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(As foreseen by Mr. Punch's Second-sighted Clairvoyant.)

Fragments from Spectators. That's rather a smart barrow, Lady BARINRAYNE's drivin' to-day. Who's the fellow with her, with the paper feather in his pot-hat? Bad style, I call it.... That's Lord FREDDY FUGLEMAN-best dressed man in London. You'll Lot of men seem to be using a short clay as a cigarette-holder now, don't they?... Yes, RODDIE RIPPINGILL introduced the idea last week, and it seems to have caught on. [&c., &c.]

It is the summer of 1896-or possibly '97. The scene is a road skirt-see everybody turnin' up in a paper feather in a day or two.... ing Victoria Park, Bethnal Green, which Society's leaders have recently discovered and appointed as the rendez-vous for the Season, and where it is now the correct thing for all really smart people to indulge, between certain prescribed hours, in sports and pastimes that have hitherto been more characteristic AFTER LUNCHEON; AT THE STEAM-CIRCUS, AND OTHER SPORTS. of the masses than the classes. The only permissible mount Scraps of Small-talk. No end sorry, Lady GWENDOLIN; been now is the donkey, which must be ridden close to the tail, and tryin' to get you a scent-squirt everywhere; but they're all gone; referred to as a "moke." A crowd of well-turned-out spectators such a run on 'em for Ascot, don't you know.... Thanks; it arrives from the West End every morning about eleven to watch doesn't matter; only dear Lady BUCKRAM has just thrown some red the brilliant parade of Mokestrians" (as the Society journalist ochre down the back of my neck, and ALGY VERE came and shot out will already have decided to call them). Some drive slowly up a coloured paper thing right in my face, and I shouldn't like to and down on coster-barrows, attended by cockaded and dis- seem uncivil. Suppose I shall see you at Lady BRABAZON'S gusted grooms. About twelve, they break up into light luncheon "Kiss in the Ring" at Bethnal Green to-morrow afternoon ?... parties; after which they play democratic games for half an I believe she did send us cards, but we promised to look in at a hour or so, and drive home on drags.


Mr. Woodby-Innett (to the Donkey Proprietor). Kept a moke for me? I told you I should be wantin' one every mornin' now.

11The Donkey Proprietor (after consulting engagement - book). I've not got it down on my list, Sir. Very sorry, but the Countess of CUMBERBACK has just booked the last for the 'ole of this week. Might let you 'ave one by-and-by, if Sir HASCOT GOODWOOD brings his in punctual, but I can't promise it.

Mr. Woodby-Inn. That's no good; no point in ridin' after the right time. (To himself, as he turns away.) Nuisance! Not that I'm so keen about a moke. Not a patch on a bike! -though it don't do to say so. Only if I'd known this, I'd have turned up in a tall hat and frock coat; and then I could have taken a turn on the steamcircus. Wonder if it would be any sort of form shyin' at cocoanuts in tweeds and a straw hat. Must ask some chap who knows. More puzzlin' what to put on this year than ever!

Lady Ranela Hurlingham (breathlessly to Donkey Proprietor). That's mine, isn't it? Will you please put me up, and promise me you'll keep close behind and make him run. (Suppliantly.) You will, won't you?

The Donkey Proprietor (with a due sense of his own value).

Well, I dessay I can come along presently, Lady 'URLINGHAM, and fetch 'im a whack or two; jest now I can't, having engaged to come and 'old the Marshiness of 'AMMERCLOTH's on 'er moke; but there, you orter be able to git along well enough by yourself now-you ought! Captain Sonbyrne just home on leave from India-to Mrs. CHESHAM-LOWNDES). Rather an odd sort of idea this-I mean, coming all the way out here to ride a lot of donkeys, eh?

Mrs. Chesham-Lowndes. It used to be rather amusing a month ago, before they all got used to riding so near the tail; but now they're all so good at it, don't you know.

Capt. Sonb. I went down to Battersea Park yesterday to see the bicyclists. Not a soul there, give you my word!

Mrs. C.-L. No; there wouldn't be this season. You see, all sorts and conditions of people began to take it up, and it got too fearfully common. And now moke-riding has quite cut it out.

