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RECITATIVE. To the Hum-ftrum, or Hurdy-gurdy,

Ceafe, lighter numbers: hither bring
The undulating firing

Stretch'd out, and to the tumid bladder,

In amity harmonious bound:

Then deeper fwell the notes, and fadder,
And let the hoarfe bafe flowly folemn found.


With dead, dull, doleful, heavy hums,

With mournful moans,

And grievous groans,

The fober hurdy-gurdy thrums.

Our Readers will fee from this fpecimen, that the Poet hath ftrictly adhered, as he profeffes, to the rule of making the found echo to the fenfe. It happened a little unfortunately, indeed, in the late performance of this Ode, that the public ear, vitiated by being fo long accustomed to foreign inftruments, and foreign mufic, was not properly affected by the delicate and harmonious founds of the Jews-harp and the Hum-ftrum. When this Ode is performed again, therefore, we would advife it to be done in a lefs tumultuous affembly; or that an additional number of Harp-Trillers, and hurdy-gurdy Strummers, may be added to

the band.


The Effufins of Friendship and Fancy. In feveral Letters to and from Jeveral Friends. Small 8vo. 2 vols. 4s. fewed. Becket.


OOLASTON, or Locke, or fome other of our Englifh Philofophers, hath obferved, that nothing is fo likely to render a man's company generally acceptable, as a competent proficiency in the art of agreeable trifling.-Sterne is confeffedly a great mafter in the exercife of this art, upon paper; and the fuccefs he has met with, hath prompted numbers to tread in the fame fteps. Among the reft, a Writer whom we have often applauded, for his ingenious poetical productions, has taken a fancy to ftray into thefe alluring paths, and has prefented the public with a couple of Shandyan volumes of epiftolary effufions, in verfe and profe, which may ferve to unbend the mind from more ferious contemplations, and innocently while away a vacant hour in a cool arbor, or a fhady walk. In fine, if the expreffion had not loft its novelty, we might, with no impropriety, at this feafon of the year, recommend the prefent publication to our Readers, (after Mr. What's his name,


the Mimic) as very pretty, light, fummer reading to which the Letters of Mefirs. Erkine and Bofwell may be added, as a proper fupplement.

The little pieces in verfe, interfperfed through thefe Letters, have no difagreeable effect, as they are not the leaft valuable parts of the colection; but of thefe our Readers will require no tranfcripts, as we have fo frequently given them fufficient proofs of the Author's poetical merit. Of his profe-writings too, they have feen an ample fpecimen, taken from his Solyman and Almena*: but here he appears in a new light, and has ventured into the pleafant province of humour. How far he is able to make a diftinguished figure in this province, in which fo few are qualified by nature to fucceed, may be in fome measure inferred from the following fhort Letter, which is neither the brightest nor the dullest in the feries.


"you must not expect the news of the world from hence: though fo near London, we are as much fequeftered as you are in the woods of ***. No couriers pafs through this place, except fuch as are difpatched from the lowland Farmers to the Salefmen in Smithfield. We know no more about the Peace than the Compilers of news-papers, or the Authors of weekly lucubrations; and the Aura palitica, the whisper of the day, dies long before it reaches D.

Of late, however, we have been honoured with the prefence of two eminent perfonages. One of thefe I take to have been a foreigner; for though he was himself dreffed like an Englishman, yet the garb of his fervant was very particular. He wore a fhort coat, variegated with fhreds and patches of feveral colours, and his breeches were partly in the form of trowsers, defcending to the middle of his legs. This fellow always proclaimed the approach of his mafter by found of trumpet, upon which fummons the whole village aflembled to meet him, He was richly apparelled in velvet and gold, and feemed to be of a very benevolent difpofition; for he would frequently condefcend to talk to the poor inhabitants of this place, and to give them inftructions concerning their health. I was much edified by hearing him fpeak, which I could, even in my chamber, for his voice was loud, and he ufually afcended a fcaffold; but as he was a foreigner, his language was fomewhat hard to be understood. I am told that he makes it his bufinefs to go from

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town to town, to preferve the health of mankind; and that, notwithstanding the magnificence of his dress, he is fo humble, that he will fometimes vouchfafe to pull out the aching tooth of a Mantua-maker, or a milk maid. What an honour to human nature is fuch benevolence and humility! One thing, however, I could not but behold with indignation. This was the infufferable impertinence of his fervant. The domeftics of foreigners, I know very well, are admitted to greater liberties than those of our own country; but this rogue in the long breeches, was eternally playing tricks with his Mafter, and mimicking him even in his moft ferious and humane fpeeches.

"The other eminent perfon who honoured us with his prefence, was no other than the celebrated Mr. Powel. A most wonderful nan this! who, I fuppofe, has formerly existed in fome comet, and dropped from its tail, upon too near an approach to the earth. His common food is fire and brimstone, which he licks up with the fame avidity as a hungry peasant would a mefs of peafe-pottage. This he has done before Princes, Peers, and Potentates, to their no fmall emolument and fatiffaction. This Audax lapeti genus, has not only literally eaten afhes for bread, but even red hot cinders, and glowing charcoal; nay, fuch is his paffion for this terrible element, that were he to come hungry into your kitchen, and find a Sir-Loin upon the fpit, he would eat up the fire, and leave the beef. It is very furprizing that the friends of true merit, as he expreffes himself in his bill, have not thought of promoting him. We live in an age that is by no means unfavourable to men of genius. Mr. Johnson has been honoured with a royal penfion, for writing well, and Mr. Sheridan for speaking well; but Mr. Powell, for eating well, is ftil unrewarded; obliged to wander from place to place; and, instead of indulging himself in private with his favourite element, is under the uncomfortable neceffity of eating in public, and helping himself from the kitchin fire of fome paultry ale-houfe. O Tempora! O Mores!"

