THE LIVE S OF THE POETS O F GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND. Compiled from ample Materials fcattered in a Va- By Mr. CIBBER, and other Hands, Vo L. II. LONDON: Printed for R. GRIFFITHS, at the Dunciad in MDCCLIN. In one fma!! Octavo Volume, Price bound in Calf 35. A TRANSLA of the Ingenious Abbé De MABLY'S Obfervations on the ROMANS. A learned and curious Performance ; wherein the Policy of that People is fet in fo clear a Light," and the Characters of their great Men drawn with fuch a mafterly Pen, as cannot but recommend it to all Lovers of Claffical Learning. In this Work many new Lights are caft upon the Characters and Conduct of the following celebrated Perfonages : Printed for R. GRIFFITHS, in Paul's Church-Yard. THE LIVE S OF THE POET S A ANTHONY BREWER, POET who flourished in the reign of Charles I. but of whose birth and life we can recover no particu lars. He was highly efteemed by some wits in that reign, as appears from a Poem called Steps to Parnaffus, which pays him the following well turned compliment. VOL. II. No. 6. B Let |