United States Duties on Imports. 1883: Rev., Cor., and Supplemented. Vol. II. Complete in Itself |
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US DUTIES ON IMPORTS 1883 REV Lewis 1815-1896 Heyl,Statutes Etc United States Laws No preview available - 2016 |
United States Duties on Imports. 1883: REV., Cor., and Supplemented. Vol. II ... United States No preview available - 2016 |
Common terms and phrases
1½ ct 2½ cts according to material alpaca aniline appraisers avdp bond bonded warehouse bottles boxes carpets casks cents per pound cents per square centum ad valorem cigars collector colored consignee copper cotton crude dollars drawback dressed dtbl dutiable eighteen hundred entry enumerated or provided exceeding exported flax foreign gallon glass hair Hawaiian Islands hemp imported impt inches invoice iron or steel jute knit linen manufacture merchandise metal meter mohair organzine otherwise provided packages paid payment person plates port prep prescribed regulations Secretary silk silver specially enumerated square yard stamp Stat STATUTES AT LARGE thereof thirty per centum thirty-five per centum tobacco Treasury twenty per centum twenty-five per centum U. S. STATUTES United unmfd vessel warehouse wares wholly or ptly wire wire gauge wood wool woollen wstd
Popular passages
Page 104 - And the Articles of this Confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State ; and the Union shall be perpetual. Nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them, unless such alteration be agreed to, in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State.
Page 101 - ... treason, felony, or other high misdemeanor, in any State, shall flee from justice, and be found in any of the United States, he shall, upon demand of the governor or executive power of the State from which he fled, be delivered up and removed to the State having jurisdiction of his offence. Full faith and credit shall be given in each of these States to the records, acts, and judicial proceedings of the courts and magistrates of every other State.
Page 104 - Congress assembled shall, on consideration of circumstances, judge proper that any state should not raise men or should raise a smaller number than its quota and that any other state should raise a greater number of men than the quota thereof, such extra number shall be raised, officered...
Page 103 - States, and exacting such postage on the papers passing through the same as may be requisite to defray the expenses of the said office; appointing all officers of the land forces in the service of the United States, excepting regimental officers; appointing all the officers of the naval forces, and commissioning all officers whatever in the service of the United States; making rules for the government and regulation of the said land and naval forces, and directing their operations. The United States...
Page 113 - To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes ; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies, throughout the United States ; To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of...
Page 101 - Freedom of speech and debate in Congress shall not be impeached or questioned in any court, or place out of Congress...
Page 104 - Canada acceding to this confederation, and joining in the measures of the united states, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this union : but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine states.
Page 109 - Federal debts, contracted or to be contracted, and a proportional part of the expenses of government, to be apportioned on them by Congress, according to the same common rule and measure by which apportionments thereof shall be made on the other states...
Page 109 - ART. 2. The inhabitants of the said territory shall always be entitled to the benefits of the writ of habeas corpus, and of the trial by jury ; of a proportionate representation of the people in the legislature, and of judicial proceedings according to the course of the common law. All persons shall be bailable, unless for capital offences, where the proof shall be evident, or the presumption great.
Page 100 - Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut. New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, in the words following, viz.