Page images
[blocks in formation]

noise of many, 594.
once more upon the, 473.
o'er the glad, 481.

rave, where the scattered, 560.
rising world of, 186.
she walks the, 481.
stolen, are sweet, 596.
to a thirsty soul, 598.

unpathed, undreamed shores, 52.
wide as the, be, 415.
Watery deep, plough the, 290.
Wave, all sunk beneath the, 365.
break of the, 429.

cool translucent, 202.
fountain's murmuring, 366.
life on the ocean, 560.
long may it, 491.

Munich all thy banners, 443.
of life kept heaving, 512.
of the ocean, 561.

o' the sea, I wish you a, 52

so dies a, along the shore, 374.
spangling the, 452.
succeeds a wave, 165.

winning, deserving note, 165.
with dimpled face, 567.
Waved her lily hand, 294.
Waves are brightly glowing, 534.
bound beneath me, 473.
Britannia rules the, 34.
come as the, come. 452.

dashed high, the breaking, 495.
nothing save the, and I, 488.
o'er the mountain, 443.
proud, be stayed, 501.
sea rolls its, 464.

what are the wild, saying, 561.
whist, the wild, 19.
Waving wings, on wide, 372.
Wax, my heart is, to be moulded, 574.
to flaming youth, virtue be as, 116.
to receive marble to retain, 485.
Way, adorns and cheers the, 345.
dances such a, 152

dim and perilous, 402, 421.
eftest, 30.

glory leads the, 238.

glory shows the, 238.

heaven's wide pathless, 206.
home, the next, 159.

Way, homeward plods his weary, 328.
life's common, 413.

lion in the, there is a, 599.
long is the, 183.

madness lies that, 122.
man's heart deviseth his, 597.
marshall'st me the, 3.
milky, face is like the, 163.
milky, solar walk or, 269.
mind my compass and, 293.
moves in a mysterious, 364.
no t'other side the, 514.
noiseless tenor of their, 329.
of all the earth, 587.
of bargain, in the, 60.

of kindness, save in the, 393.
of life, my, 99.

of transgressors, 596.

on their winding 464.

out of hell, hard is the, 183.
out of his wreck, 74.
pretty Fanny's, 258.
sordid, he wends, 499.

steep and thorny, to heaven, 104.
tenor of his, 347.

that milky, which nightly, 192.
through Eden took their. 196.
through many a weary, 511.
through the world, 298.

to dusty death, lighted fools the,

to heaven, all the, 169.

to heaven led the, 293.

to parish church, plain as, 43.
where is the good, 605

where prudence points the, 304.
which, shall I fly, 187
which, the wind is. 156.
which, they walk, 93.
wicked forsake his, 604.
wisdom finds a, 382.
Wayfaring men, 605,
Ways, amend your, 605.

among the untrodden, 403.
cheerful, of men, 186.
hundred and fifty, 46.
newest kind of, 64.

of glory, trod the, 74
of God, just are the. 197.

of God to man, vindicate the, 268.
of God to men, justify the, 178.
of honour, the perfect. 75.
of men, far from the, 291.

of pleasantness, 595.
ten thousand, 223.
that are dark. 568.

to lengthen our days, 458.
wandered all our, 14.
Wayward and tetchy, 71.
We are men my liege, 95.

are ne'er like angels, 166.

We grieved we sighed, 173.

have been friends together, 524.
have been long together, 374.
have lived and loved, 534.
'll go no more a roving, 484.
met 't was in a crowd, 508.
must be free or die, 413.
We never blushed before, 173.
never mention her, 508.
spent them not in toys, 173.
watched her breathing, 512.
Weak and beggarly elements, 615.
and despised old man, 122.

fine by defect and delicately, 274.
minds led captive, 196.
protest of the, 550.

to be, is miserable, 178.
women went astray, if, 241.
Weaker vessel, as unto the, 617.
Weakest bodies, strongest works in,

goes to the wall, 77.
Weakness, amiable, 308, 380.
strength perfect in, 614.
stronger by, 175.
Weaknesses, amiable, 355.
Weal, prayer for others', 470.
Wealth accumulates, where, 340.

and commerce, 347.

and freedom reign, 338.
and place, get, 283.

boundless his, 448.

by any means get, 283.

e'er gave, all that, 328.

excess of, is cause of covetousness,

excludes but one evil, 317.

genuine and less guilty, 171.

ignorance of, his best riches, 310.
loss of, is loss of dirt, 141.
of Ormus and of Ind, 181.
private credit is, 584
rich from want of, 331.
shade that follows, 343.
that sinews bought, 360.

