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to do that her Majesty expressed herself highly gratified by every circumstance of her visit to Ireland; not only with the noble plains of the Curragh, and with the unmatched loveliness of the Lakes of Killarney, but with the loyalty, the warmth, and the whole demeanour of her Irish people. Greatly pleased and struck, indeed, her Majesty could not fail to be with the obvious marks of progress and improvement in this portion of her dominions. They meet us in every branch of occupation, and in every field of exertion. I know that I have been sometimes charged with presenting almost too favourable and highly coloured a picture of the condition of the country; but I do not conceal from myself that the entire of the season through which we have already passed, and the great prevalence of more than even our usual watery skies, must inspire us with some uneasiness, lest there may not be a corresponding amount of precaution, if distress is to be apprehended in the ensuing winter. These may be all matters for action and watchfulness; but let us not, in any case, forget that the proper result of privation is patience, and that difficulties are sent to call forth the energies with which to conquer them; and it will go far to ennoble the pursuits and studies which engage you in this place, if you accustom yourselves, not merely to consider them as the pastime of an idle hour, or as the extra gilding of the stern realities of life, but as the means of imparting additional strength and solidity to your intellectual powers, and, perhaps, of furnishing you with a safe and enduring protection against the rude weather and the storms which disturb the moral as well as the material world.


[DECEMBER 22ND, 1862.]



AM extremely obliged to you for the cordial manner in which you have assented to the kindly proposition of your accomplished President. As I have on several occasions before discharged the same

agreeable function of delivering the prizes to the candidates, I am happy to say of both sexes, who have proved themselves worthy of distinction; and as I do not by any means come here as a stranger, I should indeed have found it difficult to impart the slightest novelty to any remarks I have to make; but this is a matter which can fortunately be dispensed with on the present occasion, in consequence of the happy idea of introducing a lecture by the President himself; and I am sure, we all here agree that that lecture has been an eminently instructive and interesting one. Sir Robert Kane has shown us how out of the darkest, and duskiest, and grimiest material of nature, there can be brought the most gaudy rays of colour, the tenderest tints of beauty, the most exquisite delicacies of scent. And is it not true that this is a law which seems to pervade both the natural and the moral world. The night gives way to morning; the icy blasts of winter herald the balmy breezes of spring; the howling storm to which we often are doomed to listen, purifies our atmospere; everything in a state of violence and disturbance seems to give way to a settled order and regularity. The slimy silkworm produces the lustrous silk, and even the dusky charcoal emits the blazing diamond; and so the very privations and struggles which thicken round the doors of the less opulent and favoured members of society engender the industry, the invention, the enterprise, the patient toil, the manly bearing, the Christian faith, which only meets difficulties to master them. It is said, perhaps in the most perfect of all poems,—

"Perhaps in this neglected spot is laid

Some heart once pregnant with celestial fire,
Hands, that the rod of empire might have sway'd,
Or wak'd to ecstacy the living lyre."

And this is the merit of an institution like this, that if there are the seeds of success in handicraft, in art, in science, in literature, latent amongst us, by your lectures, by your studies, by your competitions here, there is at least an opportunity given for discovering and for developing them. We heard to-night of what occurred in the case of a Pontifex. If we had him here, I would not say I would confer the order of knighthood upon him, but I would dub him Pontifex Maximus. I rejoice to hear from Sir Robert Kane so agreeable and satisfactory an account of the progress of the institution, and of the studies and compe


titions which we hear have been carried on; and, thanking you for the kindness with which you have personally received me, I hope you will allow me to wish you all a happy Christmas and a prosperous new





[OCTOBER 1ST, 1863.]


