Over this main from Hell to that new world, 265 L Go whither fate and inclination strong live. Nor shall I to the work thou enterprisest 270 Be wanting, but afford thee equal aid., I So saying, with delight he snuff'd the smell Of mortal change on earth. As when a flock Of ravenous fowl, though many a league re 275 Against the day of battel, to a field, For death the following day, in bloody fight: 280 Then both from out Hell-gates; into the waste Wide anarchy of Chaos, damp and dark, Flew diverse, and with pow'r: their pow'r was great... Hovering upon the waters, what they met 285 Solid or flimy, as in raging fea Tost up and down, together crowded drove From each side shoaling towards the mouth of Hell: As when two polar winds, blowing adverse Upon the Cronian sea, together drive Mountains of ice, that stop th' imagin'd way Beyond Petsora eastward, to the richa 290 } Cathaian coast. The aggregated foil... Death with his mace petrific, cold and dry, As with a trident smote; and fix'd as firm 295 As Delos floating once: the rest his' look, Bound with Gorgonian, rigor not to move: And with Afphaltic flime, broad as the gate, Deep to the roots of Hell the gather'd beach They fasten'd; and the mole immenfe wrought on : 300 Over the foaming deep high arch'd; a bridge, Of length prodigious, joining to the wall Immoveable of this now fenceless world, Forfeit to Death. From hence a passage broad, 1 Smooth, easy, inoffenfive, down to Hell. 305 So, if great things to small may be compar'd, Xerxes, the Liberty of Grece to yoke. L From Sufa, his Memnonian palace high, Came to the sea; and over Hellefpontot Bridging his way, Europe with Afia join'd; 310 And scourg'd with many a stroke th' indignant : waves.. Now had they brought the work, by won drous art 1 Pontifical, a ridge of pendent rock And durable: And now in little space 320 Their parent foon difcern'd, though in disguife. He, after Eve seduc'd, unminded slunk Into the wood fast by; and changing shape Vain covertures: but when he saw descend derstood Not instant, but of future time, with joy 345 dear. Great joy was at their meeting, and at fight 350 own; Thou art their author, and prime architect, 3 For I no fooner in my heart divin'd, ; My heart, which by a secret harmony Still moves with thine, join'd in connexion That I must after thee with this thy son: Such fatal confequence unites us three! Hell could no longer hold us in her bounds; Nor this unvoyageable gulf obfcure, 365 Detain from following thy illustrious track. Thou haft atchiev'd our liberty, confin'd Within Hell gates till now: Thou us impower'd To fortify thus far, and ever-lay 1.370 With this portentous bridge the dark Abyss. Thine now is all this world; thy virtue hath won, What thy hands builded not: thy wildom gain'd With odds, what war hath lost: and fully As battel hath adjudg'd, from this new world Retiring, by his own doom alienated: And |