Capt. Sonb. But why ride donkeys when you can get gees? Mrs. C.-L. Oh, well, they're democratic, and cheap, and all that, don't you know. And one really can't be seen on a horse this yearin town, at least. In the country it don't matter so much.

First Mokestrian (to second ditto). Hullo, old chap, so you've taken to a moke at last, eh? How are you gettin' on ?

Second Mokestrian. Pretty well. I can sit on his tail all right now, but I can't get into the way of keepin' my heels off the ground yet, it's so beastly difficult.


friendly lead the Duchess of DILLWATER is giving at such a dear little public she's discovered in Whitechapel, so we may be rather late.... You'll keep a handkerchief-throw for me if you do come on, won't you?... It will have to be an extra, then, I'm afraid.... Are you goin' to Lord BALMISYDE's eight o'clock breakfast to-morrow? So glad; I hear he's engaged five coffeestalls, and we're all to stand up and eat saveloys and trotters and thick bread and butter.... Oh, I wanted to ask you, my girls have got an invitation to a hoky-poky party the VAVASOURS are giving after the moke-ridin' next Thursday, and I'm told it's quite wrong to eat hoky-poky with a spoon-do you know how that is ?... The only correct way, CAROLINE, is to lick it out of the glass, which requires practice before it can be attempted in public. But I hear there's quite a pleasant boy-professor somewhere in the Mile End Road who teaches it in a single lesson; he's very moderate; his terms are only half a guinea, which includes the hoky-poky. I'll send you his address if I can find it.

Thanks so much; the dear girls will be so grateful to you.


I do think it's quite too bad of Lady GERALDINE GRABBER, she goes and sticks her card on the only decent wooden horse in the steam-circus and says she's engaged it for the whole time, though she hardly ever takes a round! And so many girls standing out who can ride without getting in the least giddy!. Kathah a boundah, that fellow, if you ask me; I've seen him pullin' a swing boat in brown boots and ridin'-breeches

How wonderfully well your daughter throws the rings, dear Lady CORNELIA, I hear she's won three walking-sticks and five clasp knives.... You're very kind. She is quite clever at it; but then she's had some private coaching from a gipsy, don't you know.... What are you going to do with yourself this afternoon?... Oh, I'm going to the People's Palace to see the finals played off for the Skittles Championship; bound to be a closish thing; rather excitin', don't you know.... Ah, Duchess, you've been in form to-day, I see, five Cocoa-nuts! Can I relieve you of some of them?... Thanks, they are rather tiresome to carry; if you could find my carriage and tell the footman to keep his eye on them. [&c. &c.].

Lady Rosehugh (to Mr. LUKE WALMER, on the way home). You know I do think it's such a cheering sign of the times, Society getting simpler in its tastes, and sharing the pleasures of the Dear People, and all that; it must tend to bring all classes more together, don't you know!

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Mr. Luke Walmer. Perhaps. Only I was thinking, I don't remember seeing any of the Dear People about.

Lady Rosehugh. No; somebody was telling me they had taken to playing Polo on bicycles in Hyde Park. So extraordinary of them— a place nobody ever goes near now, you know!



By a Manchester Enthusiast of Tennis-onian
Tastes and Hibernian Sympathies.

["For once in a way the Northern Tournament, which has long boasted of being second only to Wimbledon, has not proved an unqualified success. ... The withdrawal of Messrs. Pim and STOKER must for some time be severely felt by tournaments of first-class importance."-Bradford Observer.]

AIR-" The Battle of the Baltic."

Or Tennis in the North,

Sing the-more or less-renown!
But-some champions of worth

From the netted lists are flown;

The Great Brethren from the verdant courts are gone!

Once they mustered a brave band,

LAWFORD long, and LEWIS grand,

Whilst the RENSHAWS, hand o'er hand,
Smashed-and won!

Now the other-BADDELEY-twins

Have it nearly their own way;

And they score repeated wins,

Though the ALLENS, too, can play,

And can send a swift one down the centre line.

When those twins are on the job

It is little use to lob.

Then there's BARLOW,-bet your bob


He is fine!

[blocks in formation]


Did their best our sport to save;

And Miss COOPER took stout part

In mixed doubles-which was brave:

But where was Mrs. HILLYARD, "whom we knew ?"

