A curious fowl and 'sparagus I chose (For I remember you were fond of those) Three shillings cost the first, the last seven groats ; Sullen you turn from both, and call for oats. Others bring goods and treasure to their hou Something to deck their pretty babes and spo. My only token was a cup like horn, That's made of nothing but a lady's corn. 'Tis not for that I grieve; no, 'tis to see The groom and sorrel mare preferr'd to me!
These, for some moments when you deign to quit, And, at due distance sweet discourse admit, 'Tis all my pleasure thy past toil to know; For pleas'd remembrance builds delight on woe. At ev'ry danger pants thy consort's breast, And gaping infants squall to hear the rest. How did I tremble, when by thousands bound, I saw thee stretch'd on Lilliputian ground! When scaling armies climb'd up every part, Each step they trod I felt upon my heart. But when thy torrent quench'd the dreadful blaze, King, queen, and nation staring with amaze, Full in my view how all my husband came ! And what extinguish'd theirs, increas'd myflame. Those spectacles, ordain'd thine eyes to save, Were once my present; love that armour gave. How did I mourn at Bolgolam's decree! For, when he sign'd thy death, he sentenc'd me. When folks might see thee all the country round For sixpence, I'd have given a thousand pound. Lord! when the giant babe that head of thine Got in his mouth, my heart was up in mine! When in the marrowbone I see thee ramm'd, Or on the house-top by the monkey cramm'd,
![[blocks in formation]](http://google.cat/books/content?id=AmM4AAAAIAAJ&output=html_text&pg=PA455&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&q=give&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U1iLAmCst40YUB50ljl-KUQNhEXsQ&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=396,1475,421,34)
The piteous images renew my pain, And all thy dangers I weep o'er again. But on the maiden's nipple when you rid, Pray heaven, 'twas all a wanton maiden did! Glumdalclitch too! - with thee I mourn her case: Heaven guard the gentle girl from all disgrace ! O may the king that one neglect forgive, And pardon her the fault by which I live! Was there no other way to set him free ? My life, alas! I fear prov'd death to thee.
O teach me, dear, new words to speak my flame ! Teach me to woo thee by the best lov'd name ! Whether the style of Grildrig please thee most, So call'd on Brobdingnag's stupendous coast, When on the monarch's ample hand you sate, And halloo'd in his ear intrigues of state; Or Quinbus Flestrin more endearment brings, When like a mountain you look'd down on kings: If ducal Nardac, Lilliputian peer, Or Glumglum's humbler title sooth thine ear : Nay, would kind Jove my organs so dispose, To hymn harmonious Houyhnhnm thro' the nose, I'd call thee Houyhnhnm, that high-sounding name; Thy children's noses all should twang the same. So might I find my loving spouse of course Endued with all the virtues of a horse.
IN amaze
Lost I gaze!
Can our eyes
Reach thy size ?
May my lays Swell with praise, Worthy thee! Worthy me! Muse, inspire All thy fire ! Bards of old
Of him told, When they said Atlas' head
Propp'd the skies:
See! and believe your eyes! See him stride
Vallies wide,
Over woods, Over floods!
When he treads,
Groan and shake : Armies quake; Lest his spurn Overturn
Man and steed: Troops take heed! Left and right, Speed your flight! Lest a host
Beneath his foot be lost! Turn'd aside
From his hide Safe from wound,
Darts rebound.
From his nose
Clouds he blows:
When he speaks, Thunder breaks!
When he eats, Famine threats!
When he drinks, Neptune shrinks ! Nigh thy ear, In mid air, On thy hand Let me stand;
So shall I,
Lofty poet! touch the sky.
ECHO, I ween, will in the woods reply, And quaintly answer questions: shall I try?
What must we do our passion to express ?
How shall I please her who ne'er lov'd before ?
What most moves women when we them address ?
Say, what can keep her chaste, whom I adore ?
If musick softens rocks, love tunes my lyre.
Then teach me, Echo, how shall I come by her?
When bought, no question, I shall be her dear?
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