Urban Crisis in America: The Remarkable Ribicoff HearingsContains excerpts from the Ribicoff hearings entitled "Federal role in urban affairs." |
Preface | 1 |
On Being Poor and Black | 30 |
ViolenceThe Penultimate Resort | 66 |
Copyright | |
2 other sections not shown
Common terms and phrases
agencies American Angeles asked basic believe black power build Chairman civil rights Claude Brown Cleveland committee Congress coordination crisis crowd Department DUNMEYER economic effective efforts ELLISON Excerpts exist fact families Federal Government Federal programs feel Floyd McKissick funds ghetto going happens Harlem Harvard hearings Hough area housing projects JAVITS Johnie Scott Jordan Downs kind live look Los Angeles lower class major Mayor LINDSAY Mayor LOCHER Mayor YORTY McKISSICK ment million Nation Negro neighborhood organized percent person PHILLIPPE police political poverty Pruitt-Igoe public housing question Ralph Ellison rehabilitation rent rent control responsibility riots Secretary WEAVER Secretary WIRTZ Senator KENNEDY Senator RIBICOFF slum social society solve Subcommittee suburbs SVIRIDOFF talk testimony things tion trying unemployment urban problems urban renewal violence Watts welfare Widnall York City