(As Ulysses said of him

In the Shades.) Oh, STOKER, PIM!

E'en bright Manchester looked dim
Missing you!

Still, joy, Old England, raise!

For the tidings of your might!
Yet we hope that Golfing craze

Will not come, like a big blight,

And seduce our DoDs and RENSHAWs any


For to mar the sweet content

Of our Northern Tournament,

By much time on links misspent
Were a Bore !!!

[blocks in formation]

house, where business has for some time been in a very bad way. This would of course be a source of great satisfaction to Mr. WADDY

MR. H. T. WADDY, the Liberal Candidate, has been telling the voters of the Truro-Hel--and his leaders. ston division of Cornwall stories about those wicked publicans. At one of the bye elections they got out posters, which read, "If you vote "THE SEELEY LECTURERS."-We have a for the Liquor Traffic Bill, this house will be wholesome dread of lecturers generally. Per-closed," and displayed them in their premises. haps the more learned the lecturer, the greater But the Radical humorist was on the warthe boredom to the listeners, specially if the path, and, having provided himself with latter be frivolously inclined. But in any case, if lectures must be, then we would rather hear a Wise lecturer than a Seeley one. On second thoughts, the only entertaining Seeley Lecturer that we know is the one at the Zoo, who discourses on, while exhibiting, the seal.

copies of the poster, attached them to the
respective doors of the prison, the lunatic
asylum, and the workhouse. This was quite
excellent. But Mr. WADDY might have
carried the joke a little further, say as far as
London. There, at all events, the Bill may
possibly lead to the early closing of one public

IN connection with the course of lectures given at Truro by Mrs. THWAITES, principal of the Liverpool School of Cookery, a large company recently dined in the Concert Hall, at the invitation of the directors of the Truro Gas Company, when the advantages of cooking by gas were put to practical test. Truly there be epicures at Truro who know what's what. Cooking by G. A. S. must have been a great success, and Truro will look forward to a repetition of this Cook's excursion. In any case, it will have added to the list of the good things it has seen and people it has known.





of TOBY.M.P.

Saturday Morning.- Steaming down Elbe, meaning to anchor at its mouth. (Not at its elbow, as SARK told the pilot. Pilot didn't see joke. Stared at him, and said, "Hein?" which made SARK look foolish.) Last night citizens of Hamburg entertained us at dinner. Banquet spread in what they call the Zoologischer Garten. Odd how the way of pronouncing a familiar word grows upon some people after dinner.

Feeding time seven. No extra charge to the public, who are kept outside. Excellent dinner; but general arrangement more suited to time of Methuselah than our shorter-lived day. Sat down at 7.30; finished by 11.30. Peculiarity of menu was the interpolation of cold speeches among the hot dishes. As soon as we swallowed our Klare Schildkrötensuppe, and toyed with our Forellen, blau mit Butter, Chairman rose and proposed toast to Emperor. Next came on the table (sideways, of course) Helgoländer hummer auf amerikanische Art. Before the dish was removed, another gentleman on his legs proposing health of Mr. G. So on through the meal: first a bite and sup, then a speech. Practice interesting, though apt to induce a coolness on part of some of the dishes. Suppose cook calculates that gentlemen proposing particular toast will speak for ten minutes; he takes twenty, or, if of a fearless nature, half an hour. Where's your next dish? Why, cold or burnt. Nor can system be recommended on score of economy. Consequence of sitting through four hours dining off sort of speech-sandwich, is that you begin to get hungry again. The absent-minded man, offered an ice, says he usually begins his dinner with soup. If two hundred follow his example, and insist upon going all through the dinner again, it is not only embarrassing, but becomes costly.

