The latent tracts, the giddy heights explore, Of all who blindly creep, or sightless soar ; Eye Nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies, And catch the manners living as they rise ; Laugh where we must, be candid where we can ; But vindicate the ways of... The Poetical Works - Page 12by Alexander Pope - 1828Full view - About this book
| Jean-Pierre de Crousaz - 1739 - 248 pages
...take the Liberty of making, a celebrated Author guilty of a- Con-<tradiction ? Laugh where we mujl, be candid where we can ; ; But vindicate the Ways of God to Man. Ver. 15.-- "THIS is the great End " that Mr Pope in exprefs Terms takes upon himfelf. Shall we dare... | |
| Henry Moses - India - 1750 - 314 pages
...Together let us beat this ample field, Try what the open, what the covert yield ; The latent tracts, the giddy heights, explore Of all who blindly creep, or...flies. And catch the manners living as they rise." How Englishmen lose caste. Expense of Palanquins and travelling. Hindoo gentlemen. Variety of characters.... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1762 - 370 pages
...covert yield; The latent trafts , the giddy heights explore Of all who blindly creep, or fightlefs foarj Eye Nature's walks , shoot Folly as it flies , •• And catch the manners living as they rife; Laugh where we muft, be candid where we can, But vindicate the ways of God to man. » I. Say... | |
| Virgil - 1763 - 376 pages
...Yefhady beeches, and ye cooling ftreams. POPE'S ad Paftoral. 3. Tbefedate. et . • Laugh where we muft, be candid where we can, But vindicate the ways of God to man. I.', hie K fifties. 4.. The majeftic. Jove on his couch reclin'd his aweful head, And Juno flumber'd on... | |
| Virgil, Christopher Pitt, Joseph Warton - Latin poetry - 1763 - 372 pages
...Yelhady beeches, and ye cooling ftreams. POPE'S ad PaftoraL 3. The female. J. Laugh where we rauft, be candid where we can, But vindicate the ways of God to man. Ethic Epiftles. 4. The majeflk. Jove on his couch reclin'd his aweful head, And Juno Humbert! on the... | |
| Alexander Pope - Human beings - 1772 - 374 pages
...Nature's walks, shoot Folly as it flies, And cateh the manners living as they rife ; Laugh where we muft , be candid where we can , But vindicate the ways of God to man. I. Say firft, of God above, or Man below, What can we reafon , but from what we know ? Of Man, what fee we... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1772 - 376 pages
...yield; jo The latent tracts , the giddy heights , explore Of all who blindly creep, or lightlefs fbar; Eye Nature's walks, shoot Folly as it flies, And catch the manners living as they rife ; Laugh where we muft, be candid where we can, ic Eut vindicate the ways of God to man. I. Say... | |
| John Bell - English poetry - 1796 - 524 pages
...Together let us beat this ample field, Try what the open what the coverts yield; » The latent tracts, the giddy heights, explore Of all who blindly creep or...rise ; Laugh where we must, be candid where we can, l5 But vindicate the ways of God to Man. I. Say first, of God above, or Man below What can we reason... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1777 - 264 pages
...Nature's walks, fhoot Folly as it flies, And catch the Manners living as they rife : Laugh where we muft, be candid where we can ; But vindicate the ways of GOD to Man. I. Say firft, of GOD above, or Man below, What can we reafon but from what we know ? Of Man, what fee ws but... | |
| Virgil - 1778 - 486 pages
...Ye ihady beeches, and ye cooling ftreams. POPE'S zd Paftoral. 3. The fed ate. Laugh where we muft, be candid where we can. But vindicate the ways of God to man. • ; Ethic Epiftles. 4. The majeflic. Jove on his couch reclin'd his aweful head, And Juno flumber'd... | |
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