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Art. 3. The Principles of Religion made eafy to young Perfons, in a fhort and familiar Catechifm. By Samuel Lord Bishop of St. Davids. 12mo. 6d. Faden.

A Catechism of forty-eight pages, we think, rather too long to be called a bort Catechifm: had his Lordship's performance beca comprifed in as many lines it might not have proved lels useful than thofe tedious productions of this ind, with which young minds may fatigued and difgufted, than delighted or improved.


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Art. 4. Confiderations on the prefent dangerous Crifis. 8vo. Is. Becket.


The welcome reception which thefe candid and judicious Reflections have met with from the public, is a fresh proof of the juftnefs of its difcernment, with regard to literary productions; and, indeed, we have rarely known an initance of its failing to diftinguish between fuch materly performances as the prefent pamphlet, and the ordinary produce of the prefs.

This very fenfible and fpirited Writer, who, like a cool, difinterefted fpectator, itands by, and fees the political game played by both parties, has truly marked the blunders and foul play on either fide: and, from the skilful oblervations he has made, we may pla nly perceive, that it is, indeed, high time the game were up.

As we would not anticipate the pleasure which the moderate and impartial Reader will find in the perufal of this ingenious little tract, we hall very briefly recommend it to their notice, by only obferving, that the Author has given, on the one hand, a fhort sketch of the errors of Lord Bute's adminiftration; and, on the other, a lively view of the unfair and felfish proceedings of his Lordship's opponents. He has rebuked thofe who were partially attached to the firft, and fhewn the folly of thofe who have been duped by the last. In a word, he has inconteftibly evinced the abfurdity and evil tendency of our entering into any contests or competition for the fake of men, while menfures alone ought to be the only objects of our attention.

As to the peace, this able Writer is a ftrenuous Advocate for it. He has likewife feveral remarks in favour of the late unpopular CyderA&t, which, in many respects, (however unseasonable, and difagreeable to the public) hath been mifunderstood by fome, and mifrepresented by others.

Art. 5. A Letter from a Member of Parliament in London to his Friend in Edinburgh, relative to the prefent critical State of Affairs, and the dangerous Antipathy that Jeems daily to increafe between the People of England and Scotland. 8vo. I s. Hinx


If this increasing antipathy is fo dangerous, why does this Writer ftrain his little talents to make the breach wider? Why does he infult the English with all the grofs fcurrility of a dull and malignant pen? Why


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does he ftigmatize them as 'pimps, parafites, thieves, infidels, blafphemers, fodomites, and falfe fwearers?" Lattiy, why does he fo confijiently quote Lord Lyttleton, who fays, that the Scotch and English,

are congenial, and filled with the fame noble virtues, the fame impa⚫tience of fervitude, the fame magnanimity, courage, and prudence, the fame genius for policy, tciences, arts?" R-d

Art. 6. Confiderations on the prefent Peace, as far as it is relative to the Colonies, and the African Trade. 8vo. 1s. Briftow.

The defign of this pamphlet is principally to fhew, that the ends aimed at in the diffolution of the Royal African Company, are by no means aufwered by the prefent method of carrying on the trade to thofe parts where our forts are fituated. The chief caufe of this failure is reprefented to be the misconduct of the Officers of the taid forts, who act under the African Commitee, and monopolize the negroc-trade, by their fuperior advantages over other traders; thereby keeping up the flaves at a very high price, to the great detriment of our colonies in America. K-n-k

Art. 7. The Blefings of Peace, and a Scotch Excife: Or, the bumbug Refignation. A Farce, in two Acts. 8vo. I S.


Altho' this is a low and contemptible piece of Grub-ftreet, yet we are not forry to fee fo general a diflike to the late extenfion of the Excife: a mode of taxation altogether inconfiftent with the nature of Freedom, and which must be for ever odious to a people who are duly impretted with the glorious idea of Liberty.- -We wonder that, in this age of general improvement, fome method hath not been discovered for eafing this great and free nation of fo hateful a burthen, fo vile a badge of foreign flavery; and for fupplying the demands of government in fome way more agreeable to the fubject!