OFF the Elbe, Wednesday Afternoon.-Got up steam, weighed anchor and laid our course East by North half South for Hamburg. Don CURRIE, whose knowledge of ocean life is extensive and peculiar, tells me no well regulated ship puts to sea without first ascertaining the weight of her anchor. Much interested at this peep into nautical life. But what has Off Jutland, Sunday.-Don CURRIE last night gave return banquet the weight of the anchor to on Tantallon Castle to Hamburgers. Done in princely style. Over do with the voyage of the two hundred sat Tantallon Castle, or even down in brilliantwith the opening of the ly lighted saloon. Baltic Canal? Well, the Had our speeches, Don is not sure. Anyhow, it is an old custom. Sailors are super- as usual with nous stitious, and if this preliminary to a voyage were omitted, they would turn rusty, and might even want to throw someone overboard. So, to prevent possible unpleasantness, the anchor is weighed-"To an ounce," Don CURRIE says severely. Suppose before we turn in we shall be told how much it weighs. Wish I knew what is the average weight of a really good anchor. So awkward if a man comes upon you suddenly, and says The anchor weighs just over a ton"; or What do you think? the anchor turns the scale at fifty-two lbs. ten dwt." Is one too much, and is the other surprisingly little? Haven't the slightest idea. Shall, in either case, say "Ha!" That is, at any rate, non




Mr. G. will know what an anchor ought to weigh in given circumstances. He knows everything. Shall try and find opportunity of asking him.

Hamburg, Friday, 5 A.M.-"I am very fond of the German tongue," said the Member for SARK, paying me an early morning pyjama-call. "The language in which GOETHE wrote and HEINE sang is sacred. Still, when it is emitted from the throats of half a score of steam-whistles, one feels there are limits to passionate desire. Have often heard siren song of steam-whistle in and about the Thames. That's bad enough for the sensitive ear. But when it comes to steam-whistling in German, you begin to understand why people sometimes commit suicide."

For my part, I like it. Few things more charming than to be wakened at daybreak by a steam-whistle spluttering in your larboard ear. Before you have quite drank in the fulness of the music, another shrieks in your starboard ear. Then, far and near, all round the harbour, they pop off in different keys. Some angry; some whining; some in anguishing pain; some mocking; some wailing; one ingenious contrivance, moved by a master-hand, managing to imitate a burst of maniacal laughter, in which, if you didn't bury your head in the pillow, you feel you must join.

Then there's the effect on the man on deck. Don't know who he is; fancy he must be the Supercargo. At first shriek of the earliest whistle, he puts on the heaviest boots (those with the clump of steel at the toes, the wedges of iron at the heel, and fat-headed nails all over the sole). He gives preliminary stamp precisely over your head; all right; steam-whistle shrieks; others respond; Supercargo is off; stamps to and fro just the length of the deck immediately over your berth; leaps up height of two feet; drops exactly over your head; steam-whistles go faster; Supercargo clatters off; fetches from somewhere a plank, a rough-hewn plank studded with nails; this he dashes on the deck over your head; got the range to a nicety; never misses; steam-whistles go off simultaneously; maddening effect on Supercargo; he rages to and fro, charges over your berth, banging the plank with mad delight. You get out of your berth, dash to side; just going to plunge over; when Quartermaster seizes you and leads you back to cabin, locking you in.

And SARK says he doesn't care for early morning effects in Hamburg harbour!

autres,served with the dessert instead of as entrées. Few, short, pithy, and one historical. Don CURRIE proposed toasts to his fellow Sovereigns, the Queen of ENGLAND and Emperor of GERMANY. Burgomaster of Hamburg toasted Mr. G., who responded in speech, lofty in sentiment, eloquently simple, admirable in delivery, Dog and pup, I have,during the last twenty years, heard nearly every one of his great speeches in the House and out. Declare that in all the qualities that go to make a perfect oration, it would be hard for even his record to beat this impromptu speech, delivered amid such strange surroundings.

After dinner, a dance on deck.

The waltzing and Mr. Punch regrets to hear (from a thoroughly [un]-
polkaing common- reliable source) that some confusion has been caused at
place enough. But Kiel owing to the great physical resemblance between
pretty to see JOHN his representative on the Tantallon Castle and His
LENG, M.P., and Imperial Majesty the GERMAN EMPEROR!! In fact,
the LORD OF THE some doubts are expressed as to which of the two it was
ISLES do a sword who opened the Baltic Canal!
dance, whilst RAMSAY, M.P., like them, clad in national garb, played
the bagpipes. This struck the German guests more than anything.
Their papers full of it.

Copenhagen, Tuesday.-King and Queen of DENMARK, with rest of Royal Family, had day out to-day. Came aboard Tantallon Castle for luncheon.

