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therefore, in this form, inconsistent with Dalton's principle; but it is not difficult to modify the expression so as to retain the essential part of the explanation.

Dew. The principle of a "constituent temperature" of steam, and the explanation of the "dew-point," were known, as we have said (chap. iii. sect. 3,) to the meteorologists of the last century; but we perceive how incomplete their knowledge was, by the very gradual manner in which the consequences of this principle were traced out. We have already noticed, as one of the books which most drew attention to the true doctrine, in this country at least, Dr. Wells's Essay on Dew, published in 1814. In this work the author gives an account of the progress of his opinions;” “I was led,” he says, “in the autumn of 1784, by the event of a rude experiment, to think it probable that the formation of dew is attended with the production of cold." This was confirmed by the experiments of others. But some years after, upon considering the subject more closely, I began to suspect that Mr. Wilson, Mr. Six, and myself, had all committed an error in regarding the cold which accompanies the dew, as an effect of the formation of the dew." He now considered it rather as the cause: and soon found that he was able to account for the circumstances of this formation, many of them curious and paradoxical, by supposing the bodies. on which dew is deposited, to be cooled down, by radiation into the clear night-sky, to the proper temperature. The same principle will obviously explain the formation of mists over streams and lakes when the air is cooler than the water; which was put forward by Davy, even in 1819, as a new doctrine, or at least not familiar.


Hygrometers.-According as air has more or less of vapor in comparison with that which its temperature and pressure enable it to contain, it is more or less humid; and an instrument which measures the degrees of such a gradation is a hygrometer. The hygrometers which were at first invented, were those which measured the moisture by its effect in producing expansion or contraction in certain organic substances; thus De Saussure devised a hair-hygrometer, De Luc a whalebone-hygrometer, and Dalton used a piece of whipcord. All these contrivances were variable in the amount of their indications under the same circumstances; and, moreover, it was not easy to know the physical meaning of the degree indicated. The dew-point, or constituent temperature of the vapor which exists in the air, is, on

[blocks in formation]

the other hand, both constant and definite. The determination of this point, as a datum for the moisture of the atmosphere, was employed by Le Roi, and by Dalton (1802), the condensation being obtained by cold water:" and finally, Mr. Daniell (1812) constructed an instrument, where the condensing temperature was produced by evaporation of ether, in a very convenient manner. This invention (Daniell's Hygrometer) enables us to determine the quantity of vapor which exists in a given mass of the atmosphere at any time of observation.

[2nd Ed.] [As a happy application of the Atmological Laws which have been discovered, I may mention the completion of the theory and use of the Wet-bulb Hygrometer; an instrument in which, from the depression of temperature produced by wetting the bulb of a thermometer, we infer the further depression which would produce dew. Of this instrument the history is thus summed up by Prof. Forbes :-" Hutton invented the method; Leslie revived and extended it, giving probably the earliest, though an imperfect theory; Gay-Lussac, by his excellent experiments and reasoning from them, completed the theory, so far as perfectly dry air is concerned; Ivory extended the theory; which was reduced to practice by Auguste and Bohnenberger, who determined the constant with accuracy. English observers have done little more than confirm the conclusions of our industrious Germanic neighbors; nevertheless the experiments of Apjohn and Prinsep must ever be considered as conclusively settling the value of the coefficient near the one extremity of the scale, as those of Kæmtz have done for the other."


Prof. Forbes's two Reports On the Recent Progress and Present State of Meteorology given among the Reports of the British Association for 1832 and 1840, contain a complete and luminous account of recent researches on this subject. It may perhaps be asked why I have not given Meteorology a place among the Inductive Sciences; but if the reader refers to these accounts, or any other adequate view of the subject, he will see that Meteorology is not a single Inductive Science, but the application of several sciences to the explanation of terrestrial and atmospheric phenomena. Of the sciences so applied, Thermotics and Atmology are the principal ones. But others also come into play; as Optics, in the explanation of Rainbows, Halos,

**Daniell, Met. Ess. p. 142. Manch, Mem, vol. v. p. 581. * Second Report on Meteorology, p. 101.

Parhelia, Coronæ, Glories, and the like; Electricity, in the explanation of Thunder and Lightning, Hail, Aurora Borealis; to which others might be added.]

Clouds.—When vapor becomes visible by being cooled below its constituent temperature, it forms itself into a very fine watery powder, the diameter of the particles of which this powder consists being very small: they are estimated by various writers, from 1-100,000th to 1-20,000th of an inch. Such particles, even if solid, would descend very slowly; and very slight causes would suffice for their suspension, without recurring to the hypothesis of vesicles, of which we have already spoken. Indeed that hypothesis will not explain the fact, except we suppose these vesicles filled with a rarer air than that of the atmosphere; and, accordingly, though this hypothesis is still maintained by some," it is asserted as a fact of observation, proved by optical or other phenomena, and not deduced from the suspension of clouds. Yet the latter result is still variously explained by different philosophers: thus, M. Gay-Lussac" accounts for it by upward currents of air, and Fresnel explains it by the heat and rarefaction of air in the interior of the cloud.

