SOLD WHOLESALE BY THE FOLLOWING AGENTS, AND RETAIL BY ALL BOOKSELLERS; ABERDEEN, BROWN & CO. BATH, GEORGE.-BIRMINGHAM, LANGBRIDGE.-BRISTOL, WESTLEY & CO.; VICKERY.-BURY, LANKESTER.- CAMBRIDGE, STEVENSON.-CARLISLE, THURNAM.- CHELMSFORD, GUY.-CHELTENHAM, LOVESY. CHESTER, SEACOME; HARDING.-CHICHESTER, GLOVER.-- -COLCHESTER, SWINBORNE & CO.- -DERBY, WILKINS & SON. -DEVONPORT, BYERS.-DUBLIN, CURRY, JUN., & CO.-DUNDEE, SHAW.--DURHAM, ANDREWS.-EDINBURGH, OLIVER & BOYD.--EXETER, PENNY & CO. -GLASGOW, GRIFFIN & CO.-GLOUCESTER, JEW.- HEREFORD, CHILD.--HULL, WILSON. -IPSWICH, DECK.-LANCASHIRE & CHESHIRE, BANCKS & CO., MANCHESTER.-LEEDS, ROBINSON.-LEICESTER, COMBE. -LIVERPOOL, HUGHES.-LONDON, ORR; BERGER.-MACCLESFIELD, SWINNERTON.-NEWCASTLE ON TYNE, FINLAY & CO.; EMPSON.- NORTHAMPTON, BIRDSALL.NORIVICH, MUSKETT; SMITH.-NOTTINGHAM, WRIGHT.. OXFORD, SLATTER. PARIS, BENNIS. PLYMOUTH, NETTLETON.-SALISBURY, BRODIE & CO.-SHEFFIELD, RIDGE. -SHREWSBURY, EDDOWES.-STAFFORDSHIRE POTTERIES, WATTS, LANE END.-SUNDERLAND, MARWOOD.-WARWICK, MERRIDEW. -WHITBY, RODGERS.-WORCESTER, DEIGHTON.-YARMOUTH, ALEXANDER.--YORK, BELLERBY MDCCCXXXIII, INDEX Architecture, familiar, 7, 107 Atterbury, lines on a goose-quill, 63 Babbage on agriculture. 214; on fraud, 218; on the freight of cotton, 216; on the manufacture of horn, 160; Bacon, on death, 240; on the ends of knowledge, 112; on natural philo. sophy, 111; observation by, 239 Bell-shaped Sea Nettle, 243 Benefit Societies, abuses of, 58; prin- ciples of, 134; remarks on, 46 Bills of mortality, origin, 118 Christian mysteries, 197 Coke, Sir Edward, on old age, 91 flection, extracts from, 56; a child's Colling, Maria, morning twilight, 55 Commerce, 158 Conscience, Quarles, 48 Conscientious mimic, 239 Walton, 231 Cowper, the Cockfighter's Garland, 170 Cruelty to animals, 216 Cultivation of the United Kingdom, 38 Daisy, lines on, by Dr. Good, 117 Decline of manners, Jeremy Taylor, 96 Diazoma Mediterranea, 136 French wit and English Dies Iræ, translation of, 111 Discoveries, 120 Doddridge, lines by, 88 Dogs and rats, 231 Doubter's question-Believer's answer, 240 Duties and advantages of society, 29, Early training of children, 110 Economy, Cicero, 224 Education in Scotland, Chalmers, 111 Eggs, McCulloch, 24 Egypt, in connexion with sacred his- Elijah at Horeb, Bishop Hall, 115 England, 190 its salubrity, 169 Fashionable dresses, 54 Feltham, Owen, on hope, 48; on reli- Hale, Judge, on Sunday, 146 on the guidance of God, Hales' Scripture difficulties, 214 Hall, Bishop, on affectation, 215; on contentious dispositions, 110; the lark and the hawk, 31; music by night, 221; on passion, 184; on a redbreast, 231; on a tree in full blossom, 195; extract from sermon, 23; on Elijah, 115; remarks by, Hall, Captain, extract from, 146 Hall, Robert, modern infidelity, 227 Hooker on the Book of Psalms, 154; Hope, Feltham, 48 lines on the leaf, 104; on Scrip- Horn, manufacture of, Babbage, 160 Hour-glass, lines on an, 69; answer to, Jebb, Bishop, on religion, 183 Johnson, Dr. Samuel, on content, 55 history, 32; remarks by, 100, 184 Jones, of Nayland, remarks by, 112, 171 Sir William, account of, 70; on Kenn, Bishop, remark on, 96 the ends of, Bacon, 112 Lace made by caterpillars, 120 Lantern, origin of, 223 Lark, the, and the hawk, Bishop Hall, 31 study of, 3 Natural philosophy, Bacon, 111 Navigation, curious mode of, 131 New River, Sir Hugh Myddelton, 183 Irving, Washington, travelling in Spain, Oldys, address to a fly, 51 10 Ornithorhyncus, 116 |