Fontenelle, the French writer, remarks on, 516. Foster, Mr., his tracts on Unita- rianism, 442.
Fox, Charles James, and Burke, Edmund, anecdotes of those great men, 155. Eulogy on Mr. Fox, 215.
Fox, the whelps of that animal suckled by a terrier-bitch, 194. Deposits its young in the hol- low of a tree, 195. Fox-hunters, accommodated by landlords, to the prejudice of their tenants, 192. France, view of its literature during the 18th century, 514-531.
Franks, character of, in the reign of Clovis, delineated, 484. Frere, Bartholomew, and Wil- liam, their Cambridge prize poems, 369.
Friendly Societies, the benefits of, 276.
Fucus Banksü, Menziesii, and Griffithsii, description of, 374. 376,377.
- tenax, description of, and its gelatinous qualities, as pre- pared by the Chinese, 378.
Gaelic poetry, two collections of, published by Gillies and Hill, 352. Game-laws, remarks on, 198. Gibbon, his Roman history trans- lated into French by Louis XVI. 466.
Gibson, Mr., on an extraordinary human fœtus, 271.
Gilbert, a French satirist, melan- choly fate of, 525. Gisborne, T., his prize poem on Herculaneum, 364- Gladiator, dying, poetically deli- neated, 97. Signs used to cause his death or his preserv- ation, 544.
Gods, Nature of, remarks on a MS. on, found at Hercu-
laneum, 231. Compared with Cicero de Naturâ Deorum, 232. Gold, its price on the Continent discussed, 415. See Bullion. See Guineas.
Goodall, Jos. his Cambridge prize poem, 369. Government, its influence on the moral state of society, 249.
, absurd ideas of the nature and origin of, by a French writer, 542. Granada, some account of, and of an attempt to ascend the Sierra Nevada, 261.
Guineas, a light guinea proved to be worth more than a heavy one, 413.
Gypsum, its use as a manure dis- cussed, 43 1.
Hamilton, Duchess of, letter to from Mr. Pope, 60. Harman, Mr., on the influence of paper-issues on Exchanges, 293.
Haworth, Mr., on the rise, &c. of entomology, 33- Hayes, C., his prize Ode on the death of Captain Cook, 366. Henry, Dr., on varieties of Salt of Soda, 269. Herculaneum, MSS. found at and Dissertations respecting, 225
History, claims of the English and French writers in that de- partment of authorship, 522. Home, Mr., his case of a man who died from the bite of a Rattle-snake, 268. Homer, editio princeps, Florence, 1488, copy of sold at an enor- mous price, 6.
-, remarks on, and on Mad. Dacier's translation of, 505.507.
Honduras, Bay of, statistical ac- count of, 390. Horne Tooke, Mr., observations on his etymologies, and on his
Labour, the necessity of, or the freedom from, their influence on the state of society, 248. La Mancha, brief account of that province, 118. La Motte, the French author, remarks on, 516. Lancaster, See Lell, Land-holders, hints to, respecting the depreciation of money, 301, 422. See Fox-hunters. Land's End, in Cornwall, de- scription of that point, 141. Language, Scottish, remarks on, and on its present decline as a written tongue, 11-30.
,antient, of Cornwall, observations on the remains of,
Macpherson, See Ossian. Madagascar, account of by Ro- bert Drury in 1743, repub- lished and commended, 110. Madras, government of, differ. ences between the members of, on military affairs, 107. Madrid, description and popula- tion of, 123. Magnesia, See Brande. Mahogany, mode of cutting, &c. at Honduras, 392. Maintenon, Mad. De, corrected an- ecdote of, respecting a transla- tion of Thomas à Kempis, 464. Malhby, Edward, his Cambridge prize Ode, 370.
Man, observations on his charac- ter, as affected by climate, : 250. As displayed in the dif- ferent stages of savage life, 253. Manilius, editio princeps, bought by accident, 8. Manuscripts, Oriental, list of, 9. Markland, excellent remarks of, on the want of diffidence and urbanity among scholars, 166. Marlborough, great Duke of, re- spect and cordiality of Prince Eugene towards, testified by the Prince himself, 540. Meanness, observations on, 331. Merida, fine Roman antiquities in that city, 120. Merinos, flocks of Spanish sheep, account of, 118.
Mesta, explanation of the custom so designated in the province of Estremadura, in Spain, 118,161. Metals, Alkaline, exper. on, 265. On the metals of earths, 268. Methodists, Calvinistic, remarks on their tenets and conduct, 395
![[blocks in formation]](,+In+shape+and+gesture+proudly+eminent,+Stood+like+a+tower.%22&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U053fxZ5nY14sUGW68lDCOoOsFhJg&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=101,1297,412,276)
![[blocks in formation]](,+In+shape+and+gesture+proudly+eminent,+Stood+like+a+tower.%22&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U053fxZ5nY14sUGW68lDCOoOsFhJg&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=499,118,401,1457)
Pacific Ocean, route to by the Missouri and Columbia rivers, 329.
Painting, not known as an art be- fore the time of Homer, 243. Palissot, a French author, writes satire to get rid of his bile, 526. Paper-currency. See Bank. Papyri, at Herculaneum, efforts to discover. 226.
