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Kind of good deed to say well, 72.

of grace, attractive, 8.

of heaven to be deluded by him,238.
of semi-Solomon, 520.
to her virtues, 241.
to my remains, 223.
yet was he, 341.
Kindest man, the, 39.
Kindle soft desire, 225.

Kindled by the master's spell, 400.
Kindles false fires, 419.

wantonness in clothes, 165.
Kindlier hand the eager heart, 553.
Kindling her undazzled eyes, 211.
Kindly, frosty but, 42.

fruits of the earth, 618.

loved sae, had we never, 387.
Kindness, acts of, 406.

greetings where no, is, 407.
milk of human, 91.
save in the way of, 393.
to his majesty, 501.
Kindred points of heaven, 407
Kine, beeves and home-bred, 412.
King, balm from an anointed, 56.
Cambyses' vein, 59.
city of the great, 592.
conscience of the, 110.
contrary to the, 68.
Cophetua loved, 78.

drinks to Hamlet, 120.

equals the shepherd with the, 573.
every inch a, 123.

expedients with such a, 306.
farewell, 55.

God save the, 244.
great as a, 381.

here lies our sovereign, 235.
himself, greater than the, 319.
himself has followed her, 345.
if chance will have me, 90.
I'll call thee Hamlet, 105.
is dead long live the king, 633.
long live the, 359, 633.
mockery, of snow, 56.
of day, powerful, 301.

of England cannot enter, 320.

of France went up the hill, 580.

of good fellows, 67.

of shreds and patches, 116.
of terrors, 590.

shake hands with a, 501.
state without, or nobles, 517.
Stephen a worthy peer, 127.
such divinity doth hedge a, 117.
tedious as a, if I were as, 29.
under which, Bezonian, 64.
who pretender is and who, 297.
who would wish to be thy, 451.
worm that hath eat of a, 117.
King's creation, of the, 388.

King's crown, not the, 24.
English, abusing the, 22.
name a tower of strength, 71.
subject's duty is the, 66.
Kingdom for a horse, 72.

like to a little, 85.

my large, for a little grave, 56.
my mind to me a, is, 8.
Kingdom-come, 't was kin' o', 566.
Kingdoms, sifted three, 538.
Kingly line in Europe, 454.
Kings are like stars, 492.

breath of, princes are, 389.
can cause or cure, 313.
come bow to it, bid. 53.
dread and fear of, 40.

enthroned in the hearts of, 49.
for such a tomb, 208.

guilt of Eastern,171.

he shall stand before, 598.
it makes gods. 71.

may be blest, 384.

of Brentford, two, 359.
pride of, 268.

puller down of, 69.
right divine of, 285.
royal throne of, 55.

setter up of, 69

showers on her, barbaric pearl, 181.
stories of the death of, 56.

upon their coronation day, 223.
will be tyrants from policy, 350.
would not play at, 363.

Kiss but in the cup, leave a, 147.
immortal with a, 18.
Jews might, 279.
long long, 487.

me and be quiet, 296.

me sweet-and-twenty, 49.
of youth and love, 487.

one kind, before we part, 305.
one long, 548.

snatched hasty, 302.

the place to make it well, 446.
to every sedge, giving a gentle, 21.
traitorous, 499.

Kissed, courtsied when you have, 19.
Kisses bring again, 26.

dear as remembered, 551.
from a female mouth, 485.
tears and smiles, 404.

thinking their own, sin, 81.

Kitchen bred, in the, 482.
Kithe nor kin, 581.

Kitten, I had rather be a, 60.

Knave, how absolute the, is, 118.
more, than fool, 17.

thank God you are rid of a, 28.
that wears a title lies, 266

Knaves, flatter,or lose his pension, 245.
in Kendal green, 59.

[blocks in formation]

the shroud, 264.

Knells call heaven invites, 263.

in that word alone, 525.

us back, each matin bell, 433.
Knew himself to sing, 203.

thee but to love thee, 501.
what's what, 215, 641.
Knife, blood will follow the, 267.
war even to the, 472.
Knight, can make a belted, 388.
parfit gentil, a veray, 1.
pricking on the plain, 10.
Knight's bones are dust, 435.
Knightly counsel, 396.