Wealthy curled darlings, 125.

Weans in their bed, are the, 556.
Weapon, satire 's my, 282.

still as snowflakes, 511.

Weapons, women's, water-drops, 122.
Wear a crown, sweet to, 68.

a face of joy, 417.

a golden sorrow, 72.

a lion's hide, 53.
motley 's the only, 43

not much the worse for, 359.
out than rust out, better, 624.
Weariest worldly life, 26.
Weariness can snore, 134.
may toss him, 161.
of the flesh, 602.

Wearisome condition, 9.

Wears a hood, drink with him that, 7.
out more apparel, 28.

the rose of youth, 133.

yet a precious jewel in his head, 42.
Weary and old with service, 73.
and worn, with fingers, 514.
be at rest, there the, 589.
bones, come to lay his, 74.

of breath, one more unfortunate,

of conjectures, 250.

of the sun, 'gin to be a, 100.
of toil and of tears, 568.

stale flat and unprofitable, 102.
with disasters, 95.

Weasel, it is like a, 114.

Weather, fair, out of the north, 590.

through pleasant and cloudy, 374.
will be fair for the sky is red, 609.
wind or, nought cared for, 436.
Weathered the storm, 299.
Weave the warp, 327.

Weaver's shuttle, swifter than a, 589.
Web from their own entrails spin, 228.
in middle of her, 145.

like the stained, 455.

of our life is of mingled yarn, 48.
tangled, we weave, 450.

Wed at leisure, wooed in haste, 47.
December when they, 46.
with this ring I thee, 619.
with thought, 552.

Wedded love, hail, 189.

maid and widowed wife, 453.
Wedged in that timber, 231.
Wedges of gold, 71.

Wedlock compared to public feasts,


Wee short hour, some, 385.

Willie Winkie, 556.

Weed flung from the rock, 473.

in palmer's, 199.

on Lethe wharf, 106.

pernicious, 357.

Weed's plain heart, 564.

Weeds, dank and dropping, 209.
of glorious feature, 12.

who in widow, appears, 387.
wiped away the, 552.

Week, argument for a, 58.

divide the Sunday from the, 101.
of all the days that 's in the, 245.
Weep a people inurned, 521.
away the life of care, 493

in our darkness, let us, 562.
laugh that I may not,


make the angels, such tricks as, 25.
might not, for thee, 504.

night is the time to, 440.

no more lady, 581.

[blocks in formation]

shew why, 460.
er. fou for, 384.
atst, 373.

es has sate, 539.
his down, 63.

as his title, 388.
ne balances, 605.
the heart, 99.

wavy and the weary, 406.
4. carice their, 395.

with greater ease, 220.
were, clay could think and,

gatiest monarchies, 182.
eventy years, 414.

soe, bowed down by, 527.

by sense flows in fit words, 222.
⚫ sisters, 98

ceme at an inn, warmest, 324.
jeep-mouthed, 486.
aver smiles, 75.

friend, when it comes say, 169.
th your eye your hand, 91.
peaceful evening in, 362.
pure-eyed faith, 199.
shade, more, 293.

small cheer and great, 27.
the coming guest, 282, 291.
Welkin dome, lit the, 498.
Well, heart's deep, 569.

last drop in the, 484.
live, what thou livest, 196.
not so deep as a, 81.
not wisely but too, 131.
of English undefyled. 12.

paid that is well satisfied, 40.
said again, 72.

shaken, to be, 392.

to know her own, 194.

to say, is a kind of good deed, 72.
worth doing, 298.

Well-bred man, sensible and, 357.

whisper close the scene, 361.
Well-favoured man, to be a, 28.
Well-graced actor, after a, 56.
Wells, buckets into empty, 361.
Well-spring of pleasure, 555.
Well-trod stage, then to the, 205.
Weltering in his blood, 225.
Wench's black eye, white, 80.
Wept away in transient tears, 546.
each other's tears, 534.