Art. 8. The Character of a diftanded Courtier. 8vo. 6d.


We thought the mob of Writers which affembled to abufe Mr. Pit, on his quitting the Miniftry, had been difperfed long ago; but here is one folitary straggler left behind, hallooing about the treets by himfelf; altho' nobody pays the leaft regard to his bawling, or even thinks it worth while to bid the parish-beadle take him to the round-house.


Art. 9. Sincerity, a Poem. 4to. Is. 6d. Flexney.

This performa: ce, written by Mr. W. Sharp, junr. of the ifle of Wight, is not without fome traits of poetry; but it is written in a bad tafle. His fault is not diretted; the Author does not want powers, but his powers are ill employed. It is written with harmory, but without cafe; with fpirit, but without order; with variety, but without connection. We muft, nevertheleís, applaud the fpirit and tendency

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of the work; as nothing can be more commendable than the benevo lent difpofition, and zeal for liberty, manifefted by this young Writer." น

Art. 10. Genius and Valour, a Scotch Paftoral. 4to. I s. 6d. Becket.

It is with peculiar pleafure we behold an Englishman ftand forth in defence of a fifter kingdom, fo rudely attacked by another of our Countrymen, in the Prophe y of Fam ne; to which the prefent performance is a proper contraft. And if the Author doth not exceed Mr. Churchill in the fire and force of his numbers, he is at least equal to him in the eafy and harmonious flow of his verfification. The piece before us is, in our opinion, one of the most truly poetical productions which hath appeared for fome time palt. The melodious Bard fets out in ftrains that are as fweetly mufical as any we have met with in British pastoral: Where Tweed's fair plains in liberal beauty lie,

And Flora laughs beneath a lucid fky;

Long winding vales where cryftal waters lave,

Where blythe birds warble, and where green woods wave,
A bright-hair'd fhepherd, in young beauty's bloom,
Tun'd his fweet pipe behind the yellow broom.

Our poetical Readers will be particularly pleafed with one paffage in that part of his paftoral where the Bard fings the praifes of thofe natives of North-Britain, who have been diftinguished for their genius and literary productions: we mean the reprefentation of the Four Seasons appearing to Thomson, and claiming the palm, like the fabled competition of the rival Goddeffes before the royal Shepherd on mount Ida. First, Spring addreffes the liberal boy:"

Her naked charms, like Venus, to difclofe,
SPRING from her bofom threw the fhadowing rofe ;
Bar'd the pure fnow that feeds the lover's fire,
The breaft that thrills with exquifite defire;
Affum'd the tender fmile, the melting eye,
The breath favonian, and the yielding figh.
One beauteous hand a wilding's blofiom grac'd,
And one enfolded half her zonelefs wait.

Majeftic SUMMER, in gay pride adorn'd,
Her rival fifter's fimple beauty fcorn'd.
With purple wreaths her lofty brows were bourd,
With glowing flowers her rifing bofom crown'd.
In her gay zone, by artful Fancy fram'd,
The bright role blufh'd, the full carnation flam'd.
Her checks the glow of fplendid clouds difplay,
And her eyes flash infufferable day.

With milder air the gentle AUTUMN came,
But feem'd to languifh at her fifter's flame.
Yet, conscious of her boundlefs wealth, fhe bore
On high the emblems of her golden ftore.


Yet could fhe boat the plenty-pouring hand,
The liberal fmile, benevolent and bland.
Nor might the fear in beauty to excel,
From whofe fair head fuch golden treffes fell;
Nor might the envy Summer's flowery zone,
In whofe fweet eye the flar of evening fhone.

Did WINTER hope the envied palm to gain?
Yes WINTER hop'd. What woman is not vain?
Behold," the cried, with voice that shook the ground,
(The Bard, the Sifters trembled at the found)
Ye weak admirers of a grape, or rofe,
"Behold my wild magnificence of fnows!
"See my keen froft her glaffy bofom bare!
"Mock the faint fun, and bind the fluid air!
"Nature to you may lend a painted hour,
"With you may fport, when I fufpend my power.
"But you and Nature, who that power obey,
"Shall own my beauty, or fhall dread my fway.".

