To treat thee as beseems, and as her Lord 335 With honor, only deign to fit and eat. He spake no dream, for as his words had end, 340 Our Saviour lifting up his eyes beheld 350 Alas how fimple, to these cates compar'd, 355 Under the trees now tripp'd, now folemn stood By knights of Logres, or of Lyones, . 360 Lancelot, or Pelleas, or Pellenore:: Of chiming strings, or charming pipes, and winds Of gentlest gale Arabian odors fann'd From their soft wings, and Flora's earliest Such was the splendor, and the Tempter now His invitation earnestly renew'd. What doubts the Son of God to fit and eat? These are not fruits forbidden; no interdict Defends the touching of these viands pure; 370 Their taste no knowledge works at least of evil, But life preferves, destroys life's enemy, Hunger, with sweet restorative delight. All these are Spirits of air, and woods, and springs, Thy gentle ministers, who come to pay 375 Thee homage, and acknowledge thee their Lord: What doubt'st thou Son of God? fit down and eat. To whom thus Iefus temp'rately reply'd. Said'st thou not that to all things I had right? And who withholds my pow'r that right to Shall I receive by gift what of my own, When and where likes me best, I can com. mand? I can at will, doubt not, as soon as thou, And call swift flights of Angels ministrant 385 Array'd in glory on my cup to' attend: 390 Why shouldst thou then obtrude this diligence, pleas'd, And rather opportunely in this place 395 Of these things others quickly will dispose, 400 With that Both table and provikon vanish'd quite With found of harpies wings, and talons heard; Only th' importune Tempter still remain'd, By hunger, that each other creaturc tames, Thou art not to be harm'd, therefore not mov'd; Thy temperance invincible befides, 1 For no allurement yields to appetite, And all thy heart is set on high designs, 410 Which way or from what hope dost thou aspire 420 Longer than thou canst feed them on thy. coft? Money brings honor, friends, conquest, and realms: What rais'd Antipater the Edomite, And his fon Herod plac'd on Juda's throne. (Thy throne) but gold that got him puissant friends? 425 Therefore, if at great things thon would'st ar rive, Get riches first, get wealth, and treasure heap, amain; 1 While virtue, valor, wisdom fit in want. 430 Yet Yet wealth without these three is impotent Witness those ancient empires of the earth, 435 1 In lowest poverty to highest deeds; fat So many ages, and shall yet regain 440 That feat, and reign in Israel without end. Among the Heathen, (for throughout the world To me is not unknown, what hath been done Worthy of memorial) canst thou not remem Quintius, Fabricius, Curius, Regulus? temn Riches though offer'd from the hand of kings. And what in me seems wanting, but/hat I May alfo in this poverty as soon 450 • Accomplish what they did, perhaps and more,? Extol not riches then, the toil of fools, Than prompt her to do ought may 455 merit praife. L |