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gated, all assertions respecting the properties of the particles of bodies, their sizes, distances, attractions, and the like, are insecure and superfluous. Passing over, then, such hypotheses, the inductions which remain are these;-that two gases which are in communication will, by the elasticity of each, diffuse themselves in one another, quickly or slowly; and that the quantity of steam contained in a certain space of air is the same, whatever be the air, whatever be its density, and even if there be a vacuum. These propositions may be included together by saying, that one gas is mechanically mixed with another; and we cannot but assent to what Mr. Dalton says of the latter fact,— "this is certainly the touchstone of the mechanical and chemical theories." This doctrine of the mechanical mixture of gases appears to supply answers to all the difficulties opposed to it by Berthollet and others, as Mr. Dalton has shown;" and we may, therefore, accept it as well established.

This doctrine, along with the principle of the constituent temperature of steam, is applicable to a large series of meteorological and other consequences. But before considering the applications of theory to natural phenomena, which have been made, it will be proper to speak of researches which were carried on, in a great measure, in consequence of the use of steam in the arts: I mean the laws which connect its elastic force with its constituent temperature.

Sect. 4.-Determination of the Laws of the Elastic Force of Steam. THE expansion of aqueous vapor at different temperatures is governed, like that of all other vapors, by the law of Dalton and Gay-Lussac, already mentioned; and from this, its elasticity, when its expansion is resisted, will be known by the law of Boyle and Mariotte; namely, by the rule that the pressure of airy fluids is as the condensation. But it is to be observed, that this process of calculation goes on the supposition that the steam is cut off from contact with water, so that no more steam can be generated; a case quite different from the common one, in which the steam is more abundant as the heat is greater. The examination of the force of vapor, when it is in contact with water, must be briefly noticed.

During the period of which we have been speaking, the progress of the investigation of the laws of aqueous vapor was much accelerated

New System, vol. i. p. 160, &c.

by the growing importance of the steam-engine, in which those laws operated in a practical form. James Watts, the main improver of that machine, was thus a great contributor to speculative knowledge, as well as to practical power. Many of his improvements depended on the laws which regulate the quantity of heat which goes to the formation or condensation of steam; and the observations which led to these improvements enter into the induction of latent heat. Measurements of the force of steam, at all temperatures, were made with the same view. Watts's attention had been drawn to the steam-engine in 1759, by Robison, the former being then an instrument-maker, and the latter a student at the University of Glasgow." In 1761 or 1762, he tried some experiments on the force of steam in a Papin's Digester;" and formed a sort of working model of a steam-engine, feeling already his vocation to develope the powers of that invention. His knowledge was at that time principally derived from Desaguliers and Belidor, but his own experiments added to it rapidly. In 1764 and 1765, he made a more systematical course of experiments, directed to ascertain the force of steam. He tried this force, however, only at temperatures above the boiling-point; and inferred it at lower degrees from the supposed continuity of the law thus obtained. His friend Robison, also, was soon after led, by reading the account of some experiments of Lord Charles Cavendish, and some others of Mr. Nairne, to examine the same subject. He made out a table of the correspondence of the elasticity and the temperature of vapor, from thirty-two to two hundred and eighty degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer.18 The thing here to be remarked, is the establishment of a law of the pressure of steam, down to the freezing-point of water. Ziegler of Basle, in 1769, and Achard of Berlin, in 1782, made similar experiments. The latter examined also the elasticity of the vapor of alcohol. Betancourt, in 1792, published his Memoir on the expansive force of vapors; and his tables were for some time considered the most exact.

Robison's Works, vol. ii. p. 113.

"Denis Papin, who made many of Boyle's experiments for him, had discovered that if the vapor be prevented from rising, the water becomes hotter than the usual boiling-point; and had hence invented the instrument called Papin's Digester. It is described in his book, La manière d'amolir les os et de faire cuire toutes sorts de viandes en fort peu de temps et à peu de frais. Paris, 1682. These were afterwards published in the Encyclopædia Britannica; in the article "Steam," written by Robison.

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Prony, in his Architecture Hydraulique (1796), established a mathematical formula," on the experiments of Betancourt, who began his researches in the belief that he was first in the field, although he afterwards found that he had been anticipated by Ziegler. Gren compared the experiments of Betancourt and De Luc with his own. He ascertained an important fact, that when water boils, the elasticity of the steam is equal to that of the atmosphere. Schmidt at Giessen endeavored to improve the apparatus used by Betancourt; and Biker, of Rotterdam, in 1800, made new trials for the same purpose.

