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A Geographical and Commercial View of Northern Central Africa: containing a particular account of the course and termination of the great river Niger ist the Atlantic. By James M'Queen. Bro. 10s. 6d. An Appendix to Loidis and Elmete; or, an attempt to illustrate the districts described in those words by Bede; and supposed to embrace the lower portions of Aredale and Wharfdale, together with the entire vale of Calder, in the county of York. By Thomas Dunham Whitaker, LL.D. F.S.A. Vicar of Whalley, and Rector of Heysham, in Lancashirei With four beautiful engravings. Crown folio, 11. 18. W GENERAL INDEX. VOL. XV. NEW SERIES. : African Committee, 231; see Bowdich. ib. Ants, architectural skill of, 356; mode of Apocryphal New Testament, 160, et seq.; --Apollo Beividere, description of, 406. Arctic Regions, Scoresby's account of, Stuart. Ashantee, mission to, 231; see Bowdich. Baptism of John and that of Christ dis- criminated, 443; inefficacy of ritual, 442. Barton's Day in Autumn, 254, el seg.; - Poems, 181, et seq.; quake- Bear, sagacity of the, 230. Bees, natural history of, 352; see Hu- ber. Belsham's Calm Inquiry, Smith's Reply Belzoni's Narrative of Operations in Berenice, supposed site of the ancient, 500. Biblical Criticisms, 57, et seq; 382, et A Biography, purpose of, in relation to et seq.; value of German literature, Botany, Smith's Grammar of, 535; 236. Bowring's Specimens of Russian Poets, Brougham's Education Bill, Observations misre- lacy exposed, ib.; Mr. Foster's re- Brown's, Dr. J. B. Appeal to the Legis- --Anecdotes of the House of Brun- able character of the compilation, 6. 58. Bute, Lord, character of, 428. Byron's, lord, Marino Faliero, 578, et Camoens, translation of song from, 286, malcontents, 564; patronage, state Chantry, extract of letter from, in praise Charles Edward, Prince, arrival of in see nole. Campagna, the, present state of, 55, 399. Canada, Upper, Stuart's Emigrant's Canon of Scripture, the, how formed, Canova, description of his Perseus, 407; to ordinary affairs, 97, et seq.; right Chalmers's Economy of large Towns, Ure. Chiaroscuro, remarks on, 132. the Edinburgh Reviewer's statements re- 364. Chronological Chart of the sovereigns of Church, real and imaginary dangers of, formation hopeless, 136. Clarke's History of Intolerance, 79, et Clergyman, duties of the Scotch, 562; Climate of continental countries, re- 460. Croly's Angel of the World, 30, et seq.; |