Wept o'er his wounds, 340.

we grieved we sighed we, 173.
with delight at your smile, 567.
Wert thou all that I wish, 459.
West, blue eyes sought the, 447.
round the dreary, 552
Western dome, him of the, 222.
flower, a little. 34.

star, lovers lore the, 447.
Westminster, we thrive at, 287.
Westward the course of empire, 260.
the star of empire, 260.
West-wind purr contented, 566.
Wet damnation, 149.

sheet and flowing sea, 446.
with unseen tears, 440.
Wether, tainted, of the flock, 39.
Wethers, return to our, 572.
Whale, bobbed for, 583.

throw a tub to the, 246.
very like a. 114.
Wharf, fat weed on Lethe, 106.
What a fall was there, 87.

a falling off was there, 107.

a monstrous tail our cat has, 244.

a piece of work is man, 109.
a taking was he in, 23.

and where they be, 554.

are the wild waves saying, 561.
are these so withered, 89
authority and show of truth, 29.
boots it at one gate, 197.
can an old man do. 512.
can ennoble sots, 272.

care I how chaste she be, 15.
care I how fair she be, 14, 155.
constitutes a state, 373.

dire effects from civil discord, 250.
do you read my lord, 108.
God hath joined together, 609.
has been has been, 227.

has posterity done for us, 383.
he has he gives, 76.

he knew what 's, 215, 641.

is a lie, after all, 489.

is a man profited, 609,
is and what must be, 186.

is done is done, 95.

's done we may compute, 386.
is friendship but a name, 343.
's gone and what's past help. 51.
is got over the devil's back, 576.
's Hecuba to him, 110.
's her history, 50.

is impossible can't be, 391.
's in a name, 79.

's one man's poison, 153.
's what, he knew, 215, 641.
is worth in anything, 218.
is writ is writ, 478.
is yours is mine, 27.

What makes all doctrines plain, 220.
man dare I dare, 97.

may man within him hide, 26
men daily do not knowing, 24.
men dare do what men may do, 29.
mighty contests rise, 279.

mighty ills have not been done, 237.
more felicitie can fall, 12.
ne'er was nor is, 277.
news on the Rialto, 37.

none hath dared thou hast, 15.
perils do environ, 217.
seest thou else, 19.

so rare as a day in June, 563.
stronger breastplate, 68.
the dickens, 23, 651
thou liv'st live well, 193.
thou wouldst highly, 91.
though the field be lost, 178.
we gave we have, 582

we have we prize not, 29.
we left we lost, 582

we spent we had, 582.
we wish, not, 332.

will Mrs Grundy say, 34.

Whatever is best administered, 271.
is is in its causes just, 230.
is is right, 270.

is worth doing at all, 208.
smacked of noyance, 303.
stirs this mortal frame, 434
Whatsoever a man soweth, 615.
state I am. in, 615
thing is lost, 365.

things are just pure lovely, 615.
things are of good report, 615.
things are true, 615.

thy hand findeth to do, 601.

When the sea was roaring, 't was, 294.
two dogs are fighting, 308.

we two parted, 470.

Whence and what art thou, 184.
can comfort spring, 418.
is thy learning, 295.
Where dwellest thou, 76.
echo answers, 480.

go the poet's lines, 545.
I would ever be, I am, 509.
ignorance is bliss, 326.

is my child, an echo answers, 480.
law ends tyranny begins, 19.
lives the man that has not tried,452
Macgregor sits, 573

my Julia's lips do smile. 165
none admire, useless to excel, 321.
the bee sucks there suck I, 21.
the Lord knows, 271.

the shoe pinches, 634.
the tree falleth, 601

thou lodgest I will lodge, 587.

to lay his head, 608.
was Roderick then, 452.
your treasure is, 607.
Whereabout, prate of my, 93.
Where'er I roam, 338

she lie locked up, 169.

Wherefore are these things hid, 49
art thou Romeo, 79,

for every why a, 27, 215. 639.
in all things, why and, 67
Wheresoever whensoever, 377.
Whether in sea or fire. 101.
While I was musing, 532.

stands the Coliseum, 477.
thee I seek protecting Power, 396.
there is life there's hope, 295.

ye would that men should do, 608. Whining school-boy, 44.
Wheat, as two grains of, 33.

for this planting. 538.

Wheedling arts, 291

Wheel, as she turns the giddy, 354.

broken at the cistern, 602.
butterfly upon a, 281.

in the midst of a wheel, 605.
noisy, was still, 526.
the sofa round, 32.
Wheels of brazen chariots, 191.
of Phoebus' wain, 199

of weary life stood still, 230.
When Adam dolve. 582

found make a note of, 558.
I ope my lips. 36.

in doubt win the trick, 634.
Israel of the Lord, 453.
love speaks, 32

lovely woman stoops to folly, 344.
shail we three meet again, 89.
taken to be well shaken, 392.
the age is in the wit is out, 29.

