confide in Dollond's experiments; but he was assured of their correctness by Clairaut, who had throughout paid great attention to the subject; and those two great mathematicians, as well as D'Alembert, proceeded to investigate mathematical formulæ which might be useful in the application of the discovery. The remainder of the deductions, which were founded upon the laws of dispersion of various refractive substances, belongs rather to the history of art than of science. Dollond used at first, for his achromatic object-glass, a lens of crown-glass, and one of flint-glass. He afterwards employed two lenses of the former substance, including between them one of the latter, adjusting the curvatures of his lenses in such a way as to correct the imperfections arising from the spherical form of the glasses, as well as the fault of color. Afterwards, Blair used fluid media along with glass lenses, in order to produce improved objectglasses. This has more recently been done in another form by Mr. Barlow. The inductive laws of refraction being established, their results have been deduced by various mathematicians, as Sir J. Herschel and Professor Airy among ourselves, who have simplified and extended the investigation of the formule which determine the best combination of lenses in the object-glasses and eye-glasses of tele

Ac. Berlin. 1747.

3 Swedish Trans. 1754.

Phil. Trans. 1758.

scopes, both with reference to spherical and to chromatic aberrations.

According to Dollond's discovery, the colored spectra produced by prisms of two substances, as flint-glass and crown-glass, would be of the same length when the refraction was different. But a question then occurred: When the whole distance from the red to the violet in one spectrum was the same as the whole distance in the other, were the intermediate colors, yellow, green, &c., in corresponding places in the two? This point also could not be determined any otherwise than by experiment. It appeared that such a correspondence did not exist; and, therefore, when the extreme colors were corrected by combinations of the different media, there still remained an uncorrected residue of color arising from the rest of the spectrum. This defect was a consequence of the property, that the spectra belonging to different media were not divided in the same ratio by the same colors, and was hence termed the irrationality of the spectrum. By using three prisms, or three lenses, three colors may be made to coincide instead of two, and the effects of this irrationality greatly diminished.

For the reasons already mentioned, we do not pursue this subject further, but turn to those optical facts which finally led to a great and comprehensive theory.

[2nd Ed.] [Mr. Chester More Hall, of More Hall, in Essex, is said to have been led by the study of the human eye, which he conceived to be achromatic, to construct achromatic telescopes as early as 1729. Mr. Hall, however, kept his invention a secret. David Gregory, in his Catoptrics (1713), had suggested that it would perhaps be an improvement of telescopes, if, in imitation of the human eye, the object-glass were composed of different media. Encyc. Brit. art. Optics.

It is said that Clairaut first discovered the irrationality of the colored spaces in the spectrum. In consequence of this irrationality, it follows that when two refracting media are so combined as to correct each other's extreme dispersion, (the separation of the red and violet rays,) this first step of correction still leaves a residue of colora

The discovery of the fixed lines in the spectrum, by Wollaston and Fraunhofer, has more recently supplied the means of determining, with extreme accuracy, the corresponding portions of the spectrum in different refracting substances.

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