The late Mr. Cooper Walker of Dublin endeavoured to assist another female relative of the poet, by procuring for her the situation of house-keeper to the Royal Irish Academy, but from some unknown cause failed. The following is one of her letters to him. "DEAR SIR, "Rushport, Elphin, June 19th, 1793. "From your goodness on former occasions, and kind attention to me, I take the liberty of requesting the honour of a line from you, to inform me what your opinion is in regard to the Academy House, whether I may have hopes of being housekeeper to it. I blush to give this trouble to a gentleman who is almost a stranger to me in every respect except my misfortunes; but I trust I have an advocate in your humane heart. I have informed you, Sir, of the Bishop of Killaloe's goodness in handing in my memorial, and also the kind reception it met with from the members then present. May I presume to beg that you will be so kind as to recommend me to Lord Charlemont, which would forward the business much, and infinitely serve me. "I am, dear Sir, "With the highest respect, "Your much obliged humble servant, "ESTHER GOLDSMITH." "To Joseph Cooper Walker, Esq., Eccles Street, Dublin." APPENDIX. (See VOL. II. p. 525.) A CATALOGUE of the Household Furniture, with the Select Collection of scarce, curious, and valuable Books, in English, Latin, Greek, French, Italian, and other Languages, late the Library of Dr. Goldsmith, deceased, which by Order of the Administrator will be sold by Auction, by Mr. Good, at his Great Room, No. 121, Fleet Street, on Tuesday the 12th of July, 1774, at Twelve o'clock. Lot HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 1. A bath stove, compass front, open border, fender, shovel, tongs and poker. 2. One blue morine festoon window-curtain complete. 3. A mahogany dining-table. 4. Six ditto hollow seat chairs, covered with blue morine, finished with a double row of brass nails, and check cases. 5. A Wilton carpet. 6. A sun-shade, line and pulleys, and a deal side-board stained. 7. A tea-chest and 2 mahogany card-racks. 8. A four-post bedstead, crimson and white check furniture. 9. A feather-bed, bolster, and 2 down pillows. 10. A check mattress. 11. Three blankets and a counterpane. 12. Three blue morine window-curtains complete. 13. Two oval glasses, gilt frames. 14. Two ditto, two light girandoles. 15. A very large dressing-glass, mahogany frame. 16. A three-plate bordered chimney-glass, gilt frame. 17. A large Wilton carpet. 18. A mahogany sofa, covered with blue morine, finished with a double row of brass nails, and a check case. 19. Eight ditto chairs and check cases. 20. Two mahogany compass front card-tables, lined. 21. A ditto Pembroke table. Lot 22. A stove, brass fender, shovel, tongs and poker. 23. A stained matted chair, and a wainscot table. 24. Two telescopes. 25. A steel-hilted sword, inlaid with gold; and a black hilted ditto. 26. Eleven blue and white octagon dishes, 18 ditto plates, and an enamelled bowl. 27. A tea-pot, 5 coffee cups, sugar basin and cover, 4 saucers, and 6 cups. 28. Two quart decanters and stoppers, 1 plain ditto, 11 glasses and 1 wine and water glass. 29. A pair of bellows, a brush, a footman, a copper tea-kettle, and a coal-scuttle. 30. Two pair of plated candlesticks. 31. A mahogany tea-board, a fret-bordered ditto, a large round japanned ditto, and 2 waiters. 32. The Tragic Muse, in a gold frame. BOOKS. FOLIOS. 1. Harduini Opera, Amst. 1709. Francf. 1582. 2. Kircheri Latium, Amst. 1671. Plinii Hist. Naturalis. Hist. Rom. Scriptores. Antw. 1630. Baconi Opera, Franc. 1665. Blount Censura Auctorum. Lond. 1690. 4. Photii Epistolæ, Lond. 1651. Thuani Hist. sui temporis, Gen. 1653. Hugoni Militia Equestri. 3. Gesnerus de Quadrupedibus, cum fig. 1551. 4 tom. Franc. 1625. *4. Buchanani Opera, 2 tom. Edinb. 1715. 5. Rowe's Lucan. 1718. Jure Divino, 1706. Prior's Poems, 1718. Du Bartas. 6. Chaucer's Works, 1602. 7. Davenant's Works, 1673, and 2 more. 8. Camoens' Lusiad, by Fanshaw, 1675. Cowley's Works, 1674. Skelton's Don Quixote. *8. Wood's Athenæ Oxonienses, 1691. 