In 1801, Mr. Dalton communicated to the Philosophical Society of Manchester his investigations on this subject; observing truly, that though the forces at high temperatures are most important when steam is considered as a mechanical agent, the progress of philosophy is more immediately interested in accurate observations on the force at low temperatures. He also found that his elasticities for equidistant temperatures resembled a geometrical progression, but with a ratio constantly diminishing. Dr. Ure, in 1818, published in the Philosophical Transactions of London, experiments of the same kind, valuable from the high temperatures at which they were made, and for the simplicity of his apparatus. The law which he thus obtained approached, like Dalton's, to a geometrical progression. Dr. Ure says, that a formula proposed by M. Biot gives an error of near nine inches out of seventy-five, at a temperature of 266 degrees. This is very conceivable, for if the formula be wrong at all, the geometrical progress rapidly inflames the error in the higher portions of the scale. The elasticity of steam, at high temperatures, has also been experimentally examined by Mr. Southern, of Soho, and Mr. Sharpe, of Manchester. Mr. Dalton has attempted to deduce certain general laws from Mr. Sharpe's experiments; and other persons have offered other rules, as those which govern the force of steam with reference to the temperature: but no rule appears yet to have assumed the character of an established scientific truth. Yet the law of the expansive force of steam is not only required in order that the steam-engine may be employed with safety and to the best advantage; but must also be an important point in every consistent thermotical theory.

[2nd Ed.] [To the experiments on steam made by private physicists, are to be added the experiments made on a grand scale by order of the governments of France and of America, with a view to

19 Architecture Hydraulique, Seconde Partie, p. 163.

legislation on the subject of steam-engines. The French experiments were made in 1823, under the direction of a commission consisting of some of the most distinguished members of the Academy of Sciences; namely, MM. de Prony, Arago, Girard, and Dulong. The American experiments were placed in the hands of a committee of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania, consisting of Prof. Bache and others, in 1830. The French experiments went as high as 435° of Fahrenheit's thermometer, corresponding to a pressure of 60 feet of mercury, or 24 atmospheres. The American experiments were made up to a temperature of 346°, which corresponded to 274 inches of mercury, more than 9 atmospheres. The extensive range of these experiments affords great advantages for determining the law of the expansive force. The French Academy found that their experiments indicated an increase of the elastic force according to the fifth power of a binominal 1 + mt, where t is the temperature. The American Institute were led to a sixth power of a like binominal. Other experimenters have expressed their results, not by powers of the temperature, but by geometrical ratios. Dr. Dalton had supposed that the expansion of mercury being as the square of the true temperature above its freezing-point, the expansive force of steam increases in geometrical ratio for equal increments of temperature. And the author of the article Steam in the Seventh Edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica (Mr. J. S. Russell), has found that the experiments are best satisfied by supposing mercury, as well as steam, to expand in a geometrical ratio for equal increments of the true temperature.

It appears by such calculation, that while dry gas increases in the ratio of 8 to 11, by an increase of temperature from freezing to boiling water; steam in contact with water, by the same increase of temperature above boiling water, has its expansive force increased in the proportion of 1 to 12. By an equal increase of temperature, mercury expands in about the ratio of 8 to 9.

Recently, MM. Magnus of Berlin, Holzmann and Regnault, have made series of observations on the relation between temperature and elasticity of steam.20

Prof. Magnus measured his temperatures by an air-thermometer; a process which, I stated in the first edition, seemed to afford the best promise of simplifying the law of expansion. His result is, that the

"See Taylor's Scientific Memoirs, Aug. 1845, vol. iv. part xiv., and Ann, de Chimie,

elasticity proceeds in a geometric series when the temperature proceeds in an arithmetical series nearly; the differences of temperature for equal augmentations of the ratio of elasticity being somewhat greater for the higher temperatures.

The forces of the vapors of other liquids in contact with their liquids, determined by Dr. Faraday, as mentioned in Chap. ii. Sect. 1, are analogous to the elasticity of steam here spoken of.]

Sect. 5.-Consequences of the Doctrine of Evaporation.—Explanation of Rain, Dew, and Clouds.

THE discoveries concerning the relations of heat and moisture which were made during the last century, were principally suggested by meteorological inquiries, and were applied to meteorology as fast as they rose. Still there remains, on many points of this subject, so much doubt and obscurity, that we cannot suppose the doctrines to have assumed their final form; and therefore we are not here called upon to trace their progress and connexion. The principles of atmology are pretty well understood; but the difficulty of observing the conditions under which they produce their effects in the atmosphere is so great, that the precise theory of most meteorological phenomena is still to be determined.

We have already considered the answers given to the question: According to what rules does transparent aqueous vapor resume its form of visible water? This question includes, not only the problems of Rain and Dew, but also of Clouds; for clouds are not vapor, but water, vapor being always invisible. An opinion which attracted. much notice in its time, was that of Hutton, who, in 1784, endeavored to prove that if two masses of air saturated with transparent vapor at different temperatures are mixed together, the precipitation of water in the form either of cloud or of drops will take place. The reason he assigned for the opinion was this: that the temperature of the mixture is a mean between the two temperatures, but that the force of the vapor in the mixture, which is the mean of the forces of the two component vapors, will be greater than that which corresponds to the mean temperature, since the force increases faster than the temperature;" and hence some part of the vapor will be precipitated. This doctrine, it will be seen, speaks of vapor as "saturating" air, and is

"Edin. Trans. vol. i. p. 42.

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