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parts, and constantly flows towards the polar regions, by which it is emitted into the planetary spaces.

Climate is affected by many thermotic influences, besides the conduction and radiation of the solid mass of the earth. The atmosphere, for example, produces upon terrestrial temperatures effects which it is easy to see are very great; but these it is not yet in the power of calculation to appreciate ;" and it is clear that they depend upon other properties of air besides its power to transmit heat. We must therefore dismiss them, at least for the present.

3. Temperature of the Interior of the Earth.-The question of the temperature of the interior of the earth has excited great interest, in consequence of its bearing on other branches of knowledge. The various facts which have been supposed to indicate the fluidity of the central parts of the terrestrial globe, belong, in general, to geological science; but so far as they require the light of thermotical calculations in order to be rightly reasoned upon, they properly come under our notice here.

The principal problem of this kind which has been treated of is this: -If in the globe of the earth there be a certain original heat, resulting from its earlier condition, and independent of the action of the sun, to what results will this give rise? and how far do the observed temperatures of points below the surface lead us to such a supposition? It has, for instance, been asserted, that in many parts of the world the temperature, as observed in mines and other excavations, increases in descending, at the rate of one degree (centesimal) in about forty yards. What inference does this justify?

The answer to this question was given by Fourier and by Laplace. The former mathematician had already considered the problem of the cooling of a large sphere, in his Memoirs of 1807, 1809, and 1811. These, however, lay unpublished in the archives of the Institute for many years. But in 1820, when the accumulation of observations which indicated an increase of the temperature of the earth as we descend, had drawn observation to the subject, Fourier gave, in the Bulletin of the Philomathic Society," a summary of his results, as far as they bore on this point. His conclusion was, that such an increase of temperature in proceeding towards the centre of the earth, can arise from nothing but the remains of a primitive heat;-that the heat which the sun's action would communicate, would, in its final and

14 Mém. Inst. tom. vii. p. 584.

15 Bullet. des Sc. 1820, p. 58.

permanent state, be uniform in the same vertical line, as soon as we get beyond the influence of the superficial oscillations of which we have spoken;-and that, before the distribution of temperature reaches this limit, it will decrease, not increase, in descending. It appeared also, by the calculation, that this remaining existence of the primitive heat in the interior of the earth's mass, was quite consistent with the absence of all perceptible traces of it at the surface; and that the same state of things which produces an increase of one degree of heat in descending forty yards, does not make the surface a quarter of a degree hotter than it would otherwise be. Fourier was led also to some conclusions, though necessarily very vague ones, respecting the time which the earth must have taken to cool from a supposed original state of incandescence to its present condition, which time it appeared must have been very great; and respecting the extent of the future cooling of the surface, which it was shown must be insensible. Everything tended to prove that, within the period which the history of the human race embraces, no discoverable change of temperature had taken place from the progress of this central cooling. Laplace further calculated the effect which any contraction of the globe of the earth by cooling would produce on the length of the day. He had already shown, by astronomical reasoning, that the day had not become shorter by 1-200th of a second, since the time of Hipparchus; and thus his inferences agreed with those of Fourier. As far as regards the smallness of the perceptible effect due to the past changes of the earth's temperature, there can be no doubt that all the curious conclusions just stated are deduced in a manner quite satisfactory, from the fact of a general increase of heat in descending below the surface of the earth; and thus our principles of speculative science have a bearing upon the history of the past changes of the universe, and give us information concerning the state of things in portions of time otherwise quite out of our reach.

4. Heat of the Planetary Spaces.-In the same manner, this portion of science is appealed to for information concerning parts of space which are utterly inaccessible to observation. The doctrine of heat leads to conclusions concerning the temperatures of the spaces which surround the earth, and in which the planets of the solar system revolve. In his Memoir, published in 1827," Fourier states that he conceives it to follow from his principles, that these planetary spaces

10 Conn. des Tems, 1823.

17 Mém. Inst. tom. vii. p. 580

are not absolutely cold, but have a "proper heat" independent of the sun and of the planets. If there were not such a heat, the cold of the polar regions would be much more intense than it is, and the alternations of cold and warmth, arising from the influence of the sun, would be far more extreme and sudden than we find them. As the cause of this heat in the planetary spaces, he assigns the radiation of the innumerable stars which are scattered through the universe.

Fourier says, "We conclude from these various remarks, and principally from the mathematical examination of the question," that this is so. I am not aware that the mathematical calculation which bears peculiarly upon this point has anywhere been published. But it is worth notice, that Svanberg has been led" to the opinion of the, same temperature in these spaces which Fourier had adopted (50 centigrade below zero), by an entirely different course of reasoning, founded on the relation of the atmosphere to heat.

