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What is my trespass? what is my sin, that thou hast so hotly pursued after me?

Whereas thou hast searched all my stuff, what hast thou found of all thy household stuff? set it here before my brethren and thy brethren, that they may judge betwixt us both.

This twenty years have I been with thee; the ewes and the she goats have not cast their young, and the rams of thy flock have I not eaten. That which was torn of beasts I brought not unto thee; I bare the loss of it; of my hand didst thou require it, whether stolen by day, or stolen by night.

Thus I was in the day the drought consumed me, and the frost by night; and my sleep departed from mine eyes.

Modern History.



I. Give an account of the three naval expeditions of the Goths in the middle of the third century.

2. Relate the history of Odenathus and his widow.

3. Write a short history of the revolt of Carausius.

4. Describe the variations in the treatment of the Christians under the Empire from Trajan to Constantine.

5. Relate the story of the crime and penance of Theodosius the Great. 6. Give a general sketch of the wars in Italy in the reign of Justinian.

7. What three periods does Gibbon recognise in the history of Roman jurisprudence? What previous codes were revised to form the Code of Justinian? What was the object of the Pandects, and what of the Institutes ?

8. Mention some particulars of the later history of the schools of Athens.

9. Give an account of the Mohammedan conquest of Egypt.

10. Describe the most important consequences which resulted from the Fourth Crusade.


1. Draw a map of Gaul, marking the provinces into which that country was divided in the time of the Antonines.

2. For what was Berytus remarkable under the Empire?

3. In what reign did the thousandth year of Rome fall, and how was the occasion celebrated?

4. What Emperors first fixed their ordinary residences in the provinces ? What places did they choose?

5. Where did Diocletian close his days? What modern parallel does his name suggest?

6. What was the Labarum? Who is our authority for the story of its origin?

7. What is Gibbon's account of the true history of St. George of England?

8. What was the war to which Claudian's De Bello Gildonico relates? 9. "Herodias once more requires the head of John." Of whom was this said?

10. Who were Pulcheria and Athenais ?

II. Amidst what public events did St. Augustine breathe his last?

12. Who is the "Dietrich of Bern" of German legend?

13. What are the blots on the memory of Theodoric ?

14. What was the last victory of Belisarius?

15. By what Pope, and to what sovereign was the Iron Crown of the Lombards presented? Where is it now kept?

16. Who were the first Iconoclast Emperors? and what two female sovereigns restored the images?

17. Who were the chief lights and patrons of Mohammedan culture in its golden age?

18. When, and by whom, was the Norman kingdom of Sicily brought to an end?

19. "Innocent III. surpassed the sanguinary fame of Theodora." Explain the double reference here.

20. Who was John of Brienne?



1. Date of accession of Diocletian? things. Write a short history of his reign.

He began quite a new order of

2. Who was Leo the Isaurian? One of the greatest events of the world's history took place in his reign? What was the effect of his policy in the West?

3. What were the main causes of the weakness and ultimate downfall of the later Greek empire (after 1261)?

4. What were the most important events in the reign of Louis VI. of France ?

5. Write a short history of the Second Crusade.

6. The refusal of the crown of Sicily by Louis IX. is spoken of as an instance of his conscientious and disinterested policy. Under what circumstances was the crown offered to him? Why did he refuse it? What was the result?

7. “The emperor did nothing in his Imperial city, save stealing its ornaments, and, above all, the brass roof of the Pantheon. After a stay of twelve days he went to Sicily, and was there murdered." What events are here spoken of?

8. "Thus both the emperor and his Roman rebels looked to Constantinople for the furtherance of their designs." Who was this emperor, and what were these designs?

9. Who was the first king of the Salian Franks? Who was Merowig? What were the principal causes of the success of Chlodwig?

10. Give some account of the leading noble families who, in the thirteenth century, shared with the Church the greater part of the land of Germany.


1. "Perhaps the greatest commander that ever lived" (Freeman). Who was he? Why the greatest?

2. In the ninth century what were the four great powers of the civilized world?

3. Who was the last of the Karlings in Germany?

4. Who was Constantine Kopronymos?

5. "The emperor Romanos was taken prisoner, as Valerian had long ago been by Sapor." Explain.

6. Who was Hincmar of Reims ?

7. Date of accession of Philip I. of France? Why was he named Philip ?

8. Where is Bouvines, and for what event is it memorable in history?

9. What was the cause of the return of Louis IX. to France from his crusade ?

10. Who was the Countess Matilda ?

II. What was the Theme of Lombardy ?

12. Pope Leo IX. made a most important step in the greatness of the Papacy. In what way?

13. Who was Pippin of Herstall?

14. Henry the Fowler is chiefly famous as the founder of the burgher class. What measures did he adopt for this purpose?

15. Who was the father of the Emperor Otto IV. ?

English Literature and Composition.



1. What are the chief topics of conversation in Walking to the Mail?


"With that sharp sound the white dawn's creeping beams,
Stol'n to my brain, dissolved the mystery

Of folded sleep".

What was this sound?

3. "I send you here a sort of allegory".

Give the substance of Tennyson's introduction to this allegory.
4. Explain the allusions in the following passages:-

"The Abominable that uninvited came
Into the fair Peleian banquet-hall".

"Or that Thessalian growth,

In which the swarthy ringdove sat,
And mystic sentence spoke".

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6. What flowers are to "strew the laureat herse where Lycid lies"? 7. Upon what circumstance was the Rape of the Lock founded? How did the first edition differ from the second ?

8. How does Goldsmith describe the Swiss in The Traveller?

9. Give the Ancient Mariner's account of (a) the calm at sea; (b) the dialogue between the "two voices in the air".

10. How does Shelley refer to Milton in the Adonais ?

II. Quote as much as you can of one of Wordsworth's sonnets upon the sonnet.


Whose ?


'Yet pure and powerful minds, hearts meek and still,
A grateful few, shall love thy modest lay".

13. What is the subject of the sonnet beginning—

"Dogmatic Teachers of the snow-white fur" ?

14. What is the tradition of Oker Hill in Darley Dale, Derbyshire? 15. Of whom does Mr. Arnold say that "when they speak of the world they speak like Adam naming by divine inspiration the creatures"?

16. What does Mr. Arnold say of the Jewish element in Heine? 17. (a) What are the only two public incidents of Joubert's life?

(b) Whom does Mr. Arnold call "the great apostle of the Philistines"?

18. Give Lamb's remarks about "borrowers of books".

19. What was Mrs. Battle's celebrated wish? Who was her favourite author?

20. What account does Lamb give of the acting of Munden?


1. Write short notices of the Brut, the Ormulum, the Ancren Riwle. 2. Set down the chief facts of Chaucer's life.

3. What are the Idols described by Bacon ?

4. (a) What are Greene's and Chettle's allusions to Shakspere?

(b) What plays belong to Shakspere's fourth period of authorship,
and what are the characteristics which distinguish that period?

(c) What children had Shakspere, and what became of them?
(d) Write a note on Shakspere's sonnets.

5. Show your acquaintance with any four of Milton's chief sonnets. 6. Write a note on the Boyle and Bentley controversy and on Swift's connexion with it.

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