AM very glad to have once more an opportunity of performing the agreeable office of distributing the prizes to the successful candidates in the classes of this institution. I rejoice to hear that in the past season the attendance has been so large, and the prizes and medals awarded so numerous. Probably most of you are aware that the affairs of this institution have been the subject of some discussion. Now, I feel that this is not the time, this is not the place, and, most of all, I am not the person, to enter on any controversial topics. I feel it to be my duty always, when properly called on, to give such an opinion as my opportunities enable me to form; that opinion has always been given in commendation of this institution. I believe that much work has been done here. I believe that the work has been done well. I believe that the officers attached to the institution are able and eminent men, who zealously and conscientiously devote their time and abilities to the work set before them; and my general feeling in such matters is, that while we cannot hope to obtain perfection in an institution, or in any system, it is always the wisest and safest course to let well alone. Your able and accomplished Director, Sir Robert Kane, has this evening given us a most interesting lecture upon the making of matches. I suppose he does not wish to consider himself our incendiary, although at times we might almost believe that he was going to show his abilities in that quarter. I suppose he will be content if we dub him "the

great matchmaker;" and I only hope that the parents of the young ladies and gentlemen who come to these classes-the ladies, by-thebye, having been this evening conspicuous by their absence-will not think he carries that capacity beyond the bounds of prudence. Ladies and Gentlemen, this city has been much engrossed this week by the Channel Fleet. Now, this is a subject not directly akin to the business of this institution, whose object is certainly not to raise seamen for Her Majesty's navy; but I think it was impossible to pass under those mighty fabrics which I saw yesterday, not exactly answering to the language used by Canning, in one of the most brilliant passages of his matchless rhetoric-" Reposing upon their shadows in perfect stillness." But, as I saw them, I could not fail to become intensely conscious how much every principle of science and every nicety of manufacture must have contributed to the ultimate object and perfection of those constructions; and you will all do well to bear in mind that there is no pursuit or project of industry upon which science does not send her guiding ray; and that without exercising the spirit of constant perseverance, and the travail of patient labour, no success or excellence can finally be obtained. With the best wishes for the institution collectively, and for you, Ladies and Gentlemen, individually, I beg respectfully to take my leave.




[MARCH 31ST, 1860.]

R. MACRORY returned thanks to His Excellency, on behalf of the Committee of Fine Arts, for his kindness in presiding over the proceedings of that day. He was sure it was no small source of gratification to the pupils that they had received their respective rewards from the Representative of Majesty in this country.

The HON. GEORGE HANDCOCK seconded the vote of thanks.



I beg, briefly, but most sincerely, to return thanks to one and all of you, for the kind reception you have given to the proposal of a vote of thanks which has just been submitted to you. Let me assure you, on my own part, that I have had the greatest pleasure in resuming the functions which I once, at least, exercised before-of distributing, as I have just now done, the respective prizes to the successful competitors in the Royal Dublin Society's School of Art, which has thus become housed and fostered in the precincts of the Royal Dublin Society. It occurs to me how most appropriate to the functions in which we are engaged is the very spot where we are assembled,-surrounded as we are by those types and models of antique and heroic art, which of themselves probably furnish a considerable part of the inspiration that has prompted the work which has been this day so honourably distinguished. I learn, with great pleasure, that this branch of your institution is making such decided progress. I collect, in the first place, in the mere item of number, that during the last year the number of students has increased from 600 to 730, being an addition of 130 within a period of a single year. The mover of the vote of thanks, for which I am now expressing my acknowledgments, appropriately reminded you of the different classes which contributed to the exertions of the past year, and to the exhibition of this afternoon; and it is plain, from what we have witnessed to-day, that aptitude for art, as well as propriety of demeanour and intelligence of countenance, are not exclusive appendages of any class or calling in our country, or in the city of Dublin. I think it is gratifying to observe the number of callings and avocations of those who contribute their quota to the pupils of this institution. I perceive by the Report that mention is made of their respective pursuits and employments, and of those who are stated to have no occupations there are 320. Now, I hope, and I am sure, this does not intend to denote that those persons are without any occupation or employment whatsoever in life; and I must express my belief that if it were so, they would be probably, of all human beings, the most unhappy. Perhaps every profession and pursuit has its peculiar annoyances, drudgery, and drawback; but, depend upon it, the most irksome and tedious of all careers is a life of idleness. However, I must assume that this large

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