39 And drop at last, but in unwilling ears, Lull'd by foft Zephyrs thro' the broken pane, Three things another's modest wishes bound, My Friendship, and a Prologue, and ten pound. Pitholeon fends to me : "You know his Grace, " I want a Patron; ask him for a Place." Pitholeon libell'd me---" but here's a letter "Informs you, Sir, 'twas when he knew no better. " Dare you refuse him? Curl invites to dine, "He'll write a Journal, or he'll turn Divine." VARIATIONS. VER. 53. in the MS. If you refufe, he goes, as fates incline, To plague Sir Robert, or to turn Divine. NOTES OTES. 50 VER. 43. Rhymes ere he wakes,] A pleasant allufion to those words of Milton, Dictates to me slumb'ring, or inspires Easy my unpremeditated Verse. VER. 49. Pitholeon] The name taken from a foolish Poet of Rhodes, who pretended much to Greek. Schol in Horat. 1. i. Dr. Bentley pretends, that this Pitholeon libelled Cæfar also, See notes on Hor. Sat. 10. 1. i. J P. Bless me! a packet.---" 'Tis a stranger sues, 55 "A Virgin Tragedy, an Orphan Muse." If I dislike it, "Furies, death and rage!" If I approve, "Commend it to the Stage." There (thank my stars) my whole commission ends, The Play'rs and I are, luckily, no friends. Fir'd that the house reject him, " 'Sdeath I'll print it, "And shame the fools---Your int'rest, Sir, with Lintot." 60 Lintot, dull rogue! will think your price too much: "Not, Sir, if you revise it, and retouch." 65 All my demurs but double his attacks; Sir, let me fee your works and you no more. 'Tis sung, when Midas' Ears began to spring, (Midas, a facred person and a King) VARIATIONS. VER. 60. in the former Edd. Cibber and I are luckily no friends. NOTES. 70 VER. 69. 'Tis sung, when Midas' &c.] The Poet mean sung by Perfius; and the words alluded to are, Vidi, vidi ipse, Libelle! Auriculas Afini Mida Rex habet. The transition is fine, but obfcure: for he has here imitated the manner of that mysterious writer, as well as taken up his image. Our Author had been hitherto complaining of the folly His very Minister who spy'd them first, 80 You think this cruel? take it for a rule, No creature smarts so little as a fool. Let peals of laughter, Codrus! round thee break, 85 Thou unconcern'd canst hear the mighty crack: Pit, box, and gall'ry in convulfions hurl'd, Thou stand'st unshook amidst a bursting world. NOTES. and importunity of indigent Scriblers; he now infinuates he suffered as much of both, from Poetafters of Quality. VER. 72. Queen] The story is told, by fome, of his Barber, but by Chaucer of his Queen. See Wife of Bath's Tale in Dryden's Fables. P. VER. 80. That fecret to each fool, that he's an Afs:] i. e. that his ears (his marks of folly) are visible. VER. 88. Alluding to Horace, Si fractus illabatur orbis, Impavidum ferient ruinæ. P. Who shames a Scribler? break one cobweb thro', He spins the flight, self-pleasing thread anew: 90 95 100 Still to one Bishop Philips seem a wit? But foes like these---P.OneFlatt'rer's worse than all, NOTES. VER. 92. The creature's at his dirty work again,] This metamorphofing, as it were, the Scribler into a Spider is much more poetical than a comparison would have been. But Poets should be cautious how they employ this figure; for where the likeness is not very striking, instead of giving force, they become obfcure. Here, every thing concurs to make them run into one another. They both spin; not from the head [reason] but from the guts [paffions and prejudices] and such a thread that can entangle none but creatures weaker than themselves. VER. 98. free-masons Moor?] He was of this society, and frequently headed their processions. : 1 : Of all mad creatures, if the learn'd are right, 105 It is the flaver kills, and not the bite. A fool quite angry is quite innocent: Alas! 'tis ten times worse when they repent. One dedicates in high heroic profe, 110 And ridicules beyond a hundred foes: VARIATIONS. VER. III. in the MS. For fong, for filence some expect a bribe; NOTES. 120 VER. 118. Sir, you have an Eye] It is remarkable that amongst these compliments on his infirmities and deformities, he mentions his eye, which was fine, sharp, and piercing. It was done to intimate, that flattery was as odious to him when there was fome ground for commendation, as when there was none. |