Knights, accomplishing the, 66.
carpet, 637.

Knitters in the sun, spinsters and, 50
Knock and it shall be opened, 608.

as you please, 290.

at my ribs, make my heart, 90.
it never is at home, 357.
the breast, nothing to, 198.
Knock-down argument, 231.
Knocker, tie up the, 280.
Knocks, apostolic blows and, 216.
Knolled to church, bells have, 43.
Knot, unloose the Gordian, 65.
Knotted and combined locks, 106.
Know a subject ourselves, 317

a trick worth two of that, 58.
all we, or dream, 500.
all words are faint, 376.
all ye need to, 503.
does both act and, 232.

her own, so well to, 194.
her was to love her, 401.
him no more, shall, 589.
how frail I am, 592.

how sublime a thing it is, 536.

it is not safe to, 170.

me, not to, 190.

me, when it came to, 455.

mine end, make me to, 592.
myself, not if I, 430.
not I ask not, 459.
not what's resisted, 386.

[blocks in formation]

their own good. how few, 228.
then thyself, 270.

thought so once now I, 295.
to esteem to love, 435.
we loved in vain, 470.
what we are, 117

what were good to do, 37.
where to find information, 317.
where'er I go, yet I, 420.

ye the land, 480.

Knowledge, ample page of, 329.
book of, 186.

diffused, immortalizes itself, 395.
grow from more to more, let, 551.
be that hath, 597.

he that increaseth, 600.
increaseth strength, 598.
is of two kinds, 317.
is but sorrow's spy, 170.
is ourselves to know, 273.
is power, 138.

is proud, 364.

[blocks in formation]

La vraye science, 270.
Laborin' man, 565.
Laborious at the first ascent, 210.
days, 203.

Labour and intent study, 209.

and sorrow, their strength is, 591.
and to wait, learn to, 535.

bears a lovely face, 166.
cheers the tar's, 485

ease and alternate, 301.

for his pains, 643.

for my travail, I have had my,
hard, difficulty and, 185.

in his vocation, 57.

is but a sorrowful song, 560.

is done, and, 566.

[ocr errors]

many still must, for the one, 481.
of an age in piled stones, 208.
of love, 615.

we delight in physics pain, 94.

[blocks in formation]

work under our, grows,
youth of, with age of ease,
Labour's bath, sore, 94.
Laboured nothings, 277.


Labourer is worthy of his hire, 611.
Labourers are few, 608.
Labouring man, sleep of a, 600.
Labours and peregrinations, 140.
the line too, 278.
Laburnum's dropping gold, 495.
Lace, hedgehogs dressed in, 545.
Lack of argument, 65.

of kindly warmth. 82.

of wit, plentiful, 108.

Lacked and lost we rack the value, 29.
Lack-lustre eye, looking on it with, 48.
Lad of mettle a good boy, 58.
Ladder of our vices, 538.

who ascended Fame's, 562.
young ambition's, 84.
Ladies, a lion among, 35.
be but young and fair, 43.
intellectual, lords of, 486.
make nets and not cages, 246.
over offended, 252.

sigh no more, 28.

whose eyes rain influence, 205.
Ladies' love, unfit for, 226.
Lads and lassies in their best, 567.
Lady doth protest too much, 114.

faint heart ne'er won fair, 639.
Fortune, railed on, 43.
here comes the, 80.

is in the case, when a, 295.
married to the Moor, 417.
of the mere, 403.
protests too much, 114.
so richly clad, 433.

sweet arise, 134.

weep no more,


who lent his, 489.

Lady's fan, brain him with his, 58.
Ladyship, humorous, 53.

Lady-smocks all silver white, 33.
Lags the veteran, superfluous, 312.
Laid on with a trowel, 41.

Lake, Galilean, 203.

or moorish fen, 200.

silver, on thy fair bosom, 516.
where drooped the willow, 527.

Lamb, God tempers the wind to the
shorn, 322.

one dead, is there, 539.
skin of an innocent, 68.

the frolic and the gentle, 419.
to the slaughter, as a, 604.
Una with her milk-white, 417.
wolf dwell with the, 603.
Lame and impotent conclusion, 127.
feet was I to the, 599.

