Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, And, without sneering, teach the rest to sneer; Willing to wound and yet afraid to strike, Just hint a fault and hesitate dislike... The Poetical Works - Page 108by Alexander Pope - 1828Full view - About this book
 | John Bell - English poetry - 1796 - 480 pages
...View him with scornful, yet with jealous eyes, And hate for arts that caus'd himself to rise ; 200 Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, And...strike, Just hint a fault, and hesitate dislike ; Alike reserv'd to blame, or to commend, 205 Dreading ev'n fools, by flatterers besiea''d, And so obliging... | |
 | 1796 - 764 pages
...^тафе/ erinnec» íe ein greunö an bie iöetfe im 'Prolog ju ^)ope'¿ (Satiren: Damn with bint praise, assent with civil leer, And without Sneering...rest to sneer; Willing to wound, and yet afraid to strike, bit hint a fault, and hesitate dislike. ЗПап nennt iejt oOgemriit аи 23erfofJ«t 6e<... | |
 | Art - 1813 - 684 pages
...is concealed from others. The hinter slinns responsibility ; the suggester claims gratitute. Willing to wound, and yet afraid to strike, Just hint a fault, and hesitate dislike. Pope. We must suggest to the people ¡в what hatred He still hath held them. Sliaktipeure. To intimate... | |
 | George Campbell - English language - 1801 - 404 pages
...brother near the throne, View him with scornful yet with jealous eyes, And hate for arts that caused himself to rise ; Damn with faint praise, || assent...hint a fault, || and — hesitate dislike ; Alike reserv'd to blame, or to commend, A tim'rous foe, || and — a suspicious friend; , . Dreading ev'n... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 496 pages
...brother near the throne ; View him with scornful, yet with fearful eyes, And hate for arts that caus'd himself to rise; Damn with faint praise, assent with...strike, Just hint a fault, and hesitate dislike ; Alike reserv'd to blame, or to commend, A tim'rous foe, and a suspicious friend: Dreading e'en fools, by... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 498 pages
...brother near the throne ; View him with scornful, yet with fearful eyes, And hate for arts that caus'd himself to rise; Damn with faint praise, assent with...strike, Just hint a fault, and hesitate dislike; Alike reserv'd to blame, or to commend, A tim'rous foe, and a suspicious friend: Dreading e'en fools, by... | |
 | George Campbell - English language - 1801 - 404 pages
...brother near the throne, View him with scornful yet with jealous eyes, And hate for arts that caused himself to rise; Damn with faint praise, |) assent...teach the rest to sneer; Willing to wound, || and yet—afraid to strike. Just hint a fault, || and—hesitate dislike ; Alike reserv'd to blame, or... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1803 - 434 pages
...brother near the throne ; View Him with scornful, yet with fearful eyes, And hate for arts that caus'd himself to rise; Damn with faint praise, assent with...strike, Just hint a fault, and hesitate dislike; Alike reserv'd to blame, or to commend, A um'rous foe, and a suspicious friend : Dreading c'cn fools, by... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1804 - 190 pages
...; View him with scornful yet with jealous eyes, And hate for arts that caus'd himself to rise ; 200 Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, And...; Just hint a fault, and hesitate dislike ; Alike reserv'd to blame, or to commend ; 205 A tim'rous foe, and a suspicious friend ; Dreading ev'n fools... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1804 - 230 pages
...rival near the throne, View him with scornful, yet with jealous eyes, And hate for arts that caus'd himself to rise ; Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, And, without sneering, others teach to sneer; Willing to wound, and yet afraid to strike, Just hint a fault, and hesitate... | |
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