Park, James, his prize poem, 363. Pearse, Mr., his evidence on the issue of Bank-notes, 29.3. Peg-tankards, an old species of drinking-cup, account of, 308. Pegge, Dr., character of, 302. Persia, particulars respecting that empire, 381-389.450-461. Peter the Great, of Russia, his character, 492.
Philosophy, remarks on English and French writers on, in the 18th century, 529. See Plato. Pindar, obs. on the unpopularity of, in these days, 35.
Pitt, Mr., communication between him and the Bank Directors in 1795, 294. Plane-tree, of vast size 452. Plato, continued view of the life, studies, and system of, 469- 482.511. Plato. See Academy. Poetry, of the French, in the 18th century, view of, 524. Poor, good remarks on the ma- nagement of the poor, 276. Pope, Alex. remarks on his court- ship of Miss Blount, and hither- to unpublished compositions by, in prose and verse, 51-63. Population of Spain, the idea of its decrease combated, 126. Porson, Prof. his refusal to edit Æschylus, 163. note.
Porteus, late Bishop, obs. on his pulpit-eloquence, 281. Portuguese, their present patriotic enthusiasm, 257, 258. Preaching, remarks on, 278. Prostitutes, controversy respecting a Penitentiary for, 218-222.
Proportion of, who are reclaimed at the Magdalen, 220, note. Psalms, of Sternhold and Hop- kins, the metre of not originally arranged as it now stands, 304. Pseudonymous works, curious par- ticulars respecting, 462-469.
Quakers. See Barnard. Quh, observations on that combi. nation of letters, 21. Quhill, until, etymology of, 19.
Raikes, Darell, and Bosanquet, M. M. their opinion on the state of exchange, 293. Ramsden, R., ode by, 369. Rattle-snake, case of a man who died by its bite, 268. Reason, gospel of, founded on Platonism, remarks on, 477. Rebellion of 1745, related in Latin prose, 48. Rennell, J., his prize ode, 371. Robinson, Hon. F., ode by, 365. Romances, political and philoso- phical, in France, 521. Romans, observations on
their knowlege of the arts, &c. in the first century of our æra, 242. Rome, antiquities of, view of, 543.
Sheeraz, particulars rel. to, 381. Sicard, Abbè, account of his exa- mination of his pupils, 131.
Sierra Nevada, or snowy moun- tain, attempt to ascend it, 261. Sinclair, Sir John, formerly an enemy but now a friend to the Bank suspension-act, 299. Skrimshire, Mr., on insects, 33. Smith, Rev. Sydney, strictures on his preaching, 280. -, Robert, his prize ode, 362. Smyth, J. H., his Cambridge prize ode, 369.
Society, moral progress of, affected by certain principles 246. Those principles discussed, ib. 251. Soliloquy in Hamlet travestied into a song, 325. Spaniards, view of their character and habits in humble life, 259. Stage, dramatic, history of 437- Stammering, observations on, 132. Sternhold and Hopkins, their psalms differently arranged as to metre, 304.
Straw, used as a covering in win- ter, 161.
Succession, war of, detailed by Prince Eugene, 536.
Talavera, account of, 124. Thoughts, by Mr. Pope, 54. Tinea Capitis, obs. on, 204. Toledo, that city described, 125. Tolmen, in Cornwall, account of, 137.
Tomline, W. E. P., his prize ode
on the Duke d'Enghien, 370. Trades, origin of names of, 307. Turks, defeat of by Prince Eugene, in 1697, described by him, 534. Turner, Mrs., an unfeeling mo- ther, story of, 425.
Tweddell, J., his prize poems, 364, 368.
Valladolid, description of, 122. Vanity, definition of, 333. Vendome, Marshal, thwarted by the Duke of Burgundy at Oudenarde, 539. Under the Rose, explanation of that phrase, 306. Universities, of Spain, lamentable
state of, 127, 161. Voltaire, an impromptu by, 465. Urine, See Brande.
Wales, Prince of, his laudable pa- tronage of efforts to discover MSS. at Herculaneum, 227. Wa'pole, Mr, on Campania felix, 239. On the knowlege of the Romans respecting the Greek language and the arts, in the first century, 242. On Herculanean MSS., 244. On inscriptions there, &c., 245. Warburton, Bishop, quoted and defended, for his remarks on the Eleusinian Mysteries, 64. 73, On the Platonic philoso phy, 480. Warrior, Greek, costume of, 438. Water, its agency in the mutations of the earth's surface, 497. Watling-street, curious account of the meaning of that name, 30. Wharton, Mrs. Margaret, her ex- centric character, 428. Whitmore, Mr., his evidence on Bank notes, 293, 295, 296. Williams, Dr., his hypothesis on moral evil controverted, 222. Wolfe, General, particulars of his last momenta, 153. Wollaston, Dr., his Croonian lec- ture, 264. Worming, of dogs, acc. of, 195-7- Worthington, Mr., characterized as a preacher, 282.
Valencia, province and city, sta- Xativa, in Valencia, tragical siege tistical account of, 117.
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