Lamely and unfashionable, 70.
Lament for Madam Blaize, 345.
Lamp holds out to burn, 255.
no, so cheering, 458.
smell of the, 632.

that lighted the traveller, 458.
unto my feet, 594.
Lamps in sepulchral urns, 357.

in a green night, golden, 232.
shone o'er fair women, 473.
Lancaster, time-honoured, 54.
Land, bowels of the, 71.

damnation round the, 287.
done for this delicious, 471.
fight for such a, 449.
flowing with milk, 586.
ill fares the, 340.
into the silent, 577.
madden round the, 280.
my native, good night, 471.
my own my native, 448.
ocean leans against the, 339.
o'er all the pleasant, 495.
of bondage, out of the, 453.
of brown heath, 448.
of darkness, 589.

of drowsy hed, 303.
of liberty, sweet, 546.

of lost gods and godlike men, 472.
of pure delight, 256.

of scholars nurse of arms, 339.
of the cypress and myrtle, 480.
of the free, 444, 491.

of the leal, in the, 395.

of the living, 590.

of the mountain, 448.

of the pilgrims' pride, 546.
plenty o'er a smiling, 329.
rent with civil feuds, 466.
stranger in a strange, 586.
sung through every,
sunshine to the sunless, 420.
they love their, 501.
this delightful, 189.


to fight for such a, 449.

turrets of the, 544.

violet of his native, 552.

virtue's, 221.

where my fathers died, 546.

where sorrow is unknown, 359.

where the lemon-trees bloom, 480.
Landing on some silent shore,

Landlady and Tam, 384.
Landlord's laugh, 384.
Landmark, ancient, 598.
Land-rats and water-rats, 87.
Lands forlorn, in faery, 502.

less happier, 55.


lord of himself though not of, 143.
roamed o'er many, 509.
Landscape, darkened, 183.

Landscape, love is like a, 167.

tire the view, 299.
Landsmen, list ye, 337.

Land-thieves and water-thieves, 37.
Lane, straight down the crooked, 513.
Language, Chatham's, 360.

nature speaks a various, 515.
nature's end of, 266.
no, but a cry, 553.

O that those lips had, 365.
of the nation, 399.

quaint and olden, 536.

under the tropic is our, spoke, 175.
Languages, feast of, have been at a, 33.
the dead, 486.
Languor smile, make, 282.
Lank and brown, thou art, 423.
Lap, drop into thy mother's, 196.
in my mother's, 195.

it in Elysium, 199.
low in glory's, 439.
me in delight, 499.

me in soft Lydian airs, 205.

of earth, his head upon the, 330.

of legends old, asleep in, 502.

of May, chills the, 338.


of Thetis, sun in the, 218.
Lapland night, lovely as a, 408.
Lapse of murmuring streams,
L'arbre de la liberté, 577.
Larch has hung his tassels, 496.
Lards the lean earth as he walks, 58.
Large elements in order, 554.

so rudely and so, 2.
was his bounty, 330.

Lark at heaven's gate sings, 134.
no, more blithe than he, 354.
rise with the, 395.
Larks, hoped to catch, 572.
Lash the rascals naked, 131.
the sounding shore, 278.
Lass, drink to the, 380.

is good and a glass is good, 375.
penniless, wi' a lang pedigree, 395.
Lasses, then she made the, 385.
Last, although the, not least, 121.
at his cross, 499.

best gift, heaven's, 190.
brightening to the, 340.
comes at the, 56.

drop in the well, 484.

each day a critic on the, 278.

in the train of night, 190.
legs, on his, 646.

link is broken, 490.

long sleep, €73.

love thyself, 74.

not least in love, 86.

out a night in Russia, 24.

Last reader reads no more, 545.
rose of summer, 458.
scene of all, 44.
still loveliest, 476.

syllable of recorded time, 100.
taste of sweets is sweetest, 55.
the daintiest, 54.

to lay the old aside, 277.
words Narcissa spoke, 274.
words of Marmion, 450.
Lasting, sweet not, 104.
Late, better, than never, 6, 637.
chcosing and beginning, 194.
into the night, so, 484.
known too, 78.

too, I stayed, 438.

Lated traveller, now spurs the, 96.
Later star of dawn, 404.

times are more aged, 140.

Latin, small, and less Greek, 148.
soft bastard, 485.

was no more difficile, 215.

