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many accounts, that for some time at least, it might not be broken through.

No sooner, however, had he joined his young friends, than he suspected, from the air of embarrassment which hung about them, that the secret had by some means or other transpired; a suspicion which was almost confirmed into fact, when he learnt, that the cause of their delay had been occasioned by an accident, arising from the incautious curiosity of Hoel in exploring the ruin. No further enquiries, however, were made at the moment; and all seemed forgotten in the pleasure of having once again met. Yet Mr. Walsingham took an opportunity, whilst on their return to the cottage, of suggesting his suspicions to Lluellyn; and it was agreed between them, that, should they be found correct, propriety and decorum would demand that Adeline should, as soon as possible, resume the dress peculiar to her sex.

Edward and his fair friend, meanwhile, had, from the best and purest of motives, separately and secretly concluded, that the discovery was one which should not be confined to their own

breasts. As soon, therefore, as they had reached home, the former, retiring with Mr. Walsingham, very frankly told him what had occurred; whilst the latter, with tears in her eyes, and with the blush of modesty yet burning on her cheeks, very artlessly related to her father the misfortune which had, unconsciously on her part, betrayed her to Edward.

"My beloved Adeline," replied the good old man, "be not alarmed. Your concealment was, as you well know, in the long and hazardous journey I was about to undertake, and with the deprivation under which I labour, necessary to your personal security; and when Providence led me hither, and I had agreed to remain for a while beneath the hospitable roof of my kind countryman, I took care that he should not be the subject of any deception, however innocent, or convenient. He was acquainted with, and approved of our plan; not only as it might conduce to your safety on the expedition we had meditated, but in relation also to your residence here; and though Edward, my love, I admit, has been hitherto deceived, yet the necessity which has led to the imposition with respect to

him, will never, I am persuaded, injure you for a moment in his eyes."

"But, my dear father," said Adeline, "it is impossible, after what has passed, that I can remain any longer in this attire. I can never, indeed, re-appear in the presence of Edward until I have made the necessary alteration in my dress." At this moment, and as Lluellyn was about to speak, a gentle tap at the door was heard; and in an instant after, the voice of Mr. Walsingham, requesting an interview with his friend in the study.

"Well, Lluellyn," he exclaimed, as the old man entered the room, conducted thither by the housekeeper, who had been sent forward by Mr. Walsingham for that purpose, "it is as I suspected, and we must now consult upon the mode best calculated for carrying the plan we had agreed upon into execution. Presuming, however, that you have nothing prepared for the change we meditate, I have asked Mrs. Sedley's advice upon the occasion; and she tells. me, that in three days at farthest, provided the habiliments required be unadorned and of the simplest description, she shall, with the aid of

a short excursion to Helmsley, be fully prepared."

"My good and generous friend," answered the aged minstrel, his voice faultering with emotion, how shall I thank you for this unexampled kindness; how apologize to you for the great and unexpected trouble I am thus giving?" Say, no more Lluellyn," cried Mr. Walsingham; " but rest assured, that all that I can do for yourself and for Adeline, who, by the bye," he added, with a smile, "has become a prodigious favourite of mine, shall be done."

It was then agreed that Adeline, who had sent a petition by her father to that purpose, and which had met with the decided approbation of Mr. Walsingham, should remain in her own room until Mrs. Sedley should have procured what was requisite for the intended change; and that, in the meantime, every further arrangement should take place in the family, which this resumption of the female character, and the necessary attendance of the daughter on her blind and aged father, might demand. The re-appearance of Adeline was, as might be expected, very impatiently waited for by

Edward, on whose heart and imagination every thing which had lately taken place had been such, in fact, as to produce an impression as durable as it was romantic and exciting.

It was on the morning of the fourth day from the occurrence of the accident at Helmsley castle, that, as he and his guardian were just sate down to an early breakfast, and were momentarily expecting the arrival of Lluellyn under the escort of Mrs. Sedley, the door suddenly opening, presented to their view the blind and grey-haired bard leaning on the arm of his daughter. Though dressed as plain as possible, having nothing on more ornamental than a white robe, edged with black, and a white ribband in her hair, there never was, perhaps, a more lovely and interesting figure than that which Adeline now exhibited to their delighted senses. A blush just kindling on her cheek, had given added lustre and animation to her dark blue eyes, in which there seemed to dwell an expression of mingled archness, simplicity, and tenderness, while on her lips, a smile but half-repressed, and struggling to break forth, still further lighted up a countenance where

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