A DIALOGUE. Pope. SINCE my old friend is grown so great, As to be minister of state, I'm told (but 'tis not true I hope) That Craggs will be ashamed of Pope. Craggs. Alas! if I am such a creature, To grow the worse for growing greater, EPIGRAM, Engraved on the Collar of a Dog, which I gave to his Royal High ness, I AM his Highness' dog at Kew EPIGRAM, Occasioned by an Invitation to Court. In the lines that you sent are the muses and graces; You've the nine in your wit, and the three in your faces. ON AN OLD GATE, Erected in Chiswick Gardens. O GATE, how camest thou here? Gate. I was brought from Chelsea last year, Batter'd with wind and weather, Inigo Jones put me together. Von. II. K Sir Hans Sloane, Burlington brought me hither A FRAGMENT. WHAT are the falling rills, the pendant shades, VERSES LEFT BY MR. POPE, On his lying in the same bed which Wilmot the celebrated Earl of Rochester slept in, at Adderbury, then belonging to the Duke of Argyle, July 9th, 1739. WITH no poetic ardour fired I press'd the bed where Wilmot lay But in thy roof, Argyle, are bred Such flames as high in patriots burn, And such as wicked kings may mourn, When freedom is more dear than life. VERSES TO MR. C. St. James's Place, London, October 22. DEW words are best; I wish you well : Bethel, I'm told, will soon be here; Some morning-walks along the Mall, And evening friends, will end the year. If, in this interval between The falling leaf and coming frost, You please to see, on Twit'nam green, Your friend, your poet, and your host; For three whole days you here may rest, From office, business, news, and strife; And (what most folks would think a jest) Want nothing else, except your wife. 242 ΕΡΙΤΑPHS. His saltem accumulem donis, et fungar inani munere ! ON CHARLES EARL OF DORSET, In the Church of Withyam, in Sussex. VIRG. DORSET, the grace of courts, the Muses' pride, ON SIR WILLIAM TRUMBULL, One of the principal Secretaries of State to King William the Third, who, having resigned his place, died in his Retirement at Easthamsted, in Berkshire, 1716. A PLEASING form; a firm, yet cautious mind; Fix'd to one side, but moderate to the rest : ON THE HON. SIMON HARCOURT, Only Son of the Lord Chancellor Harcourt, at the Church of Stanton-Harcourt, in Oxfordshire, 1720. To this sad shrine, whoe'er thou art, draw near; Here lies the friend most loved, the son most dear; Who ne'er knew joy but friendship might divide, Or gave his father grief but when he died. How vain is reason, eloquence how weak! If Pope must tell what Harcourt cannot speak. Oh let thy once-loved friend inscribe thy stone, And with a father's sorrows mix his own! |