No. XI. Acts regulating Ships engaged in foreign and do- mestic trade and the fisheries in the U. States 559 OF CASES CITED. ACCORDING TO THE PAGES OF THE ENGLISH EDITION. A. ship) Amies v. Stevens Alleson v. Marsh 243 Barber v. Wharton 74, 151 461 460 Barclay [Pickering v.] 253, 254 America, Sherborne (case of Baring v. Day 280 258 Barnardiston v. Chapman 383, 398 [Teed v.] 100 87 Anderson (Camden v.) 71 [Watkinson v.] 137 (Hammond v.) 364 139 v. Pitcher 213, 235 Barton v. Wolliford 254 Andrews v. Glover Anne, Lord (case of ship) s Batson, Ex parte 280 Bawden [Hernaman v.] 10, 11 444 Ansley (Blacket v.) 89 Baxter [Lister v.] 151, 155 Appleby v. Dods 433 Bayley v. Grant 460 Appleby v. Pollock 368 Beal [Hunter v.] 360 430 Beale v. Thompson 272, 425 Armstrong v. Smith Artaza v. Smallpiece Astcock (Bird v.) Atkinson v. Maling Atty v. Parish Atwood (Buck v.) Audley v. Duff Ayles (Stanley v.) B. Backhouse (French v.) v. Ripley Backe (Wilkes v.) Baillie v. Moudigliani 292, Bainbridge (Mills v.) Baker [Addis v.] 277 329 Beatson v. Shank 10 Beaver, Grierson [case of ship] 187 425 469 Benn [Brown v.] 461 235 Bennet [Buggin v.] 463 98 [Garnam v.] 127 Bens v. Parre 460, 462, 463 Cook v. Jennings Cooker v. Child 57 Despard (Wilkins v.) 204 Dick v. Lumsden ship) Dickenson (Dockwray v) 308 Dimmock v. Chandler 399 94 109 376 98 273 89 188 Ditchell (Rinquist v.) 122, 216 Copenhagen, Mening (case of Dockwray v. Dickenson. ship) Copley (Gilby.v.) 226 Donaldson v. Forster 98 95 433 213 92 334 Dorothy Foster, Sowden (case 384 226 235 55 248 10 of ship) 212, 215 Downe (Corban v.) 365, 375 (Long v.) 135 Dunnage v. Jolliffe 21 Dutrey (Marsham v.) 334, 351 Crawford (Parish v.) Cuff (Pratt v.) 447 E. Curling (Brandon v.) 411 v. Long Curtis v. Perry King v.) 69 East India Comp. (Edwin v.) 268 Customs Commissioners of (the Cutter v. Powell 57 East India Comp. (Ekins v) S (Gordon v.) 10 East India Comp. (Hotham v.) 429 D. Da Costa v. Newnham Dale v. Hall Dale (Westerdell v.) Davis (Farmer v.) (Speering v.). 333, 335, 338 241 20, 59, 71, 134 Eaton v. Jaques 125, 134 Eden (Paul v.) 383, 398 Edwards v. Child (Lewin v.). 269 (Tod v.) 211, notis 19 424, 426 431 268 3 Kreagh 404 361 120 465 Edwin v. E. I. Comp. |