"You talk about your Roshervilles, cher TOBEE," his Majesty said, as we smoked cigars with our coffee; "but to my mind, the place to spend a happy day is the Tantallon Castle."

"There is," I said, "the drawback of the absence of shrimps. But then even kings cannot have everything."

"True, TOBEE," said the grandfather of our kings-to-be and of other people's. And for a moment the royal brow was "sicklied o'er with pale cast of thought."

It cleared as he caught sight of our two rival Kodakesses, who had simultaneously got him in focus. Pretty to see King arrange his hair, give little twist to moustache, and assume look of abstraction, just as common people do when they suspect someone is taking a snap-shot at them. As SARK says, "One snap of the Kodak makes the whole world kin."

Oddly enough, there were speeches at the luncheon. Mr. G. having got his hand (or rather his voice) in at mouth of the Elbe, delivered two charming addresses. One in proposing health of King and Queen of DENMARK, the other in responding to toast to his own health, given by King. A new thing this for Old Parliamentary Hand to serve as after-dinner speaker. Listening to his graceful, gracious phrases, one almost regrets he should have given up so much time to Irish Land Bills, Home Rule, and the like.



After luncheon a stroll on deck, and, incidentally, a memorable scene. In addition to the Kodakesses, who have taken everyone on board, except each other, we have a regular artist with a camera. Don CURRIE, having a moment to spare, thought he would have his likeness taken. Got into position; operator's head under the cloth fixing him; in another moment it would have been done. As SHAKSPEARE wrote long ago, Nothing escapes the eye of royal Denmark." The King, seeing what was going on, quietly led up the Queen, and stood by her in focus; the rest of the Royal Family, as our toast lists have it, closed in, forming a group near the Don; and when the astonished operator removed the cap and exposed the plate he found upon it the Royal Family of Denmark and one simple Highland gentleman distinguished in such company by his plain estate.

In afternoon, Don CURRIE having entertained Kings and Queens ard Crown Princes, threw open all the gangways of the ship to the people of Copenhagen. They flocked in by hundreds, increasing to thousands. In endless streams they passed along the decks peering and poking their noses into every nook and cranny. On upper deck they had a great find. Sitting in his state cabin, with door open,

was Mr. G. reading
about the Vikings in
their own tongue,
which he has lately
added to his list of
acquired foreign lan-




men, women, and
children, stood there
at gaze. Mr. G., with
his back turned to
door, read on, un-
noticing. Crowd
The General Idea (supplied at Pall Mall). That, although the
British Army costs (exclusive of extras) £57 per man, the War
growing unmanage- Office is the best bureau in the world. The establishments over
able with ever-in-which the Secretary of State and the Commander-in-Chief preside,
creasing numbers, a
handy quartermaster are necessarily incapable of improvement, as they are absolutely
rigged out ropes, and perfect. This being so, nothing more need, can, and should be said.
Commentary No. 1 (supplied by Printing House Square). That
the General Idea of the War Office is ridiculous. That were Pall
Mall to be occupied by the staff of a merchant's office, the nation
would be saved millions, and the £57 (exclusive of extras) per man
arrangement would soon be regarded as an extravagant product of
the wasteful past.


made sort of handrail, guarding either side of cabin, keeping back crowd. But it filled the deck all through the afternoon, ever changing, but ever one in its passionate, yet patient desire to catch a glimpse of that figure in the cabin, that went on reading, as if the world outside were a mere wilderness. Wednesday.-At Kiel. Harbour and approaches filled with fleets of all nations, every ship bristling with guns, and longing to be at some body. For the closing years of the nineteenth century of the Christian Era, this is, as SARK says, most encouraging. It is the completest achievement, the proudest thing civilisation has to show us.

An admirable spot for a little quiet reading. although perhaps the firing does make it a leetle difficult to concentrate one's thoughts wholly upon

the matter in hand.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Commentary No. 2 (supplied by a military writer). That civilians cannot possibly know anything about the working of a Government Office. As Pall Mall says it is perfect, it is to be presumed that it is. Why not leave well alone? And as for £57 (exclusive of extras) per man, why, is not that arrangement less than £60? writer not worth the paper containing it. Look abroad. Does the Commentary No. 3 (supplied anonymously). Opinion of military foreign service cost £57 per man, exclusive of extras ? Not at all. Then what can be done on the Continent, can, and should be done in England.

