F. Hayman inv.et del. C. Grignion foulp. Shut, shut the Door, good John fatigud I said Tye up the Knocker, say I'm sick, I'm dead. Opito Arbuthnot. And now the Poem, which holds so much of the DRAMA, and opens with all the disorder and vexation that every kind of impertinence and slander could occafion, concludes with the utmost calmness and ferenity, in the retired enjoyment of all the tender offices of FRIENDSHIP and PIETY [ 388. to the end.] SATIRES. P.SHUT, shut the door, good John! fatigu'd I faid, Tye up the knocker, say I'm fick, I'm dead, Fire in each eye, and papers in each hand, 5 NOTES. VER. 1. Shut, shut the door, good John!] John Searl, his old and faithful servant: whom he has remembered, under that character, in his Will. What walls can guard me, or what shades can hide? Is there a Parfon, much be-mus'd in beer, 15 VARIATIONS. After y 20. in the MS. Is there a Bard in durance? turn them free, NOTES. VER. 12. Ev'n Sunday shines no Sabbath-day to me.] The beauty of this line arifes from the figurative terms of the predicate alluding to the subject. A fecret, in elegant expreffion, which our Author often practised. VER. 13. Mint.) A place to which infolvent debtors retired, to enjoy an illegal protection, which they were there fuffered to afford one another, from the perfecution of their creditors. 25 Arthur, whose giddy son neglects the Laws, If foes, they write, if friends, they read me dead. With honest anguish, and an aching head; VARIATIONS. VER. 29. in the 1st Ed. Dear Doctor, tell me, is not this a curse? Say, is their anger, or their friendship worse? NOTES. VER. 23. Arthur,] Arthur Moore, Efq. VER. 33. Seiz'd and ty'd down to judge,] Alluding to the scene in the Plain-Dealer, where Oldfox gags, and ties down the Widow, to hear his well-pen'd stanzas. VER. 38. honest anguish,] i. e. undiffembled. Ibid. an aching head; Alluding to the disorder he was then so conftantly afflicted with. |