The courtier smooth, who forty years had shin'd An humble servant to all humankınd, Just brought out this, when scarce his tongue could stir: "If-where I'm going-I could serve you, sir?" " I give and I devise (old Euclio said, And sigh'd) my lands and tenements to Ned." "Your money, sir?" -" My money, sir! what, all? Why-if I must-(then wept) I give it Paul." "The manor, sir?"-" The manor! hold, "he cried, "Not that I cannot part with that"-and died.1 And you, brave Cobham! to the latest breath Shall feel your ruling passion strong in death; Such in those moments as in all the past, "O save my country, Heaven!" shall be your last. The words of Sir William Bateman on his deathbed. EPISTLE 11. TO A LADY.1 OF THE CHARACTERS OF WOMEN. ARGUMENT. That the particular characters of women are not so strongly marked as those of men, seldom so fixed, and still more inconsistent with themselves. Instances of contrarieties given, even from such characters as are more strongly marked, and seemingly, therefore, most consistent: as 1. In the affected. 2. In the soft-natured. 3. In the cunning and artful. 4. In the whimsical. 5. In the lewd and vicious. 6. In the witty and refined. 7. In the stupid and simple. The former part having shown that the particular characters of women are more various than those of men, it is nevertheless observed that the general characteristic of the sex, as to the ruling passion, is more uniform. This is occasioned partly by their nature, partly by their education, and in some degree by necessity. What are the aims and the fate of this sex: 1. As to power. 2. As to pleasure. Advice for their true interest. The picture of an estimable woman, with the best kind of contrarieties. NOTHING so true as what you once let fall, "Most women have no characters at all:" Matter too soft a lasting mark to bear, And best distinguish'd by black, brown, or fair. Martha Blount. How many pictures of one nymph we view, All how unlike each other, all how true! Arcadia's countess here, in ermin'd pride, Is there, Pastora by a fountain side: Here Fannia, leering on her own good man, And there a naked Leda with a swan. Let then the fair one beautifully cry, In Magdalen's loose hair and lifted eye; Or dress'd in smiles of sweet Cecilia shine, With simpering angels, palms, and harps divine; Whether the charmer sinner it, or saint it, If folly grow romantic, I must paint it. Come, then, the colours and the ground prepare! Attracts each light gay meteor of a spark, All eyes may see from what the change arose ; All eyes may see-a pimple on her nose. Papillia, wedded to her amorous spark, 'Tis to their changes half their charms we owe: As when she touch'd the brink of all we hate. To make a wash would hardly stew a child; • Duchess of Hamilton. Now deep in Taylor and the Book of Martyrs, 3 Henrietta, usually called the young Duchess of Marlborough; to whom Congreve left the greater part of his fortune. |