The Spectator: v. 1-5, Volume 5Donald Frederic Bond Claredon Press, 1965 |
From inside the book
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Page 1
... Virg . The Sequel of the Story of Shalum and Hilpa . HE Letter inserted in my last had so good an Effect upon THilpe , that she answered it in less than a Twelvemonth after the following Manner : Hilpa , Mistress of the Vallies , to ...
... Virg . The Sequel of the Story of Shalum and Hilpa . HE Letter inserted in my last had so good an Effect upon THilpe , that she answered it in less than a Twelvemonth after the following Manner : Hilpa , Mistress of the Vallies , to ...
Page 29
... Virg . dreaming Correspondent , Mr. Shadow , 2 has sent me a second Letter , with several curious Observations on Dreams in general , and the Method to render Sleep improving : An Extract of his Letter will not , I presume , be ...
... Virg . dreaming Correspondent , Mr. Shadow , 2 has sent me a second Letter , with several curious Observations on Dreams in general , and the Method to render Sleep improving : An Extract of his Letter will not , I presume , be ...
Page 91
... Virg . is highly laudable to pay Respect to Men who are descended from worthy Ancestors , not only out of Gratitude to those who have done Good to Mankind , but as it is an Encouragement to others to follow their Example . But this is ...
... Virg . is highly laudable to pay Respect to Men who are descended from worthy Ancestors , not only out of Gratitude to those who have done Good to Mankind , but as it is an Encouragement to others to follow their Example . But this is ...
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