gnes Cheap ocent, N. 62.. Errors in Under- ag it, N. 6. af (Chriftian) the Office of it folemn and moving, N. 21.
C. AMBRAY (Archbi- Camp of C4 fhop of) what he faid to the French King about his Marriage with Madam Maintenon, N. 48. 'Tis the Occafion of his Dif- grace, ib. His Treatife of the Existence, Wisdom Omnipotence of
and God, 69. Cardan, what he fays of the
Affliction of Love, N. 7. Cato, the Tragedy fo called; Its Character, N.33. The Prologue and Epilogue, ibid. Some of its Beau- ties, 43, 59. Its beau- tiful Similes, 64. Charity Recommended, N. 79. Charwel (Mr.) the Mer- chant, his Character, Wealth and Purchase, N. 9. His Improvements of his Eftate, ibid. Chastity, the nobleft Male Qualification, N. 45. Church (Chriftian) Its Di-
vine Order and Oecono- my, N.70.-of England, its excellent Rules,74. Its Term wants Explanation, 80. Mifapplied, ibid. Clergymen, the Refpe&t due to their Function, N. 3. What thofe that take it upon them fhould pro- pose to themselves, ibid. 13. Abus'd by the Exa- miner, 80. Cock-fighting, a barbarous Custom, 61. Cocking, a Precaution against it, N. 14. Colbert (Mr.) his Conver- fation with the French King about the Power of the Dutch, N. 52. Converfation, the noblest Privilege of Reafon, N. 24. Rules for it, ibid. Covetoufnefs, Precautions
againft it, N. 19, 49. Country Life, its Pleafures, N. 22. Coward, never forgives, N.
Corley (Mr.) a Criticism on his Songs, N. 16. Crabtree (Major) his four Sayings of the Ladies, N. 26. Criticks, false ones, N. 12. Obfervations on them, 77. Criticism on Song- Writing, N. 16. Cuftoms, barbarous ones in England, N. 61. Cyr (St.) Monaftery of, an Account of it, N. 48. Cyruss
AUBIGNE (Meffieurs) Father and Grandfa-
DAUBIG Dfather and Grandra,
ther of Madam Mainte-
non, their Story, N. 46. David's Lamentation for
Jonathan; the Beauty of it, N. 51. Dedications, the Abuse of 'em, N. 4. by Female Authors, ibid. An In- ftance of it, ibid. An Au- thor's to himself, ibid. Dewlip (Dick) well made for a Jefter, N. 42. Defcartes, his Discovery of the Pineal Gland in the Brain, N. 35. Disorders of the Playhouse, by whom rais'd, N. 19. Diftrefs, a Scene of it in the Tragedy of Anne Bullen, N. 19. Donne (Dr.) a Criticifm on his Songs, N. 16. Dream of Reproof, Re- proach, &c. N. 56. Drefs, not to be too much valued or defpis'd, N. 10. Druids, their Doctrine of the Tranfmigration of Souls, N. 18. Dryden, a Saying of his re- commendingChastity,N. 45. Moral Verfes out of his Juvenal, N. 54. Duel, the Danger of Dying in one, N. 20. D'Urfey (Mr.) the World's Ingratitude to him, N.
ibid. His Merit. ibid. His Plotting Sifters recom- mended, and why, 82. Dutch, the Advantages they have over the French,
Ei, N. 12, 15. an ASE in Writing, what
Inftance of it in Love- - Verfe, ibid. Enjoyment is the true Pof- feffion, N. 49. Enquiries into Religion ur ged, N. 75. Epic Poem, Rules concern- ing it, N. 12. A Receipt to make one, 78. Epigram, a French one, mif- called a Song, N. 16. Equality in Mens Happiness and Mifery, N. 54. Effays on feveral extraordi- nary Subjects, N. 60. Examiner his Infolence and Ill-Manners, N. 4 .41. Mr. Steele's Letter to the Guardian about him, 53. His Scandal on the great- eft Man in England repro- ved, ibid. An Advocate for a Lady who was faid not to have been lain with, 63. A very grofs Offender, 80: Mifapplies the Word Church, ibid. Abufes the Clergy, ibid. Lords and Commons, ibid. His Falfhood, ibid.
F. AME (Common) its
29. His Newmarket. Ode, F Houfe defcriba, N. 66.
Fantaftical Pleafures, what they are, N. 49. Fine Gentlemen, a Dif- course of them, N. 34. Flattery, an Ingenious Sa- tire against it, N. 11. Flies and Free thinkers compar❜d, N. 70. Footman, one too Fat for his Mafter, N. 54. Fornication, a Criticifm up- on it, N. 17. Free-thinkers, their Folly and Ignorance, N. 3,9.27, 55. Defcription of their Pineal Gland, 39. Ene- mies to Letters,62. Com- pared to Flies, 70. Obfer- vations on them, 77. French, their Poverty, N.52. French King, the Story of him and Madam Mainte- non, N. 47. Govern'd by her, 48. Marries her, ibid. His Converfation with Mr. Colbert about the Power of the Dutch, 52. Front-box, how the Ladies are marfhilled there, N.
like, &c. how ill ap- plied, N. 38. Gladiator, a Statue of one as eafy as that of a Venus, N. 12. Gratho, the Mad Doctor's Letter to the Guardian, N. 11.
