CLASSICAL SERIES FOR SCHOOLL BLANCHARD AND LEA, Philadelphia, ARE PUBLISHING UNDER THE ABOVE TITLE, A SERIES OF CLASSICAL SCHOOL BOOKS, EDITED BY THOSE DISTINGUISHED SCHOLARS AND CRITICS, LEONHARD SCHMITZ AND O. G. ZUMPT. THE object of this publication is to present a series of elementary works Buited to the wants of the beginner, as well as accurate texts of the more pro. minent ancient writers, revised in accordance with the latest investiga. tions and MSS., and the most approved principles of modern criticism.These are accompanied with notes and illustrations introduced sparingly avoiding on the one hand the error of overburdening the work with commen. tary, and of the other that of leaving the student entirely to his own resources. The main object has been to awaken the scholar's mind to a sense of the beauties and peculiarities of his author, to assist him where assistance is necessary, and to lead him to think and to investigate for himself. For this purpose maps and other engravings are given wherever useful, and each author is accompanied with a biographical and critical sketch. The form in which the volumes are printed is neat and convenient, while it admits of their being sold at prices unprecedentedly low, thus placing them within the reach of many to whom the cost of classical works has hitherto proved a bar to this department of study. It will be seen, therefore, that the series combines the following advantages: 1. A gradually ascending series of School Books on a uniform plan, so as to constitute within a definite number, a complete Latin Curriculum. 2. Certain arrangements in the rudimentary volumes, which will insure a fair amount of knowledge in Roman literature to those who are not designed for professional inte, and who therefore will not require to extend their studies to the advanced portion of the series. 3. The text of each author will be such as has been constituted by the most recent collations of manuscripts, and will be prefaced by biographical and critical sketches in English, that pupils may be made aware of the character and peculiarities of the work they are about to study. 4. To remove difficulties, and sustain an interest in the text, explanatory notes in English will be placed at the foot of each page, and such comparisons drawn as may serve to unite the history of the past with the realities of modern times. 5. The works, generally, will be embellished with maps and illustrative engravings, accompaniments which will greatly assist the student's compre hension of the nature of the countries and leading circumstances described. 6. The respective volumes will be issued at a price considerably less than that usually charged and as the texts are from the most eminent sources, and the whole series constructed upon a determinate plan, the practice of issuing new and altered editions, which is complained of alike by teachers and pupils, will be altogether avoided. The series consists of the folowing volumes, which have recently appeared or will shortly be ready! 1.) C. JULHI CAESARIS COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. With an Introduction, Notes, and a Geographical Index in English. Also, a Map of Gaul, and Illustrative Engravings. In one handsome 18mo. volume, of 232 pages, extra cloth, price 50 cts. (II.) PUBLII VIRGILII MARONIS CARMINA.-With an Introduction and Notes. In one handsome 18mo. volume, of 438 pages, extra cloth, price 75 cts. (III.) C. CRISPI SALLUSTII CATILINA ET JUGURTHA. -With Introduction and Notes in English. Also, a Map of Numidia, and other Illustrative Engravings. In one handsome 18mo, volame, of 168 pages, extra cloth, price 50 cts. IV.) LATIN GRAMMAR.-By Leonhard Schmitz. Ph. D., F. R. S. E., Rector of the High School, Edinburgh. In one handsome 18mo. volume, of 318 pages, neatly half-bound, price 60 cts. V.) Q. CURTII RUFI DE GESTİS ALEXANDRI MAGNI, Libri Qui Supersunt VIII. With a Map, Introduction, English Notes, &c. In one handsome 18mo. volume, of 326 pages, price 60 cts. (VI.) M. TULLII CICERONIS ORATION ES SELECTA. With Introduction, English Notes, &c. &c. In one handsome 18mo. volume, of 300 pages, price 60 cts., (just issued) (VII.) T. LIVII PATAVINI HISTORIARUM, Libri I. II. XXI. XXII. With Two Maps. an Introduction, and English Notes. In one handsome 18mo. volume, of 350 pages, price 70 cents, (now ready.) (VIII.) A SCHOOL DICTIONARY OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE.-By Dr. Kaltschmidt. In Two Parts, Latin-English, and English-Latin. Forming one large and closely-printed volu ne, royal 18mo. of 850 double-column pages, strongly bound: price, $1 25. Part 1., Latin-English, of nearly 500 pages: price, 90 cts. Part II., English-Latin, of nearly 400 pages: price, 75 cts. (IX.) P. OVIDII NASONIS CARMINA SELECTA.-With Introduction, English Notes, &c. In one handsome 18mo. volume of 250 pages; price 60 cents. (X.) Q. HORATII FLACCI POEMATA EXCERPTA.With Introduction, English Notes, &c. In one handsome 18mo. volume of 312 pages; price 60 cents. (XI.) ELEMENTARY LATIN GRAMMAR AND EXER. CISES.