Methinks already I your tears survey, Already hear the horrid things they say, Already see you a degraded toast, And all your honour in a whisper lost! How shall I then your helpless fame defend? 'Twill then be infamy to seem your friend! And shall this... History of John Bull. Essays. Poetry - Page 106by Jonathan Swift - 1801Full view - About this book
 | John Bell - English poetry - 1796 - 524 pages
...ladies stare? Honour forbid ! at whose unrivall'd shrine Ease, pleasure, virtue, all our sex resign. Methinks already I your tears survey, Already hear...things they say, Already see you a degraded toast, And all your honour in a whisper lost ! 119 How shall I, then, your hapless fame defend? 'Twill then... | |
 | Alexander Pope - Epic poetry, English - 1798 - 146 pages
...ladies stare? Honour forbid ! at whose unrivaU'd shrine Ease, pleasure, virtue, all our sex resign. Methinks already I your tears survey, Already hear...things they say, Already see you a degraded toast, And all your honour in a whisper lost ! How shall I, then, your hapless fame defend ? 'Twill then be... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1801 - 140 pages
...ladies stare ? Honour forbid ! at whose unrivall'd shrine Ease, pleasure, virtue, all our sex resign. Methinks already I your tears survey, Already hear...things they say, Already see you a degraded toast, And all your honour in a whisper lost! How shall I, then, your hapless fame defend ? 'Twill then be... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1804 - 236 pages
...stare ! Honour forbid ! at whose unrivall'd shrine 105 Ease, pleasure, virtue, all our sex resign. Methinks already I your tears survey, Already hear...things they say, Already see you a degraded toast, And all your honour in a whisper lost ! 110 How shall I, then, your hapless fame defend ? 'Twill then... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - English Language - 1805 - 972 pages
...the power of a prince limited like ours, by a strict execution of the laws already in force. K-Ulift. Methinks already I your tears survey, Already hear the horrid things they say, Лггаау see you a degraded toast, And ill your honour in a whispet lost ! A//. ALS. adv. [afj,... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1807 - 474 pages
...ladies stare! Honour forhid ! at whose uurivall'd shrine Ease, pleasure, virtue, all our sex resign. Methinks already I your tears survey, Already hear...things they say, Already see you a degraded toast, Ami all your honour in a whisper lost ! How shall I, then, your hapless fame defend ' Twill then be... | |
 | Alexander Pope - English poetry - 1807 - 316 pages
...forhid ! at whose unrivallM sbrine 10SEase, pleasure, virtue, all our sex resign. Methinks already 1 your tears survey, Already hear the horrid things they say, Already see you a degraded toast, And all your honour in a whisper lost! 11* How shall I, then, your hapless fame defend ?Twill then... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1808 - 334 pages
...! Honour forbid ! at whose tinrivall'd shrine Ease, pleasure, virtue, all our sex resign. Metbinks already I your tears survey, Already hear the horrid...things they say, Already see you a degraded toast, And all your honour in a whisper lost! How shall I, then, your hapless fame defend ? Twill then be... | |
 | Alexander Pope, Thomas Park - 1808 - 328 pages
...f Honour forhid ! at uurivall'd shrine Ease, pleasure, virtue, all our sex resign. Methinfcs already I your tears survey, Already hear the horrid...things they say, Already see you a degraded toast, And all your honour in a whisper lost ! How shall I, then, your hapless fame defend ? 'Twill then be... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - English poetry - 1809 - 606 pages
...forbid ! at whose unrivall'il shrine Ease, pleasure, virtue, all our sex resign. Methinks already 1 shady bovr'r ; The town and village, dome and Farm, Each give each a double charm, As pearls And all your honor in, a whisper lost ! / How shall I, then, your helpless fame defend? 'Twill then... | |
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