Paffions and Affections, in fuch a manner as it fhall appear that the Virtue of the beft Man is by one Method or other corruptible; let us look out for fome Expedient to turn thofe Paffions and Affections on the fide of Truth and Honour. When a Man has laid it down for a Pofition, that parting with his Integrity, in the minuteft Circumftance, is lofing fo much of his very Self, Self-love will become a Virtue. By this means Good and Evil will be the only Objects of Diflike and Approbation; and he that injures any Man, has effectually wounded the Man of this Turn as much as if the Harm had been to himself. This feems to be the only Expedient to arrive at an Impartiality; and a Man who follows the Dictates of Truth and right Reason, may by Artifice be led into Error, but never can into Guilt. T THE INDE X. A. Cafto, his agreeable Character, Number 386. 340. Advice to a faulty Friend, in what Manner to be given, N, 385. Age, the Authority affumed by fome People on the Account of it, N. 336. Agreeable in Company, the Art of being fo, N. 386, Alexander the Great, wherein he imitated Achilles in a Piece of Cruelty, and the Occafion of it, N. 337. His Complaint to Ariftotle, N. 379. Amanda, her Adventures, N. 375. Anthony (Mark) his witty Mirth commended by Tully, N. 386. Appearances, the Veneration and Refpect paid to them in all Ages, N. 360. Artillery, the Invention, and firft Ufe of it, to whom afcribed by Milton, N. 333. St. Asaph (the Bishop of) his Preface to his Sermons, N. 384. Affurance, what, N. 373. Atheifm an Enemy to Chearfulnefs of Mind, N. 381. Two unanswerable Arguments against it, 389. In what Manner Atheists ought to be treated, ibid. Atticus, his difinterefted and prudent Conduct in his Friendships, N. 385. Authors, for what most to be admired, N. 355. Beards i B. BEards in former Ages a Type of Wisdom, N. 331. Inftances of the Homage heretofore paid to Beards, Bicknell (Mrs.) for what commended by the Spectator, N. 370. Bill propofed by a Country Gentleman to be brought into Boccalini, his Fable of a Grafshopper applyed by the Specta- Bribery the most prevailing Way of making one's Court, C C. Efar's Commentaries, the new Edition of it, an Ho- Candour, the Confequence and Benefit of it, N. 382. Cat, a great Contributor to Harmony, N. 361. Cat-call, a Differtation upon that Inftrument, N. 361. Chocolate, a great Heater of the Blood in Women, N. Church Work flow Church-Muficians reproved for not keeping to the Text N 2 The Defign of their Commen- Commendation generally followed by Detraction, N Commercial Friendfhip preferable to Generofity, N. 346. Coquets, great Coveys of them about this Town, N. 390. Coverley (Sir Roger de) his Reflections upon vifiting the Dancing a D.. to Ancing a neceflary Accomplishment, N. 334. The Death, the Benefit of it, N. 349. Definitions, the Ufe of them recommended by Mr. Locke, N. 373. Detraction, the Generality of it in Converfation, N. 348. Drefs, the Advantage of being well dreft, N. 360. Dryden, his happy Turn for a Prologue or Epilogue, N. 341. Earth E. Earth, why cover'd with green rather than any other Colour, N. 387. Education, a Regulation of it propofed, N. 337. 324. English, generally inclined to Melancholy, N. 387. Epitaph on the Countess Dowager of Pembroke, N. 323. St. Evremond, the Singularity of his Remarks, N. 349. F. FAlfhood and Diffimulation, the Inconvenience of it perpetual, N. 352. Female Rakes defcribed, N. 336. Flavilla liberal of her Snuff at Church, N. 344. Fidelio, his Adventures, and Transformation into a Look- Friendhip, an Effay upon it, N. 385. Defined, ibid. Frolick, what ought truly to be termed fo, N. 358. G. Enerofity not always to be commended, N. 346. N: 353 Green, |