9. Heylyn's Cosmography, 1703. Turks, 1638. 10. Raleigh's Hist. of the World, 1614. Knolles's Hist. of the 11. Breval's Travels, 1738. Horrebow's Hist. of Iceland, 1758. Ludolphus's Hist. of Ethiopia. 12. Pietro della Valle's Travels, 1665. Sir J. Chardin's Travels, 1686. Herbert's Travels, 1638. Lot Sandys's 13. Ambassador's Voyages and Travels, 1662. Travels, 1637. Life of John de Castro, 1664. Taverners's 14. Stanley's Lives of the Philosophers, 1701. 15. Rolt's Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, 1761. 16. Croker's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 3 vols. 1768, 19. Calepini Dictionarium, 2 tom. Bas. Scapulæ Lexicon. Gen. 1619. Photii Bibliotheca. Rothom. 1653. 20. Aldrovandus de Quadrupedibus, de Piscibus, et Ornithologia, 3 tom. Bonon. 1619, &c. 21. Œuvres de la Mothe le Vayer, 2 tom. 1656. Œuvres du P. le Moyne, 1671. 22. Dictionnaire de Commerce, par Savary, 3 tom. Par. 1723. 23. Aristotelis Opera, 4 tom. Par. 1639. - 24. Xenophontis Opera Gr. H. Stephani. Diogenes Laertius. Lond. 1664. 25. Kappii Bibliotheca, Amst. 1744. Gen. 1581. 26. Rushworth's Collections, 3 vols. Machiavel's Works, 1675. 27. Hill's Natural History of Fossils, 1748. 28. Terentii Comœdiæ, Lat. et Ital. cum fig. Rom. 1767. 29. Historia da Angeloni, Rom. 1641. 30. Histoire Romaine, Paris, 1625. QUARTOS. 1. Fenton's Poems. Williams's Poems. Say's Poems. The Secretes of Maistre Alexis, 1580; and 9 more. Journals, &c. 2. Acta Lipsiensa, 7 tom. 1736, &c. Literary 3. Euvres de Voiture, Par. 1650. Histoire des Turcs, Pièces Curieuses, 1644. *3. Histoire de Poissons par Gouan, 1770; and 7 more. 4. Chefs d'Euvres de Marmontel, Par. 1773. Histoire de Ciceron, 2 tom. Par. 1745. 5. Puffendorf Droit de la Nature, 2 tom. Euvres de Boileau. 6. Hist. de Blois. Tournefort's Voyage du Levant, Amst. 1718. Tournefort's Herbaria, Par. 3 vols. 1719; and 5 more. 7. Bonada Carmina ex Lap. Antiq. 1751. Casaubon's deRebus Sacris, 1654. Institut. Univers. Philosoph. 2 tom. Donati Roma Vetus et Recens, 1695; and 11 more. 8. Miscellanea Græcorum aliquot Script. Carmina à Maittaire, Lond. 1722. Bohadsch de Animal. Marinis, 1761. Noodt Opera Omnia, 1713. Lot 9. Rosini Antiq. Rom. 1663. Wolfii Element. Matheseos, 2 tom. 1717; and 5 more. 10. Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica, 19 tom. Lips. 1670, &c. Orlando Furioso di Ariosto. Ven. 1564. 11. Davila Hist. di Francia, 1642. 1624. L'Ercoma del Sig. Biondi, 12. Philosophical Transactions, 3 vols. The same abridged, by Lowthorp and Jones, 5 vols. 13. Cibber's Apology, and Considerations on the Life of Cicero, 14. Astruc de Morbis Venereis, 1754. Owen on Serpents, 1742. Verstigan's Antiquities, 1634. Hartlib's Legacie, 1651. Sir K. Digby on the Nature of Bodies, 1645. 18. Histoire des Insectes par de Geer, 2 tom. Stock. 1771. 19. Dictionnaire Raisonné et Univers. des Animaux, 4 tom. Par. 1759. 20. Leland's Life of Philip of Macedon, 1761. 21. Wharton's History of English Poetry, 1774. Oriental Gardening, 1772. Chambers's 23. La Jartière, a French Poem in MS. dedicated to the King, elegantly bound. 24. Terentius, Horatius, Virgilius, Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, 4 tom. Cant. 1701. 25. Lucretius, Lond. 1712. 26. Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Univers. Raisonné, 25 tom. 1770. OCTAVOS, TWELVES, ETC. 1. Voyages to Bengal and Buenos Ayres. Three odd volumes of Plays. Epistles of Aristænetus; and 4 more. 2. Collier on Trade. Chapman on Education. Travels to Arabia. Henry and Frances. 3rd and 4th vols. Vanbrugh's Plays; and 4 more. 3. Brooke's Natural History, 5th and 6th vols. The Idler, vol. 1. Scot's Epigrams. Pac. on the Roman Poets; and 4 more. 4. Bons Mots de Santeuil. Lettres de Montesquieu, Dictionnaire Gentilhomme. Four odd vols. of Corneille's Plays, and 7 more French books. 5. French Plays by Avis. Ditto by Grange. Ditto by Champmelé. Théâtre de la Foire. Ditto by Favart, and 5 more. |