-In one handsome 18mo. volume, of 235 pages price 50 cents. (XII.) LATIN READING AND EXERCISE BOOK. In one handsome 18mo. volume, (preparing.) (XIII.) A COMPLETE SCHOOL CLASSICAL DICTION. ARY.-In one large and handsome 18mo. volume, (preparing.) The numerous advantages which this series possesses have secured for it the unqualified approbation of almost every one to whom it has been sub mitted, From among several hundred recommendations, with which they have been favored, the publishers present a few from the following eminent scholars and practical teachers. From PROF. J. F. RICHARDSON, Madison University, Oct. 27, 1849. 1 gave the Grammar at once a very careful examination, and have no hesitation Baying that, for the use of school and college classes, I consider the work superior to any ther Latin Grammar in our language with which I am acquainted. I have already directed one of my classes to purchase copies of it. I shall also introduce in the course of the year your edition of Virgil and probably also that of Cæsar, both of which I prefer to any others as text books for our classes. From PROF. J. J. OWEN, Free Academy, New York, Aug. 31, 1849. I am highly pleased with your excellent publications of the above series, and as an evitance of the estimation in which I hold them, on my recommendation, your Virgil has en adopted as a text-book in the Free Academy in this city. I shall be happy to commed your series to all with whom I may have any influence. From PROF. J. B. HUDSON, Oberlin College, O., Oct. 12, 1850. I have examined the series of Elementary Classics published by Lea & Blanchard, and take great pleasure in saying that I regard them as admirably adapted to secure the object proposed. The text is a highly approved one and the typography has been rarely excelled in works of this sort for clearness and beauty. I have detected fewer mistakes in the printing and punctuation of these books than in almost any works of a similar character that I have seen. The maps too are a great help-an indispensable one indeed to the great majority of students who have no ancient atlas-in understanding the geographical allusions contained in the text. The selection of notes is judicious; the whole design and execution of the series commend it to the notice of those who wish..become independent and self-relying scholars. From PROF. J. PACKARD, Theological Seminary, Fairfax county, Virginia, March 22, 1850. The size of the volume, the beauty and correctness of the text, and the judicious otes, not no copious to supersede the industry of the pupil, seem to me to leave nothing o be desired. I doubt not your enterprise will be rewarded by your editions taking the place of others now in use, to which there are many objections, and I will do what in me lies to promote their circulation. From PROF. J. S. BONSALL, Frederick College, Md., March 18, 1850. Having used the first three volumes of the series for more than a year, I am free te say, that I prefer them to any school editions of the same authors with which I am acquainted. From PROF. J. FORSYTH, College of New Jersey, March 19, 1850. I am happy in being able to say that every successive volume has confirmed me in the judgment formed on those first issued, and renews my delight that you have resolved to place the whole of this admirable series of classical authors within the reach o men ean students. The Grammar is already in use in this college; and I shal cody recommend our students to procure your editions of such authors as we read. From T. J. SAWYER, ESQ., Clinton Liberal Institute, March 28, 1850. We have paid them the compliment of making them our text-books and introducing them at once into this institute. In size and price, in design and execution, they seem to me better fitted for schools of this class than any others that have fallen under my observation. A neat and accurate text, and brief, but explicit notes, constitute the principal characteristics of a good classical school book. These distinguish your series, and give them a claim to general diffusion. From the REV. J. J. SMYTH, A. M., Sussex Court House, Va., April 6, 1850. While at the head of the Petersburg Classical Institute, I introduced your Cæsar, Virgi A Sallust, as being in my judgment the best school editions of these works that I have seen. Since I have been in my present pastoral charge, I have been the means of having the Cæsar and Sallust introduced into two schools in this county. These works are a happy medium between the mere text and the overloaded annotations which render some editions but the clandestine refuge of idle school-boys. From PRESIDENT MANLY, University of Alabama, March 29, 1850. So far as 1 may be consulted, or have influence, I shall seek to recommend the use of this well edited and cheap series, in all the preparatory schools of our region. |