BPILOGUE OF THE SATIRES. 199 Mine, as a friend to every worthy mind; F. You're strangely proud. P. So proud, I am no slave; So impudent, I own myself no knave; O sacred weapon! left for truth's defence, When black ambition stains a public cause, ( Not so, when, diadem'd with rays divine, Touch'd with the flame that breaks from virtue's Her priestess muse forbids the good to die, There, other trophies deck the truly brave, Yes, the last pen for freedom let me draw, When truth stands trembling on the edge of law; Here, last of Britons! let your names be read: Are none, none living? let me praise the dead, And for that cause which made your father shine, Fall by the votes of their degenerate line. F. Alas, alas! pray end what you began, And write next winter more Essays on Man. IMITATIONS OF HORACE. EPISTLE VII. Imitated in the Manner of Dr. Swift. 'Tis true, my lord, I gave my word, You humour me when I am sick, The dog-days are no more the case,' My lord, your favours well I know; 'Tis with distinction you bestow; And not to every one that comes, Just as a Scotsman does h s plums. • Pray take them, sir-Enough's a feast: Eat some, and pocket up the rest'What, rob your boys? those pretty rogues! No, sir, you'll leave them to the hogs.' Thus fools with compliments besiege ye, Contriving never to oblige ye, Scatter your favours on a fop, Ingratitude's the certain crop ; And 'tis but just, I'll tell you wherefore, You give the things you never care for; A wise man always is or should Be mighty ready to do good; But makes a difference in his thought Betwixt a guinea and a groat. 1 Now this I'll say, you'll find in me A safe companion and a free; But if you'd have me always nearA word, pray, in your honour's ear: I hope it is your resolution To give me back my constitution ! The sprightly wit, the lively eye, The engaging smile, the gayety, That laugh'd down many a summer sun, And kept you up so oft till one! And all that voluntary vein, As when Belinda raised my strain. A weasel once made shift to slink In at a corn loft through a chink; But having amply stuff'd his skin, Could not get out as he got in; Which one belonging to the house ('Twas not a man, it was a mouse) Observing, cried, You 'scape not so, Lean us you came, sir, you must go." Sir, you may spare your application, I'm no such beast, nor his relation; Not one that temperance advance, Cramm'd to the throat with ortolans; Extremely ready to resign All that may make me none of mine. South sea subscriptions take who please, Leave me but liberty and ease 'Twas what I said to Craggs and Child, Who praised my modesty, and smiled. * Give me, I cried (enough for me), My bread, and independency!" So bought an annual-rent or two, IMITATIONS OF HORACE. And lived-just as you see I do; To set this matter full before ye, THE LATTER PART OF SATIRE VI. B. II. O CHARMING noons! and nights divine! But something much more our concern, VOL. II. 2D 203 |