As we proceed through thefe little tomes, their contents feem to rife in importan e; and in the fecond volume we find a variety of ingenious criticifm, and remarks on the ftudy of poetry, which evince the Author's abilities as a claffical Scholar, and his good taste in polite literature.







Art. 1. A Difcourfe on Freedom of Thinking in Matters of Religion; with its just Limits and Temper, neither indifferent nor intolerant. 8vo. 5s. Fletcher. Printed at Oxford, 1763.


E have here a new edition of a treatise once held in great repute, written by the famous Dr. Taylor, on The Liberty of Prophecying. Sherwing the Unreasonableness of preferibing to other Men's Faith, and the Iniquity of perfecuting different Opinions. It was formerly printed with the Author's other works, but is now re-printed feparately, with a view, fays the Editor," of promoting thofe principles, with which, in proportion as they are promoted or difcountenanced, Chriftianity must itfelf flourish or decay." For the alteration of the title, the following reason is given, and we think it fufficient to excufe the liberty taken with the good old Divine of the laft age, viz." The old Title feems to have caufed a prejudice again't even enquiry after the book, as the Editor owns was the cafe of himself, and every one of his acquaintance." It is very true, that many have been prevented from looking into this truly fenfible and candid performance, through a diflike of the original title; a title too, which was not fo properly adapted to the work, as that now given it by the Editor: whole benevolent view in re-printing it, at this juncture, deferves the acknowlegements of all true friends to religious freedom.-Notwithstanding which, as fo many excellent treates of this kind have appeared fince Dr. Taylor's time t, written in a style and manner more agreeable to the prefent tafte for literary compofition, it is to be feared. that our Editor will not find fo quick a fale for his impreffion as he probably expected, and we fincerely with him;more efpecially do we with it, as productions of this flamp do not commonly ifiue from the Oxford prefs; which we hope to fee henceforth

Bishop of Downe and Connor in Ireland. This voluminous Writer died in the year 1667.

+ Notwithstanding the flyle of Bishop Taylor's writings may now be thought fomewhat exploded and uncouth, his books have been deemed not inelegant; and the esteem in which he was held, may be gathered from the following character given of him by his fucceffor, Bishop Ruft. "This great Prelate, fays he, had the good humour of a Gentleman, the eloquence of an Orator, the fancy of a Poet, the acuteness of a Schoolmang the profoundnefs of a Philofopher, the wifdom of a Chancellor, the fagacity of a Prophet, the reafon of an Angel, and the picty of a Saint. He had devotion enough for a cloifter, learning enough for a univerfity, and wit enough for a college of Virtuofi: and had his parts and endowments been parcelled out among his poor Clergy that he left behind him, it would, perhaps, have been one of the best diocefes in the world."



abounding in good works, fuch as may tend to promote the beft interefts of mankind, their liberties, civil and religious.

Art. 2. The Scheme for erecting an Academy at Glasgow, fet forth in its own proper Colours. In a Letter from a Society of the Inhabitants of that City, who are not yet tainted with a Taste for Literature, to their Brethren of the fame Principles at Paifley.. 8vo. 6d. Glafgow, 1762.

Some wicked Wag at Glafgow has amufed himself with jeering the tate and difpofitions of his townfmen, and the little regard fhewn by them to a judicious tract lately publifhed, entitled, "The Defects of univerfity Education," &c. which referred particularly to the improvement of education at that place: the fmall inclination the people of. Glafgow and Pailley manifest to profit by the fcheme therein recommended, this unfound Member of the Kirk has ridiculed in the character of one of a fociety united to oppofe the advancement of literary knowlege. He here fuppofes the eltablishment of an academy would open the narrow minds of his countrymen, and infpire them with generous fentiments, which he confiders as incompatible with their prefent greedy attachment to trade; but more efpecially as tending to wean mankind from an implicit reverence to good old found prefbyterian orthodoxy; which, beyond all things, they ought carefully to guard againft.

At first view, this pamphlet may feem confined to a local application, which, in fact, it is, in fome parts; but the general characters therein ridiculed, are to be found in many places befide Glafgow and Pafley."

*See Review vol. XXVI. page 234.


Art. 3. A View of the Glory of the Meffial's Kingdom: Containing a brief Commentary on feveral felett Pallages of the Book of the Revelations, compared with the Old Testament Prophecies, &c. &c. By Alexander Clarke. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Keith..

It cannot be faid of Mr. Clarke, as was faid of St. Paul, that much learning hath made him mad, for he is a poor ignorant Gardener, from Drumcrief near Moffat in Scotland. It appears from a part of his book, which he entitles, A brief Account of an extraordinary Revelation," and other Things remarkable in the Cow fe of God's Dealings with Alexayander Clarke, that this perfon had fome diforder, probably a fever,"in-" the year 1749, which, we fuppofe, unhappily affected his intellects. "When the Lord, fays he, was pleased to chafiife me greatly in a beđi of affliction, and in the midst of my great trial, it pleafed the Almighty God wonderfully to furprize me with a glorious light round about me; and looking up, I faw ftraight before me a glorious building in the air, as bright and clear as the fun; it was fo vaftly great, fo amiable to be hold, fo full of majesty and glory, that it filled my heart with wonder and admiration; the place where this fight appeared to me, was just over the city of Edinburgh; at the fame initant I heard, as it were, the mufic-bells of the faid city ring for joy.

" After

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