God, his Existence, Wis- dom and Omnipotence demonstrated, N. 69. Re- flexions on his Nature and Attributes, 74. Good Friday, Reflexions Preparatory to the Day, N. 20. Good-will and Charity re- commended, N. 79. Gofpels, the Excellence of them, N. 21. Greek, two Sorts, N. 78. Griffins, a Treatife of, N.60. Guardian, the Qualifica- tions for one, N. 1. the Defign of this Paper, ib. His Letter to Sir Harry Lizard about Marriage,
Future-State, Proofs of it Hamlet, poten by Mo
from the Works of the Creation, N. 27. G.
Galantry, the falfe No-
tions of it in this Kingdom, N. 20. Gale (John) many Prints of him, N. 1. Garth (Dr.) his agreeable Epilogue to Cato, N. 23. Gentlemanly, Gentleman-
Henry VII. (Lord Veru- lam's Hiftory of) Criti- cifms on it, N. 25. Hilaria, her Madness and Cure, N. 11.
Birth andEducation, N. z. Italian Comedians driven from Paris for offending Madam Maintenon, N. K.
Hiftory, Rules for writing KIng and Hofpitallers,
it, N. 25. Holiness, the Beauty of it, N. 21. Horfes, how manag'd by Sir Harry Lizard, N. 6. How dye-call (Susan) her Petition to the Guardian, N. 64. Humour, Pleafant Miftakes, concerning it, N. 42. Hunting, a Remain of Go- thick Barbarity, N. 61.
Am that I Am, Reflexi- ons on that Saying, N.
Janglings, Matrimonial, N.
73. Jealoufy, its fatal Effects,
N. 37. Jefts for a Death Bed, by whom publish'd, N. 27. Jefus Chrift, his Converfa- tion with two Difciples after his Crucifixion, N.
Jilflirts, the Occafion of our
ill Breed of Men, N. 26. Ingratitude (Man's) to Beafts, N. 61. Intrigue between a wild Gentleman and a young Jilt, N. 14. Jofeph, the Story of his Chaftity, N. 45. Ironfide (Neftor, Efq;) his
Objects of Charity,
N. 17. Kneeling Adorations paid by an Authoress to a young Nobleman, N. 4. L.
Adies, all Women fuch,
Land Intereft and Trade support each other, N. 76. Laugh and be fat, the Ef- fects of reading a Col- lection of Sonnets fo cal- led, N. 39. Laughers, the feveral Cha- racters of them, N. 29. Laughter, the Chorus of Converfation, N. 29. Letter to Sir Francis Wal- fingham, from Sir Thomas Smith, about Queen Eli- zabeth's Marrying the French King's Brother, N. 7. About Free-think- ers, to the Guardian, 9 From an Oxford Beau 10. From Gnatho the Mad-Doctor, 11. From T. S. about two wild Youths, 13. From the fame, ibid. The Guardi- an's Letter to Sir Harry Lizard, recommending a Wife to him, 26. From Ulyffes Cofmopolita to the Guardian, 35 39. To
the Guardian in favour of Punning, 36. From Will.Bareface, 38. About the Examiner's grofly affronting Lady Ch-tte, 41. From the Sparkler about the Characters of Lucia and Marcia in Ca- to, 43. About the Old Men of Gray's - Inn- Walks, 44. From R. B. about his Journey to the Country; His Entertain- ment and Pleasures, 50. About David's Lamenta- tion for Jonathan, 51. From Mr. Steele, about the Examiner, 53. A- bout the Error of Parents in marrying their Chil- dren, 57. From an Au- thor, Nick. Hawthorn, and a gay Lady, on Pub- lick Spirit, 58. From Will Lizard in Praise of Cato, 59. From Sir Harry Lizard, about Marriage, 68. Of the Archbishop of Cambray's Book of the Existence, Wisdom and Omnipo- tence of God, 69. Libertine, (Athenian) his Moral Soliloquy, N. 81. English, his Prayer, ibid. Licenciado, a Spanish Go- vernor, his Infolence and Severity, N. 8. Liberty afferted by Mr. Steele, N. 53. Life, its feveral Stages have feveral Pleasures, N. 62,
Lilly (Charles) Perfumer, his Petition, N. 64. Lions, London infefted with them, N. 71. Spies fo called, defcribed, ibid. Lizard, (Sir Ambrofe) choo- fes Neftor Ironfide Guar- dian to his Son and Fa mily, N. 2. Sir Marma- duke, his Fortune and Fa- mily, 2, 5. Lady, her Character, 2, 5. The different Characters of Mrs. Jane, Mrs. Anna- bella, Mrs. Cornelia, Mrs. Betty, Mrs. Mary, 5. Sir Harry, his Cha racter, 6. The different Characters of Mr. Tho mas, Mr. William, and Mr. John, 13. Lock Hofpitallers Objects of Charity, N. 17. An Ob- lation from a Chamber- Maid, N. 26. Longbottom (John) Barber, his Petition, N. 64. Love, the Advantages of it
to both Sexes, N. 7. Lucan, a Tranflation of his Verses on the Druids Doctrine of the Tranfmi- gration of Souls, N. 18. Lucas (Dr.) his Practical Chriftianity recommend- ed, N. 63. Luke, (St.) the xxivth Chap- ter, its Contents, N. 21. M.
MAD Dodor, an Ac-
count of one, and his Medicines, N. 11..
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