Latter, former times shake hands

with, 217.

Laud than gilt o'erdusted. 76.
Laugh a siege to scorn, £9.

an atheist's, 386.

at any mortal thing, 488.
in bed we, 574.

make the unskilful, 112.
of the vacant mind, 340.
sans intermission, 43.
that I may not weep, 488
that win, they, 130, 649.
thee to scorn, 607.
was ready chorus, 384.
where we must, 268.
who but must, 281.
world's dread, 302.
Laughable, swear the jest be, 36.
Laughed and danced, 445.
consumedly, 259.


full well they, 341.
his word to scorn, 357.
Laughing devil in his sneer,
quaffing and unthinking, 226.
soil, paint the, 463.

wild amid severest woe, 325.
you hear that boy, 545.
Laughs at lovers' perjury, 79, 226.
fair, the morn, 327.

Laughter for a month, 58.

holding both his sides, 204.
of a fool, 600.

Launched a thousand ships, 18.
Laura lay, grave where, 14.
Laurel bough, Apollo's, 18.
Lavinia, she is, 77.

of all the Romans fare thee well, 89. Law and the prophets, 608.

pleased to the, 268.

and to the testimony, 603.

as adversaries do in, 47.

Law, crowner's quest, 118.
eleven points in the, 248.
ends tyranny begins, 319.
fulfilling of the, 613.
good opinion of the, 383.
higher than the constitution, 519.
in calmness made, 418.

is a sort of hocus-pocus, 305.
is open, 612.

is perfection of reason, 9.
lawless science of our, 555.

reason is the life of the, 9.
murder by the, 267.
nature's kindly, 271.

nothing is, that is not reason, 233.

of the Medes and Persians, 605.
old father antic the, 57.
order is heaven's first, 272.
rich men rule the, 339.

seat of, is the bosom of God, 18.
seven hours to, 373.

sovereign, sits empress,
the, is good, 615.


these nice sharp quillets of the, 67.
thought of the people shall be, 233.
truly kept the, 211.
unchanging, of God, 543.
we have a measure for, 156.
wedded love mysterious, 189.
what plea so tainted in, 39.
which moulds a tear, 400.
windy side of the, 51.

world's, is not thy friend, 82.

Law's delay, 111.

grave study, 10.

Lawful for me to do what I will with

[blocks in formation]

Lay me down to sleep, 585.
not that flattering unction, 116.
on Macduff, 100.

on that day, as she, 394.
your golden cushion down, 501.
Lays, heavenly, 418.

Le véritable Amphitryon, 231.
Lea, standing on this pleasant, 410.
winds slowly o'er the, 328.

Leadeth me beside the still waters, 592.
Leads to bewilder, 367.

Leaf, all do fade as a, 605.

also shall not wither,

falls with the, 150.


impearls on every, and flower, 191.

is on the tree, 534.

my days are in the yellow, 486.

not a, is lost, 474.

of pity writ, 83.

perished in the green, 553.
sear and yellow, 99.
turn over a new, 650.

upon the stream, vain as the, 451.
was darkish and had prickles, 201.
Leafless desert of the mind, 479.
Leafy month of June, 432.
Lean and hungry look, 84.
and low ability, 51.

and slippered pantaloon, 44.
body and visage, 213.

fellow beats all conquerors, 166.
Leaned to virtue's side, 340.
Lean-faced villain, 27.
Leap into the dark, 572.

into this angry flood, 83.
to pluck bright honour, 58.
look before you, 6, 219, 643.
Leaps the live thunder, 475.
Leapt to life a god, 498.
Learn and inwardly digest, 618.
of the little nautilus, 271.
to labour and to wait, 535.
to read slow, 234.

Learned and conned by rote, 88.
and fair and good as she, 148.
Chaucer, 168.

doctors' spite, 499.

dust, 361.

length, words of, 241.
lumber in his head, 278.

reflect on what they knew, 279.
roast an egg, 284.
smile, make the, 277.
sock, Jonson's, 205.
to dance, who have, 277.
Learning, branches of, 38.

breast where, lies, 289.
cast into the mire, 350.
fraught with all, 342.
hath gained most, 212.

is but an adjunct to ourself, 32.

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