Whip, a hangman's, 385.

in every honest hand a. 131.
me such honest knaves, 124.
Whipped for o'erdoing termagant, 112.
the offending Adam, 65.
Whipping, who should 'scape. 109.
Whips and scorns of time, 110.
Whirligig of time, 51.
Whirlwind of passion, 112.
reap the, 605.

rides in the, 251. 285.
Whirlwind's roar. 330

sway, sweeping, 327.

Whisper, full well the busy, 341.
hark they, 288

of the throne, 553.

softness in chambers, 211.
well-bre1, close the scene, 331.
Whispered in heaven, 't was, 393
it to the woods, 193

word, sweet in every, 482.
Whispering humbleness, 37.

wil ne'er consent, 486.

for. 539.

isen truth, 433.

vie. 340.

e ips. 473.

men other's watch, 66.

ught heart, 98.
med waves, 19.

uni she will come to you, 651.
sing still be 'd, 381.

alackbird 't is to, 215.

ar is 1. 297

e shrill winds, 559.
if and let her down, 129.
wat dear for his, 311.

nem back, when he pleased, 343.
te wette, 3.

steed for want of thought, 226.

Vestes in his sound, pipes and, 44.
Whiting aloud, 300

if a name, 174, 272.

keep from being afraid, 231.

White a moment. then melts, 384.

as heaven, soul as, 152.
as snow, beard was as, 118.
tack and gray, 186.
radiance of eternity. 493.
so very white, nor, 399.
wench's black eye, 80.
whose red and, 49.

will have its black, 582
wonder of Juliet's hand, 81.

Whited sepulchres, 610.
White-handed hope, 199.
Whiteness, angel. 29.

of his soul. 474.

Whiter than driven snow, 324.

Whitewashed wall. 341.

Whither thou goest I will

Who a sermon flies, 160.

as they sung, 199,

[blocks in formation]

breaks a butterfly, 281
breathes must suffer. 243.
builds a church to God, 275.

but must laugh, 2×1.

can be wise amazed temperate, 94.
can hold a fire in his hand, 55.
can paint like nature, 301.

can refute a sneer, 376.

dares do more. 92

dares think one thing, 291.

does the best. 263.

drives fat oxen. 318.

fears to speak of ninety-eight, 526

goeth a borrowing, 6.

Jove too much, 291.

loves a garden, 32
ne'er knew joy. 289.

never mentions hell, 276.
overcomes by force, 180.

Who ran to help me when I fell, 446
reads an American book, 428.
sha decade. 215.

steals my porse steals trash, 128.
sweeps a re, 19.

that bath ever been, 440.
think be God at all, 197.
think too inte, 222
thinks must mourn, 243.
would far les bear, 111.
would not be a box. 472.
would not weep, 281.
Whoe'er she be. 19.

has traveled. 324.
was elifed, 31.
Whole duty of man. 62.
half is more than the, 628.
head is sick. 03.

heart is faint, 63.

of life to live. 't is not the, 439.
one stupendous. 29.

stay of bread, 63.

world, if he shall gain the, 609.

world kin, makes the, 76.
Wholesome, nights are, 101.
Whom begot, by, 289.

the Gods love. 488.
the Lord loveth, 615.
Whores were burnt alive, 241.
Whose dog are you. 287.
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, 586.
Why a wherefore, every. 27. 215, 639.
all this toil and trouble, 416.
and wherefore in all things, £7.
ar' n't they all contented, 584.
are we fond of toil and care, 577.
choose the rankling thern. 577.
don't the men propose, 508.
dost thou shiver and shake. 374
is plain as way to parish church, 43
man of morals, 173.

should every creature drink, 173.
so pale and wan fond lover, 163.
thus longing, 566.

Wicked cease from troubling. 589.

flee when no man pursueth, 599
forsake his way, 94.

little better than one of the, 57.
mercies of the, are cruel, 596.

no peace unto the, 604.
or charitable, intents, 105.
something, this way comes, 97.
world, this, 618.

Wickedness, method in man's, 152.
sweet in his mouth, 50.

tents of, dwell in the, 593.

| Wickliffe's dust shall spread, 415.
Wide, a world too, 44.

as a church door, 't is not so, 81.
as the waters be, 415.

enough for thee and me, 322.

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