Classification of Clouds.-A classification of clouds can then only be consistent and intelligible when it rests upon their atmological conditions. Such a system was proposed by Mr. Luke Howard, in 1802-3. His primary modifications are, Cirrus, Cumulus, and Stratus, which the Germans have translated by terms equivalent in English to feathercloud, heap-cloud, and layer-cloud. The cumulus increases by accumulations on its top, and floats in the air with a horizontal base; the stratus grows from below, and spreads along the earth; the cirrus consists of fibres in the higher regions of the atmosphere, which grow every way. Between the simple modifications are intermediate ones, cirrocumulus and cirro-stratus; and, again, compound ones, the cumulostratus and the nimbus, or rain-cloud. These distinctions have been generally accepted all over Europe: and have rendered a description of all the processes which go on in the atmosphere far more definite and clear than it could be made before their use.

I omit a mass of facts and opinions, supposed laws of phenomena and assigned causes, which abound in meteorology more than in any other science. The slightest consideration will show us what a great

Kæmtz, Met. i. 393

27 Ann. Chim. xxv. 1822.

25 Ib. i. 393. Robison, ii. 13.

amount of labor, of persevering and combined observation, the progress of this branch of knowledge requires. I do not even speak of the condition of the more elevated parts of the atmosphere. The diminution of temperature as we ascend, one of the most marked of atmospheric facts, has been variously explained by different writers. Thus Dalton" (1808) refers it to a principle "that each atom of air, in the same perpendicular column, is possessed of the same degree of heat," which principle he conceives to be entirely empirical in this case. Fourier says (1817)," This phenomenon results from several causes: one of the principal is the progressive extinction of the rays of heat in the successive strata of the atmosphere."

Leaving, therefore, the application of thermotical and atmological principles in particular cases, let us consider for a moment the general views to which they have led philosophers.




HEN we look at the condition of that branch of knowledge which, according to the phraseology already employed, we must call Physical Thermotics, in opposition to Formal Thermotics, which gives us detached laws of phenomena, we find the prospect very different from that which was presented to us by physical astronomy, optics, and acoustics. In these sciences, the maintainers of a distinct and comprehensive theory have professed at least to show that it explains and includes the principal laws of phenomena of various kinds; in Thermotics, we have only attempts to explain a part of the facts. We have here no example of an hypothesis which, assumed in order to explain one class of phenomena, has been found also to account exactly for another; as when central forces led to the precession of the equinoxes, or when the explanation of polarization explained also double refraction; or when the pressure of the atmosphere, as measured by the barometer, gave the true velocity of sound. Such coincidences, or consiliences, as I have elsewhere called them, are the test of truth; and thermotical theories cannot yet exhibit credentials of this kind.

28 New Syst. of Chem. vol. i. p. 125.

20 Ann. Chim. vi. 285.

On looking back at our view of this science, it will be seen that it may be distinguished into two parts; the Doctrines of Conduction and Radiation, which we call Thermotics proper; and the Doctrines respecting the relation of Heat, Airs, and Moisture, which we have termed Atmology. These two subjects differ in their bearing on our hypothetical views.

Thermotical Theories.-The phenomena of radiant heat, like those of radiant light, obviously admit of general explanation in two different ways;—by the emission of material particles, or by the propagation of undulations. Both these opinions have found supporters. Probably most persons, in adopting Prevost's theory of exchanges, conceive the radiation of heat to be the radiation of matter. The undulation hypothesis, on the other hand, appears to be suggested by the production of heat by friction, and was accordingly maintained by Rumford and others. Leslie' appears, in a great part of his Inquiry, to be a supporter of some undulatory doctrine, but it is extremely difficult to make out what his undulating medium is; or rather, his opinions wavered during his progress. In page 31, he asks, "What is this calorific and frigorific fluid ?" and after keeping the reader in suspense for a moment, he replies,

"Quod petis hic est.

It is merely the ambient AIR." But at page 150, he again asks the question, and, at page 188, he answers, "It is the same subtile matter that, according to its different modes of existence, constitutes either heat or light." A person thus vacillating between two opinions, one of which is palpably false, and the other laden with exceeding difficulties which he does not even attempt to remove, had little right to protest against "the sportive freaks of some intangible aura;" to rank all other hypotheses than his own with the "occult qualities of the schools;" and to class the "prejudices" of his opponents with the tenets of those who maintained the fuga vacui in opposition to Torricelli. It is worth while noticing this kind of rhetoric, in order to observe, that it may be used just as easily on the wrong side as on the right.

Till recently, the theory of material heat, and of its propagation by emission, was probably the one most in favor with those who had studied mathematical thermoties. As we have said, the laws of con

1 An Experimental Inquiry into the Nature and Propagation of Heat, 1804. 'Ib. p. 47.

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