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" But each man's secret standard in his mind, That casting-weight pride adds to emptiness, This, who can gratify ? for who can guess * The bard whom pilfer'd pastorals renown, Who turns a Persian tale for half a crown, Just writes to make his barrenness... "
History of John Bull. Essays. Poetry - Page 418
by Jonathan Swift - 1801
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The Works, Volume 24

Jonathan Swift - 1803 - 434 pages
...casting-weight pride adds to emptiness, This who can gratify ? for who can guess ? The wretch t, who pilfer'd pastorals renown, Who turns a Persian tale } for half a crown, for Pope's resentment : that Atterbury, being in company with Bentley and Pope, insisted on knowing...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: With His Last Corrections ..., Volume 5

Alexander Pope - 1804 - 190 pages
...can guess ? The bard whom pilfer'd pastorals renown, Who turns a Persian tale for half-a-crown, 180 Just writes to make his barrenness appear, And strains from hard-bound brains eight lines a-year; He who still wanting, tho' he lives' on theft, Steals much, spends little, yet...
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The poets of Great Britain complete from Chaucer to Churchill, Volume 40

John Bell - 1807 - 562 pages
...can guess ? The bard whom pilfer'd pastorals renown, Who turns a Persian tale for half-a-crown, 180 Just writes to make his barrenness appear, And strains, from hard-bound brains, eight line* a-year ; He, who still wanting, though he lives On theft, Steals much, spends little, yet...
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The poetical works of Alexander Pope. With his last corrections, additions ...

Alexander Pope - 1807 - 288 pages
...can guess? The bard whom pilfer'd pastorals renown, Who turns a Persian tale for half a-crown, 180 Just writes to make his barrenness appear, And strains from hard-bound brains eight line* View him with scornful yet with jealous eyes, And hate for arts that caus'd himself to...
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Elegant Extracts, Volumes 1-2

Vicesimus Knox - English poetry - 1809 - 606 pages
...adds lo. emptiness, This wlio can gratify ? tor who can £MCi* ? The Bard whom pillcr'd Pastoral., nson [etc.] barrenne t appear, And strains, from hard bound banns, eight lines a-year; . . , „ He, who still...
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Specimens of the British poets, Volume 2

British poets - English poetry - 1809 - 526 pages
...who can guess ' The bard whom pilfer'd pastorals renown, Wbo turns a Persian tale for, Just writes to make his barrenness appear. And strains from hard-bound brains eight lines a year; He who still wanting, though he lives on theft. Steals much, spends little, yet...
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The works of Alexander Pope. With a selection of explanatory notes ..., Volume 3

Alexander Pope - 1812 - 348 pages
...mind, That casting-weight pride adds to emptiness, This, who can gratify ? for who can guess ? The bard whom pilfer'd pastorals renown, Who turns a Persian tale for half a crown, 1 80 Just writes to make his barrenness appear, And strains, from hard-bound brains, eight lines a...
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Elements of Criticism, Volume 2

Lord Henry Home Kames - Criticism - 1816 - 452 pages
...difficulty, excite a feeling similar to that \vhich proceeds from the labour of thought to a dull writer : Just writes to make his barrenness appear, And strains from hard-bound brains eight lines a-year. Pope's JEpittle to Dr. Arbuthnot, \. 181. cide in the same passage, the concordance...
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Elements of criticism [by H. Home].

Henry Home (lord Kames.), Lord Henry Home Kames - Criticism - 1817 - 532 pages
...the words move slow. Essay on Crit. 370. which proceeds from the labour of thought to a dull writer: Just writes to make his barrenness appear, And strains from hard-bound brains eight lines a-year. Papers Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot, 1.181. I shall close with one example more* which...
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Select Works of the British Poets: With Biographical and Critical ..., Volume 1

John Aikin - English poetry - 1820 - 832 pages
...mind, That casting-weight pride adds to emptiness, This, who can gratify ? for who can guess ? The bard sons wheel And tread on one another's heel." " [year ; And strains from hard-bound brains, eight lines He, who, still wanting, though he lives on...
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