In speaking of this subject, I have been led to notice incomplete and perhaps doubtful applications of the mathematical doctrine of conduction and radiation. But this may at least serve to show that Thermotics is a science, which, like Mechanics, is to be established by experiments on masses capable of manipulation, but which, like that, has for its most important office the solution of geological and cosmological problems. I now return to the further progress of our thermotical knowledge.

Sect. 5.-Correction of Newton's Law of Cooling.

IN speaking of the establishment of Newton's assumption, that the temperature communicated is proportional to the excess of temperature, we stated that it was approximately verified, and afterwards corrected (chap. i., sect. 1.), This correction was the result of the researches of MM. Dulong and Petit in 1817, and the researches by which they were led to the true law, are an admirable example both of laborious experiment and sagacious induction. They experimented through a very great range of temperature (as high as two hundred and forty degrees centigrade), which was necessary because the inaccuracy of Newton's law becomes considerable only at high temperatures. They removed the effect of the surrounding medium, by making their experiments in a vacuum. They selected with great

18 Mém. Inst. tom, vii. p. 581.

19 Berzel. Jahres Bericht, xi. p. 50.

judgment the conditions of their experiments and comparisons, making one quantity vary while the others remained constant. In this manner they fool, that the quickness of cooking for a constant excess of temperature, increases in geometrical progression, when the temperature of the surrounding space increases in arithmetical progression; whereas, according to the Newtonian law, this quickness would not have varied at all. Again, this variation being left out of the account, it appeared that the quickness of cooling, so jar as it depends on the excess of temperature of the hot body, increases as the terms of a geometrical progression diminished by a constant number, when the temperature of the hot body increases in arithmetical progression. These two laws, with the coefficients requisite for their application to particular substances, fully determine the conditions of cooling in a vacuum.

Starting from this determination, MM. Dalong and Petit proceeded to ascertain the effect of the medium, in which the hot body is placed, upon its rate of cooling; for this effect became a residual phenomenon," when the cooling in the vacuum was taken away. We shall not here follow this train of research; but we may briefly state, that they were led to such laws as this;-that the rapidity of cooling due to any gaseous medium in which the body is placed, is the same, so long as the excess of the body's temperature is the same, although the temperature itself vary ;—that the cooling power of a gas varies with the elasticity, according to a determined law; and other similar rules.

In reference to the process of their induction, it is worthy of notice, that they founded their reasonings upon Prevost's law of exchanges; and that, in this way, the second of their laws above stated, respecting the quickness of cooling, was a mathematical consequence of the first. It may be observed also, that their temperatures are measured by means of the air-thermometer, and that if they were estimated on another scale, the remarkable simplicity and symmetry of their results would disappear. This is a strong argument for believing such a measure of temperature to have a natural prerogative of simplicity. This belief is confirmed by other considerations; but these, depending on the laws of expansion by heat, cannot be here referred to; and we must proceed to finish our survey of the mathematical theory of heat, as founded on the phenomena of radiation and conduction, which alone have as yet been traced up to general principles.

We may observe, before we quit this subject, that this correction of

20 See Phil. Ind. Sciences, B. xiii. c. 7, Sect. iv.

Newton's law will materially affect the mathematical calculations on the subject, which were made to depend on that law both by Fourier, Laplace, and Poisson. Probably, however, the general features of the results will be the same as on the old supposition. M. Libri, an Italian mathematician, has undertaken one of the problems of this kind, that of the armil, with Dulong and Petit's law for his basis, in a Memoir read to the Institute of France in 1825, and since published at Florence."1

Sect. 6.- Other Laws of Phenomena with respect to Radiation.

THE laws of radiation as depending upon the surface of radiating bodies, and as affecting screens of various kinds interposed between the hot body and the thermometer, were examined by several inquirers. I shall not attempt to give an account of the latter course of research, and of the different laws which luminous and non-luminous heat have been found to follow in reference to bodies, whether transparent or opaque, which intercept them. But there are two or three laws of the phenomena, depending upon the effects of the surfaces of bodies, which are important.

1. In the first place, the powers of bodies to emit and to absorb heat, as far as depends upon their surface, appear to be in the same proportion. If we blacken the surface of a canister of hot water, it radiates heat more copiously; and in the same measure, it is more readily heated by radiation.

2. In the next place, as the radiative power increases, the power of reflection diminishes, and the contrary. A bright metal vessel reflects much heat; on this very account it does not emit much; and hence a hot fluid which such a vessel contains, remains hot longer than it does in an unpolished case.

3. The heat is emitted from every point of the surface of a hot body in all directions; but by no means in all directions with equal intensity. The intensity of the heating ray is as the sine of the angle which it makes with the surface.

The last law is entirely, the two former in a great measure, due to the researches of Leslie, whose Experimental Inquiry into the Nature and Propagation of Heat, published in 1804, contains a great number of curious and striking results and speculations. The laws now just

" Mém. de Math. et de Phys. 1829.

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