CONTENTS. O'Reilly's Administration-Organization of the Government- Oath of Office-O'Reilly's Proclamation-Duties and Juris- diction of Public Officers-O'Reilly's Legislation-Its Effects on the Laws previously Existing-O'Reilly's Instructions to Commandants-O'Reilly's Enlightened Views on the Com- mercial Wants of the Colony-O'Reilly's Liberal Policy— Raising of the Louisiana Regiment-Inauguration of the Ca- · bildo-Concessions of Vacant Lands-Regulations for Grants of Land-New Orleans-Its Annual Revenue-Commercial Regulations-The Capuchins and the Nuns-The French Unzaga's Administration-Commerce of the Colony-Disastrous ga's Despatch on the Quarrels of the Clergy-The Colony Page 42 CHAPTER III. GALVEZ' ADMINISTRATION. 1777 to 1783. MIRO'S ADMINISTRATION. 1784 to 1785. Galvez' Administration-Encouragement to Commerce and surgents-Martin Navarro's Circular-Answer of the Colo- nists-Privileges granted to the Colony-Father Cirilo made. a Bishop-Treaty between Spain and other Powers- M'Gillivray the Half-Breed Indian-His Propositions and Disclosures to Spain-A Congress of the Indian Nations- Treaty of Spain with the Indians-Regulations for the Indian Trade-Extraordinary Severity of the Winter of 1784- What is a Juez de Residencia?-Census of 1785-Arrival of Oliver Pollock and James Brown-Inundations in Louisiana Wilkinson communicates his Views to Spain-Wilkinson's Advice to Spain-Wilkinson's Apprehensions of Detection- English Intrigues in the West-Wilkinson dupes Colonel Connelly-Wilkinson denounces the French-Wilkinson's Devotion to Spain-Gen. St. Clair's Letter to Major Dunn- Wilkinson and James Brown-Gardoqui and Major Dunn- Wilkinson denounces Colonel Morgan-Peter Paulus, Dorsey and Paulin-Wilkinson's Letter to Gardoqui-Miro's Deal- ings with Peter Paulus-Mirò's Despatch to his Government Page Governor Sevier's Letter to Gardoqui-Dr. James White's Let- |