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ga's Despatch on the Quarrels of the Clergy-The Colony
reconciled to the New Government-Its Interference between
Debtors and Creditors-Power of granting Lands where
Vested-Defensive Resources of the Colony-Unzaga desires
his Recall-Unzaga recommends a Better Organization-
End of Unzaga's Administration,





1777 to 1783.


1784 to 1785.

Galvez' Administration-Encouragement to Commerce and
Agriculture-Joint Despatch of Villars and D'Aunoy-
George Morgan's Letter to Galvez-Galvez provides for the,
Defence of the Colony-Views of Spain as to the American
War in 1777-Galvez gives Assistance to the Americans-
Captain Willing's Expedition-New Facilities granted to
Commerce in 1778-Spanish Colonists from the Canary
Islands-The English Trade excluded from the Colony-
The Confiscation of Noyan's Estate-Other Colonists from
the Canary Islands-Ravages of the Small-Pox and of Hurri-
canes-Spain declares War against England-Galvez' Mili-
tary Preparations-Galvez' Address to the Louisianians—
Galvez ready to attack the English-Departure of the
Expedition-Fort Manchac carried by Storm-Siege of Ba-
ton Rouge-Baton Rouge and Natchez taken-Naval Ex-
ploit of Vincent Rieux-Good Behavior of the Militia-Good
Behavior of the Blacks and Indians-Rewards granted by
the Spanish Court-An Epic Poem by Julien Poydras―
Galvez attacks Mobile-Surrender of Mobile-Galvez pre-
pares to attack Pensacola-Sounding of the Pensacola
Channel-The Spanish Admiral refuses to enter it-Galvez
causes the Channel to be sounded-Heroism of Galvez-
Siege of Pensacola-Blowing-up of a Redoubt-Capitulation
of Pensacola-Insurrection and retaking of Fort Panmure—
Retreat of the Insurgents from Natchez-Distress of the In-

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What is a Juez de Residencia?-Census of 1785-Arrival of
Acadian Families-Respite granted to Debtors-Commerce
of the Colony-Mirò's View on the same Subject-Navarro's
Views on the same Subject-Navarro's Recommendations on
the Subject-Royal Order as to the Natchez District in 1786
-Mirò's Bando de Buen Gobierno-Arrival of Irish Priests—
Navarro's Fears of the Americans-Defenceless State of the
Colony-Encouragement to Emigrants-Commercial Distress
of the Colony-Navarro's Advice to his Government-Na-
varro's Fears of American Ambition-Epidemics in the Colony
-Mirò conciliates the Indians-Cost of Indian Friendship—
Schemes to dismember the United States-Plans of Mirò and
Gardoqui-Wilkinson's Visit to New Orleans-Wilkinson's
Memorial-George Morgan, Leader of Emigrants-Mirò and
Wower D'Argès-Mirò's Views on American Emigration-
Mirò advocates Commercial Franchises-Mirò's Instructions
to Grandpré-Oath imposed on Emigrants-Great Fire in
New Orleans-Public Education in 1788-Spanish Intrigues
with Wilkinson-Wilkinson's Letter to Mirò-Major Isaac
Dunn-Alexander Leatt Bullit and Harry Innis-Daniel
Clark, Wilkinson's Agent-Wilkinson's Flatboats-Spanish
Loan to Wilkinson-M'Gillivray's Letter to Mirò-Intrigues
in Cumberland District- Census of Louisiana in 1788-Na-
varro's Memorial-Spanish Intrigues in the West-Colonel
Morgan's Memorial-Gardoqui's Letter to Major Dunn-

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Governor Sevier's Letter to Gardoqui-Dr. James White's Let-
ter to Mirò-Mirò's Answer-Districts of Mirò and Frankland
-Mirò and General Daniel Smith-Mirò and Gardoqui at
Variance-Mirò rebukes Colonel Morgan-Colonel Morgan's
Apology-Surveyor-General Thos. Hutchins-Pierre Foucher
and New Madrid-The Holy Inquisition-Father Antonio de
Sedella-The Cathedral in New Orleans-The South Caro-
lina Company-Moultrie, Huger, Snipes, Washington-
Wilkinson's Advice to the S. C. Company-Sebastian beg-
ging Remuneration-Continuation of Wilkinson's Intrigues-
G. Nicholas, S. M'Dowell and Payton Short-Continuation of
Wilkinson's Intrigues - Wilkinson's Wish to become a
Spaniard-Moultrie's Letter to Wilkinson-Miro's Letter to
Wilkinson-Miro's Contemptuous Language-A Lesson to
Traitors-Mirò's Distrust of Wilkinson-Sebastian, a Spy on
Wilkinson Mirò praising Wilkinson-James O'Fallon's
Letter to Mirò-Plan of the South Carolina Company-
O'Fallon's Credentials-Scheme to set up an Independent
Government-Wilkinson's Opinion of O'Fallon Miro's

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