£57 (exclusive of extras) for a soldier? Much better abolish the Commentary No. 4 (suprlied by the working-classes). What! pay, Army, and reduce the price of beer!

What, I cost £57 a year, exclusive of extras! Well, all I can say Commentary No. 5 and last (supplied by Private THOMAS ATKINS). is, that precious little of the money or the perquisites gets into my pockets! Worse luck to it!

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THE German EMPEROR having expressed a wish to visit a nonexisting island at Hamburg, the tasteful citizens have constructed one by means of wirework, canvas, plaster, and cement.

It is stated that the SULTAN is bored by the Bosphorus. The whole surface of the water will therefore be covered with planks, painted green, to represent meadows.

The KING of the BELGIANS is said to have remarked that Brussel; would be improved by a distant view of the sea. The municipal authorities propose to cover the high ground, seen from the palace windows, with tin-foil. It is hoped that this will give the effect of the sea gleaming in the sunshine.


FRIDAY, June 21. The Duke of CAMBRIDGE resigned his Commander-in-Chieftaincy, and the Government was suddenly scattered by a "Brodrick Patent Cordite Exploder," which reduced the Secretary of War's salary by a hundred pounds. "A hundred pounds! Ha! Thou hast touched me nearly." The Critic.

has been holding its Annual General Meeting. Among the numerous
THE Witness Protection Society and General Legal Reform Union
objects of this estimable body the chief appears to be to protect wit-
nesses in law courts from insult by counsel. Captain PARKIS, having
expressed himself as willing, was voted to the chair, and the mem-
"Heated discussion,"
bera settled down to have a good time.
"further disturbance," and a well-sustained fire of "protests," lent

The PRESIDENT of the French Republic having thought that it would be a pleasing compliment to Russia if some specimens of Russian architecture could be erected in Paris, it is believed that the Commission des Monuments Historiques will cover the Louvre with laths and canvas, painted to represent the Kremlin, and by similar means will transform the Champs Elysées into the Nevsky Prospect, an air of gaiety to the proceedings, which culminated in With such exceland will give to Notre Dame the appearance of the forts at Cronstadt gentlemen abusing one another across the table." The KHEDIVE has expressed an opinion that the Pyramids look old lent practice, the members of the W. P. 8. G. L. R. U. should be and shabby. If the English and French government will authorise able to hold their own in court. The Bar trembles. Even the Bench the expenditure, the whole surface of the stone will be made perfectly feels a little uneasy. smooth, will be painted and grained in imitation of oak, and will finally be varnished. The face of the Sphinx will be washed, and will then be used for an advertisement of an English soap. The enormous rent paid for this will be added to the KHEDIVE's pocket money.

The Queen of HOLLAND is dissatisfied with the flat surroundings of the Hague. It has been pointed out to HER MAJESTY that the city contains a hill, called, we believe, the Vijverberg, which rises at least three feet above the level of the sea, but she has replied that this is not enough. It is therefore proposed to surround the whole city with a gigantic panorama of the Bernese Oberland.

The other day the King of SPAIN perceived a reflection of the moon in a pond, and was much annoyed when his attendants failed to bring it to him. It has now been arranged that all the ponds in the neighbourhood shall contain an aluminium moon, which can be pulled out by a specially appointed Grandee of Spain, if commanded by His MAJESTY.

L-CKW-D, no longer drawing, will be drawn,
Even the piercing eye of CL-RKE will quail,
C-RS-N bespacheless," G-LL will almost fawn,
And sturdy W-BST-R falter and turn pale,
Because the witness, taking heart of grace,

Will "go for him" with candour strangely new,
And brandish, cross-examined, in his face
The W. P. S. G. L. R. U.!

"MEMORABLE SAYINGS AND HISTORICAL EVENTS."-There must now be added to the long list Sir WILLIAM HARCOURT'S languidly jocose remark on Friday night last. "Thank Heaven," he is reported to have said, "there is one night on which we need not fear a crisis." And while yet the laugh was on their lips, the bells rang, and subsequently the Four Tellers announced what could not have been Fore-told. And who laughs last?

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