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bodies; these views being such as to include both these two rules in their most general form, and further, the rule, at that time still more new to chemists, of multiple proportions. He conceived bodies as composed of atoms of their constituent elements, grouped, either one and one, or one and two, or one and three, and so on. Thus, if C represent an atom of carbon and O one of oxygen, O C will be an atom of carbonic oxide, and O CO an atom of carbonic acid; and hence it follows, that while both these bodies have a definite quantity of oxygen to a given quantity of carbon, in the latter substance this quantity is double of what it is in the former.

The consideration of bodies as consisting of compound atoms, each of these being composed of elementary atoms, naturally led to this law of multiple proportions. In this mode of viewing bodies, Mr. Dalton had been preceded (unknown to himself) by Mr. Higgins, who, in 1789, published his Comparative View of the Phlogistic and Antiphlogistic Theories. He there says, "That in volatile vitriolic acid, a single ultimate particle of sulphur is united only to a single particle of dephlogisticated air; and that in perfect vitriolic acid, every single particle of sulphur is united to two of dephlogisticated air, being the quantity necessary to saturation;" and he reasons in the same manner concerning the constitution of water, and the compounds of nitrogen and oxygen. These observations of Higgins were, however, made casually, and not followed out, and cannot affect Dalton's claim to original merit.

Mr. Dalton's generalization was first suggested during his examination of olefiant gas and carburetted hydrogen gas; and was asserted generally, on the strength of a few facts, being, as it were, irresistibly recommended by the clearness and simplicity which the notion possessed. Mr. Dalton himself represented the compound atoms of bodies by symbols, which professed to exhibit the arrangement of the elementary atoms in space as well as their numerical proportion; and he attached great importance to this part of his scheme. It is clear, however, that this part of his doctrine is not essential to that numerical comparison of the law with facts, on which its establishment rests. These hypothetical configurations of atoms have no value till they are confirmed by corresponding facts, such as the optical or crystalline properties of bodies may perhaps one day furnish.


Turner's Chem. p. 217.

• Thomson, vol. ii. p. 291.

$ P. 36 and 37.

Sect. 2.-Reception and Confirmation of the Atomic Theory.

In order to give a sketch of the progress of the Atomic Theory into general reception, we cannot do better than borrow our information mainly from Dr. Thomson, who was one of the earliest converts and most effective promulgators of the doctrine. Mr. Dalton, at the time when he conceived his theory, was a teacher of mathematics at Manchester, in circumstances which might have been considered narrow, if he himself had been less simple in his manner of life, and less moderate in his worldly views. His experiments were generally made with apparatus of which the simplicity and cheapness corresponded to the rest of his habits. In 1804, he was already in possession of his atomic theory, and explained it to Dr. Thomson, who visited him at that time. It was made known to the chemical world in Dr. Thomson's Chemistry, in 1807; and in Dalton's own System of Chemistry (1808) the leading ideas of it were very briefly stated. Dr. Wollaston's memoir, "on superacid and subacid salts," which appeared in the Philosophical Transactions for 1808, did much to secure this theory a place in the estimation of chemists. Here the author states, that he had observed, in various salts, the quantities of acid combined with the base in the neutral and in the superacid salts to be as one to two: and he says that, thinking it likely this law might obtain generally in such compounds, it was his design to have pursued this subject, with the hope of discovering the cause to which so regular a relation may be ascribed. But he adds, that this appears to be superfluous after the publication of Dalton's theory by Dr. Thomson, since all such facts are but special cases of the general law. We cannot but remark here, that the scrupulous timidity of Wollaston was probably the only impediment to his anticipating Dalton in the publication of the rule of multiple proportions; and the forwardness to generalize, which belongs to the character of the latter, justly secured him, in this instance, the name of the discoverer of this law. The rest of the English chemists soon followed Wollaston and Thomson, though Davy for some time resisted. They objected, indeed, to Dalton's assumption of atoms, and, to avoid this hypothetical step, Wollaston used the phrase chemical equivalents, and Davy the word proportions, for the numbers which expressed Dalton's atomic weights. We may, however, venture to say that the term "atom" is the most convenient, and it need not be understood as claiming our assent to the hypothesis of indivisible molecules.

As Wollaston and Dalton were thus arriving independently at the same result in England, other chemists, in other countries, were, unknown to each other, travelling towards the same point.

In 1807, Berzelius,' intending to publish a system of chemistry, went through several works little read, and among others the treatises of Richter. He was astonished, he tells us, at the light which was there thrown upon composition and decomposition, and which had never been turned to profit. He was led to a long train of experimental research, and, when he received information of Dalton's ideas concerning multiple proportions, he found, in his own collection of analyses, a full confirmation of this theory.