She spoke the Bard, whofe gentle heart ne'er gave
One pain or trouble that he knew to fave,
No favour'd nymph extols with partial lays,
But gives to each her picture for her praite.

In celebrating the military virtue of the Scots, he thus nervously and feelingly mentions the gallant Wallace :

O'er the dear urn, where glorious Wallace fleeps,
True Valour bleeds, and patriot Virtue weeps.
Son of the lyre, what high ennobling ftrain,
What meed from thee fhall generous Wallace gain?
Who greatly fcorning an Ufurper's pride,
Bar'd his brave breast for Liberty and died.

Notwithstanding the warm approbation we have fincerely beftowed on this liule elegant poem, we must own, we think the ingenious Author has not fhewn equal judgment, in addreffing it (fo unfeasonably too) to the Earl of Bute: but, perhaps, it was the more generous in our Poet, and must be regarded as a proof of his difintereftednets, that he has chofen to pay his devoirs, not to the rifing but to the fetting fun.

Art. 11. The Guardian Angel. 4to. 25.


The following is the fubftance of a dialogue that paffed between the Author of this poem and his Guardian Angel :

G. ANG. Fear not, O youth!

Thy Guardian Angel's in this form enfhrin'd,
Intent on purposes divinely kind:

Heaven heard thy prayers, and in proportion will,
As you're obedient, what you with fulfil;

Prefer thy wishes to the throne with speed,
Nor will the Queen disdain to interceed.

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POET. I cannot, 'dare not this prefumption ufe. G. ANG. Then your lucky hour you'll lose.

When their commands fuperior Beings lay, They're held as facred, and you must obey. POET. But ah! how dare I ask, that am unknown, And can for public good no actions own?


The King, like Heaven, expands
His grace, where not alone defert demands.

A fhrewd Angel this! But he wanders from the subject, and enters into
a long detail of the Queen's voyage and nuptials, telling the Poet how
With tottering feet

She trod the yacht, her dearest Lord to meet.

And how Gallia came to oppofe her paffage,

In a gilt chariot which dragoons furround.

As to the King, our Author promifes, that if he is a good man, and behaves himself as he ought to do, he shall occupy that throne in heaven which was formerly in the poffeffion of the Devil.-Query, Whether this Writer is qualified to shine most as a Courtier or as a Poet?

It. Art. 12. Ode on the Return of Peace. Also the Speech of Europa. 4to. 6d. Becket.

A phenomenon which we cannot account for. The Author is no Poet, and of this truth he feems, by his preface, to be conscious; what then, in the name of common fenfe, could induce him to write verses, and what is more, to print them? Does he think that any thing is good enough for the public, or that their stomachs are fo fharp fet for poetry, that whatever has the leaft form or appearance of it, will go down? If he has fallen into any fuch mistake, his Bookfeller, no doubt, will foon cure him of it.

Art. 13. Ode in imitation of Horace, Ode I. ad Macenatem. Addreffed to his Grace John Duke of Montague, the most beneficent of Mankind. Jan. 30, 1748. To which is fubjoined, the ori ginal Ode of Horace, illuftrated by a new Interpretation. By Sir William Browne, M. D. 4to. Is. 6d. Owen.

It is unfortunate for this Author, for the public, and for ourselves, that our venerable friend Martinus Scriblerus is now upon his travels through foreign countries. He alone could have been equal to the tak of reviewing the work of this punctilious Bard, this poetico-critico-he raldico fculptorico Sir William Browne! Such a formal piece of compofition we do not remember to have feen fince the commencement of Our Review. Such affectation of fingularity, fuch literary Quixotism, fo much grave trifling, and pompous infignificance, in the narrow compafs of a pamphlet, have we never yet met with. Wherever fophiftry could prevaricate, or fingularity could innovate, the fenfe of Horace has been perverted, and the text has been altered. Where the connection


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