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but miss always treated her with great contempt; and, when Molly gave her any advice, rejected it with


About the same time several young fellows made their addresses to miss Betty, who had indeed a great deal of wit and beauty, had they not been infected. with so much vanity and self-conceit. Among the rest was a plain sober young man, who loved her: almost to distraction. His passion was the common talk of the neighbourhood, who used to be often discoursing of Mr. T's angel, for that was the name he always gave her in ordinary conversation. As his circumstances were very indifferent, he being a younger brother, Mrs. Betty rejected him with disdain, insomuch that the young man, as is usual among those who are crossed in love, put himself aboard the fleet, with a resolution to seek his fortune and forget his mistress. This was very happy for him; for in a very few years, being concerned in several captures, he brought home with him an estate of about twelve thousand pounds,

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Mean while days and years went on, miss lived high and learnt but little, most of her time being employed in reading plays and practising to dance, in which she arrived at great perfection: when of a sudden, at a change of ministry, her father lost his place, and was forced to leave London, where he could no longer live upon the foot he had formerly done. Not many years after I was told the poor gentleman was dead, and had left his widow and daughter in a very desolate condition: but I could not learn where to find them, though I made what inquiry I could and I must own, I immediately suspected their


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their pride would not suffer them to be seen or relieved by any of their former acquaintance. I had left inquiring after them for some years, when I happened, not long ago, as I was asking at a house for a gentleman í had some business with, to be led into a parlour by a handsome young, woman, who I presently fancied was that very daughter I had so long sought in vain. My suspicion increased, when I observed her to blush at the sight of me, and to avoid, as much as possible, looking upon or speaking to me: 'Madam,' said I, are you not Mrs, such a one?' At which words the tears ran down her cheeks, and she would fain have retired without giving me an answer: but I stopped her; and being to wait a while for the gentleman I was to speak to, I resolved not to lose this opportunity of satisfying my curiosity. I could not well discern by her dress, which was genteel though not fine, whether she was the mistress of the house, or only a servant: but supposing her to be the first, I am glad, madam,' said I, after having long inquired after you, to have so happily met with you, and to find you mistress of so fine a place.' These words were like to have spoiled all, and threw her into such a disorder, that it was some time before she could recover herself; but as soon as she was able to speak, Sir,' said she, you are mistaken; I am but a servant. Her voice fell in these last words, and she burst again into tears. I was sorry to have occasioned in her so much grief and confusion, and said. what I could to comfort her. Alas, sir,' said she,

my condition is much better than I deserve, I have the kindest and best of women for my mistress. She is wife to the gentleman you come to speak withal.


You know her very well, and have often seen her with me.' To make my story short, I found that my late friend's daughter was now a servant to the barber's daughter, whom she had formerly treated so disdainfully. The gentleman at whose house I now was fell in love with Moll, and, being master of a great fortune, married her, and lives with her as happily, and as much to his satisfaction, as he could desire. He treats her with all the friendship and respect possible, but not with more than her behaviour and good qualities deserve. And it was with a great deal of pleasure I heard her maid dwell so long upon her commendation. She informed me, that after her father's death her mother and she lived for a while together in great poverty. But her mother's spirit could not bear the thoughts of asking relief of any of her own or her husband's acquaintance: so that they retired from all their friends, until they were providentially discovered by this new-married woman, who heaped on them favours upon favours. Her mother died shortly after, who, while she lived, was better pleased to see her daughter a beggar than a servant. But, being freed by her death, she was taken into this gentlewoman's family, where she now lived, though much more like a friend or a companion than like a servant.

I went home full of this strange adventure; and about a week after chancing to be in company with Mr. T. the rejected lover, whom I mentioned in the beginning of my letter, I told him the whole story of his angel, not questioning but he would feel, on this occasion, the usual pleasures of a resenting lover when he hears that fortune has avenged him of the

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I was conveyed, methought, into the entrance of the internal regions, where I saw Rhadamanthus, one of the judges of the dead, seated in his tribunal. On his left hand stood the keeper of Erebus, on his right the keeper of Elysium. I was told he sat upon women that day, there being several of the sex lately arrived who bad not yet their mansions assigned them. I was surprised to hear him ask every one of them the same question, nanidy, what they had been doing? Upon this question being proposed to the whole assembly, they wared one upon another, as not knowing what to answer. He then interrogated cach of them separately. Madam,' says he to the first of them, 'you. have been upon the earth about fifty years: what have you been doing there all this while ?' 'Doing?' says she: 'really I don't know what I have been doing. I desire. I may have time given me to recollect. After about, half an hour's pause she told him, that she had been. playing at crimp; upon which Rhadamanthus beckoned to the keeper on his left hand to take her into custody. And you, madam,' says the judge, that look with such a soft and languishing air--I think you wet out for this place in your nine-and-twentieth year, what have you been doing all this while ?' I had a great deal of business on my hands,' says she, being taken up the first twelve years of my life in dressing a jointed baby, and all the remaining part of it in reading plays and romances.' Very well,' says be: 'you have employed your time to good purpose. Away with her.' The next was a plain country woman. Well, mistress,' says Rhadamanthus and what have you been doing?''An't please your worship,' says she, 'I did not live quite forty years; and in that time



brought my husband seven daughters, made him nine thousand cheeses, and left any eldest girl with him to look after his house in my absence, and who I may venture to say is as pretty a housewife as any in the country.' Rhadamanthus smiled at the simplicity of the good woman, and ordered the keeper of Elysium to take her into his care. And you, fair lady,' fair lady,' says he, 'what have you been doing these five-and-thirty years?' "I have been doing no hurt, I assure you, sir,' said she. 'That is well,' says he: 'but what good have you been doing?' The lady was in great confusion at this question; and not knowing what to answer, the two keepers leaped out to seize her at the same time: the one took her by the hand to convey her to Elysium, the other caught hold of her to carry her away to Erebus. But Rhadamanthus, observing an ingenuous modesty in her countenance and behaviour, bid them both let her loose, and set her aside for a re-examination when he was more at leisure. An old woman, of a proud and sour look, presented herself next at the bar; and being asked what she had been doing? Truly,' says she,' I lived threescore and ten years in a very wicked world, and was so angry at the behaviour of a parcel of young flirts, that I passed most of my last years in condemning the follies of the times; I was every day blaming the silly conduct of people about me, in order to deter those I conversed with from falling into the, like errors and miscarriages.' 'Very well,' says Rhadamanthus ; but did you keep the same watchful eye over your own actions?' 'Why truly,' says she, ‘I was so taken up with publishing the faults of others, that I had no time to consider my own.' 'Madam;' says Rhadamanthus, be pleased to file off to the left,

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