Some of the Germans, indeed, appear discontented with the partition of reputation which has taken place with respect to the Theory of Definite Proportions. One of them says, "Dalton has only done this; he has wrapt up the good Richter (whom he knew; compare Schweigger, T, older series, vol. x., p. 381 ;) in a ragged suit, patched together of atoms; and now poor Richter comes back to his own country in such a garb, like Ulysses, and is not recognized." It is to be recollected, however, that Richter says nothing of multiple proportions.

The general doctrine of the atomic theory is now firmly established over the whole of the chemical world. There remain still several controverted points, as, for instance, whether the atomic weights of all elements are exact multiples of the atomic weight of hydrogen. Dr. Prout advanced several instances in which this appeared to be true, and Dr. Thomson has asserted the law to be of universal application. But, on the other hand, Berzelius and Dr. Turner declare that this hypothesis is at variance with the results of the best analyses. Such controverted points do not belong to our history, which treats only of the progress of scientific truths already recognized by all competent judges.

Though Dalton's discovery was soon generally employed, and universally spoken of with admiration, it did not bring to him anything but barren praise, and he continued in the humble employment of which we have spoken, when his fame had filled Europe, and his name become a household word in the laboratory. After some years he was appointed a corresponding member of the Institute of France; which may be considered as a European recognition of the importance

Berz. Chem. B. iii. p. 27.
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Marx. Gesch. der Cryst. p. 202.

of what he had done; and, in 1826, two medals for the encouragement of science having been placed at the disposal of the Royal Society by the King of England, one of them was assigned to Dalton, "for his development of the atomic theory." In 1833, at the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, which was held in Cambridge, it was announced that the King had bestowed upon him a pension of 1501.; at the preceding meeting at Oxford, that university had conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Laws, a step the more remarkable, since he belonged to the sect of Quakers. At all the meetings of the British Association he has been present, and has always been surrounded by the reverence and admiration of all who feel any sympathy with the progress of science. May he long remain among us thus to remind us of the vast advance which Chemistry owes to him!

[2nd Ed.] [Soon after I wrote these expressions of hope, the period of Dalton's sojourn among us terminated. He died on the 27th of July, 1844, aged 78.

His fellow-townsmen, the inhabitants of Manchester, who had so long taken a pride in his residence among them, soon after his death came to a determination to perpetuate his memory by establishing in his honor a Professor of Chemistry at Manchester.]

Sect. 3.-The Theory of Volumes.-Gay-Lussac.

THE atomic theory, at the very epoch of its introduction into France, received a modification in virtue of a curious discovery then made. Soon after the publication of Dalton's system, Gay-Lussac and Humboldt found a rule for the combination of substances, which includes that of Dalton as far as it goes, but extends to combinations of gases only. This law is the theory of volumes; namely, that gases unite together by volume in very simple and definite proportions. Thus water is composed exactly of 100 measures of oxygen and 200 measures of hydrogen. And since these simple ratios 1 and 1, 1 and 2, 1 and 3, alone prevail in such combinations, it may easily be shown that laws like Dalton's law of multiple proportions, must obtain in such cases as he considered.

[2nd Ed.] [M. Schröder, of Mannheim, has endeavored to extend to solids a law in some degree resembling Gay-Lussac's law of the volumes of gases. According to him, the volumes of the chemical equivalents

of simple substances and their compounds are as whole numbers." MM. Kopp, Playfair, and Joule have labored in the same field.]

I cannot now attempt to trace other bearings and developments of this remarkable discovery. I hasten on to the last generalization of chemistry; which presents to us chemical forces under a new aspect, and brings us back to the point from which we departed in commencing the history of this science.



Sect. 1.-Promulgation of the Electro-chemical Theory by Davy.


HE reader will recollect that the History of Chemistry, though highly important and instructive in itself, has been an interruption of the History of Electro-dynamic Research :-a necessary interruption, however; for till we became acquainted with Chemistry in general, we could not follow the course of Electro-chemistry: we could not estimate its vast yet philosophical theories, nor even express its simplest facts. We have now to endeavor to show what has thus been done, and by what steps;-to give a fitting view of the Epoch of Davy and Faraday.

This is, doubtless, a task of difficulty and delicacy. We cannot execute it at all, except we suppose that the great truths, of which the discovery marks this epoch, have already assumed their definite and permanent form. For we do not learn the just value and right place of imperfect attempts and partial advances in science, except by seeing to what they lead. We judge properly of our trials and guesses only when we have gained our point and guessed rightly. We might personify philosophical theories, and might represent them to ourselves as figures, all pressing eagerly onwards in the same direc

• Die molecular-volume der Chemischen Verbindungen in festen und flüssingen Zustande, 1843.

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