before the voice, since it is thus only that the structure of the sentence can be perceived, and the spirit of the author caught. A practised reader will by this means be enabled not only to give to every sentence the proper pauses, inflections and emphases, but to superadd that intonation, which is most suitable to the style and matter of what he is delivering. But although (by the kind of visus eruditus which he possesses) a practised reader will read well at sight, it is not advisable that this should be attempted by beginners. What they have to read out to a number of persons, ought by all means to be read over first to themselves, in order that they may comprehend the structure of the most complicated sentences, adjust the inflections of those parts which admit of the greatest variety, and discern the full scope and spirit of the whole. It only remains to be observed that, in order to ensure success in this as in every other pursuit, the student must bestow upon it the most close and persevering attention. He must study, and he must re-study the rules which are given him. He must keep the subject in view in the course of his general reading, and in his intercourse with the world. He must bring to the test of rule the manner of different speakers, and copy only what is decidedly excellent; and if, either from a deficiency of natural power, or from the want of good models, or from any other cause, he be precluded from attaining the higher graces of elocution, he need not despair of correcting obvious defects, and of acquiring a manner of delivery which is just, natural, and forcible. The Author takes this opportunity of recommending as a most useful book for the practice of Elocution, The School Anthology; or, Selections for Reading and Recitation, in Prose and Verse. By J. H. BRANSBY. London: Baldwin. 1831. G. 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