HE author of the Spectator having prefix'd before each of his volumes the name of fome great per fon to whom he has particular obligations, lays his claim to your VOL. V. A lord lordship's patronage upon the same account. I must confefs, my Lord, had not I already received great inftances of your favour, I should have been afraid of fubmitting a work of this nature to your perusal. You are so thoroughly acquainted with the characters of men, and all the parts of human life, that it is impossible for the least mifrepresentation of them to efcape your notice. It is your lordship's particular distinction that you are master of the whole compass of business, and have signaliz'd your self in all the different scenes of it. We admire fome for the dignity, others for the popularity of their behaviour; fome for their clearness of judgment, others for their happiness of expreffion; some for the laying of schemes, |