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Elementorum Philofophiæ fectio prima de Corpore, London 1655 in 8vo; in English, London 1656 in 4to. fectio fecunda, London 1657 in 4to. Amfterdam 1680 in 4to.

Six Leffons to the Profeffors of Mathematics of the Institution of Sir Henry Saville, London 1656 in 4to; this is written against Dr. Seth Ward, and Dr. John Wallis.

The Remarks of the Abfurd Geometry, Rural Language, &c. of Dr. John Wallis, London 1657 in 8vo. Dr. Wallis having published in 1655 his Elenchus Geometria Hobbianæ. It occafioned a notable controverfy between these two great


Examinatio et Emendatio Mathematica hodiernæ, &c. in fex Dialogis, London 1660, in 4to. Amfterdam 1668 in 4to.

Dialogus Phyficus, five de Natura Aeris, London 1661 in 4to.

De Duplicatione Cubi, London 1661, 4to. Amfterdam 1668 in 4to.

Problemata Phyfica, una cum magnitudine Circuli, London 1662, 4to.

De Principiis et Ratiocinatione Geometrarum, contra faftuofum Profefforem Geometræ, Amfterdam 1668 in 4to.

Quadratura Circuli, Cubatio fphæræ, Duplicatio Cubi; unâ cum Refponfione ad Objectiones Geometriæ Profefforis Saviliani Oxoniæ editas Anno 1669, London in 4to. 1669.

Rofetum Geometricum, five Propofitiones aliquot fruftra antehac tentatæ, cum cenfura brevi Doctrine Wallifianæ de Motu, London 1671 in 4to. There is an account of this book in the Philofophical Tranfactions, Numb. 72, for the year 1671.

Three Papers prefented to the Royal Society_againft Dr. Wallis, with Confiderations on Dr. Wallis's Answer to them, London 1671, 4to.

Lux Mathematica &c.

Cenfura Doctrine Wallifianæ de Libra. Rofetum Hobbefii, London 1672 in quarto. Principia et Problemata aliquot Geometrica ante defperata, nunc breviter explicata & demonftrata, London 1674, 4to.

Epiftola ad Dom. Ant. Wood Authorem Hiftoriæ & Antiquitat. Univerfit. Oxon. dated April 20, 1674; the fubftance of this letter is to complain of the figure which Mr. Wood makes him appear in, in that work; Hobbs, who had an infinite deal of vanity, thought he was entitled to higher encomiums, and more a minute relation of his life than that, gentleman gave. An Anfwer was written to it by Dr. Fell, in which Hobbs is treated with no great


A Letter to William, Duke of Newcastle, concerning the Controverfy he had with Dr. Laney, Bishop of Ely, about Liberty and Neceffity, London 1670 in 12mo.

Decameron Phifiologicum, or Ten Dialogues on Natural Philofophy, London 1678, 8vo. To this is added the Proportion of a Straight Line to hold the Arch of a Quadrant; an account of this book is published in the Philofophical Transactions, Numb. 138.

His Last Words, and Dying Legacy, printed December 1679, and published by Charles Blunt, Efq; from the Leviathan, in order to expofe Mr. Hobbs's Doctrine.

His Memorable Sayings in his Books, and at the Table, printed with his picture before it.

Behemoth, the Hiftory of the Civil Wars of England, from 1640 to 1660, printed London 1679.

Vita Thomæ Hobbs ; this is a Latin Poem, written by himself, and printed in 4to, 1679.


Historical Narration of Herefy, and the Punishment thereof, London 1680, in four fheets and a half in folio, and in 1682 in 8vo. of this we have already made fome mention.

Vita Thomæ Hobbs, written by himself in profe, and printed at Caropolis, i. e. London, and prefixed to Vitæ Hobbianæ Auctarium 1681 in 8vo. and 1682 in 4to.

A Brief of the Art of Rhetoric, containing the Subftance of all that Ariftotle hath written in his three Books on that Subject, printed in 12mo. but without a date.

A Dialogue between a Philofopher and a Student of the Common Law of England.

An Answer to Archbishop Bramhall's Book called the Catching of the Leviathan, London 1682 in 8vo.

Seven Philofophical Problems, and two Pofitions of Geometry, London 1682 in 8vo. dedicated to the King 1662.

An Apology for himself and his Writings, of which we have already taken notice.

Hiftoria Ecclefiaflica carmine elegiaco concinnata, London 1688 in 8vo.

Tractatus Opticus, inferted in Merfennus's Cogitata Phyfico-Mathematica, Paris 1644 in 4to.

He tranflated into English Verse the Voyages of Ulyffes, or Homer's Odyffeys. B. ix, x, xi, xii. London 1674 in 8vo.

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Homer's Iliads and Odyffes, London 1675, and 1677 in 12m0; to which is prefixed a Preface concerning Heroic Poetry. Mr. Pope in his Preface to his Tranflation of Homer's Iliad, fays, that • Mr. Hobbs, in his Verfion, has given a correct explanation of the fenfe in general, but for particulars and circumftances, lops them, and often omits the moft beautiful. As for its being a close tranflation, I doubt not, many have been led into that error by the fhortnefs of it, which pro


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⚫ceeds not from the following the original line by line, but from the contractions above mentioned. • He fometimes omits whole fimiles and fentences, and is now and then guilty of mistakes, into ⚫ which no writer of his learning could have fallen but through careleffnefs. His poetry, like Ogilby's, is too mean for criticifm.' He left behind likewife feveral MSS. Mr. Francis Peck has published two original Letters of our author ; the firft is dated at Paris October 21, 1634, in which he refolves the following queftion. Why a man remembers lefs his own face, which he fees often in a glass, than the face of a friend he has not feen a great time? The other Letter is dated at Florence, addreffed to his friend Mr. Glen 1636, and relates to Dr. Heylin's Hiftory of the Sabbath.

Thus have we given fome account of the life and writings of the famous Philofopher of Malnisbury, who made fo great a figure in the age in which he lived, but who, in the opinion of fome of the best writers of that time, was more diftinguished for his knowledge than his morals, and there have not been wanting those who have declared, that the leffons of voluptuoufnefs and libertinism, with which he poifoned the mind of the young King Charles II. had fo great an effect upon the morals of that Prince, that our nation dearly fuffered by this tutorage, in having its wealth and treasure fquandered by that luxurious Monarch. Hobbs feems not to have been very amiable in his life; he was certainly incapable of true friendship, for the fame cowardice, or falfe principle, which could instigate him to abandon truth, would likewife teach him to facrifice his friend to his own fafety. When young, he was voluptuous, when old, peevish, detitute alike of refolution and honour. However -high his powers, his character is mean, he flattered the prevailing follies, he gave up virtue to


fashion, and if he can be produced as a miracle of learning, he can never be ranked with thofe venerable names, who have added virtue to erudition, and honour to genius; who have illuminated the world by their knowledge, and reformed it by example.



Gentleman who lived in the reign of Charles I. He was fon of Thomas Cokaine, . efq; and defcended from a very ancient family at Afbourne in the Peak of Derbyshire; born in the year 1608, and educated at both the univerfities*. Mr. Langbaine obferves, that Sir Afton's predeceffors had fome evidence to prove themfelves allied to William the Conqueror, and in thofe days lived at Hemmingham Caftle in Effex. He was a fellow-commoner at Trinity College in Cambridge, as he himself confeffeth in one of his books. After he had left the university, he went to the Inns of Court, where continuing awhile for fashion's fake, he travelled afterwards with Sir Kenelm Digby into France, Italy, Germany, &c. and was abfent the fpace of twelve years, an account of which he has written to his fon , but it does not appear to have been printed. He lived the greatest part of his time in a lordship belonging to him called Pooley, in the parish of Polesworth in Warwickshire, and addicted himself much to

*Athen. Oxon. p. 756, vol. ii. Wood, ubi fupra.


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